Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty
Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!
When you woke up this morning, how did you feel?
Did you feel good about yourself?
Did you feel sexy?
Did you feel strong and powerful?
When you put on your clothes, did you feel hot, sexy, and confident?
Or are you not feeling sexy because you don’t like the outfit you’re wearing.
Or you don’t feel confident because your shoes aren’t exactly you favorites.
Or maybe this is it: you don’t feel good because your insides are not full of love for yourself.
I know when I dress like shit it’s because I don’t feel good on the inside. My inward expression became my outward expression.
When I wake up in the morning and I feel great, my clothes match my attitude. I always reach for my favorite things: my favorite jeans, my favorite shirt, my favorite pair shoes.
But I know when I don’t feel good on the inside, I don’t shower in the morning, I walk around in a t-shirt, my hair is usually standing up like a wolfman, and a pair of shorts that I probably don’t even like.
When you don’t feel good on the inside, your outside will show it too.
But more importantly, you’re not going to attract anybody. There’s no way you can attract a great man when you do not love yourself inside and out.
As humans, we smell each other out. Our subconscious minds are communicating even when we’re not.
So you’ve got to start from the inside every single day and fall in love with yourself more and more every day, so that way you’ll be able to attract and meet the love that you desire, want, and deserve.
Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!
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Saturday, October 6th, 2012
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
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Thursday, October 11th, 2012
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Friday, October 12th, 2012
Friday, October 12th, 2012
Friday, October 12th, 2012