Sick of all the minutemen & one-pump chumps who couldn't
make you climax if their lives depended on it?
After Today, You Will Be Able to Turn Any Man Into The Best Lover You've Ever Had...
...And Enjoy The Most Passionate Loving Connection You’ve Ever Had With Your Man Once You Discover These Powerful
Sexual Secrets Hidden Inside His Mind!
Let Me Ask You...
- Are you tired of hearing about the amazing sex your friends are having?
- Does it feel like you’re destined to never have really great sex?
- Do the men you date finish too fast… way too fast?
- Do you think it’s a reflection on how he feels about you?
- Does it make you feel undesirable?
- Do you wonder if he loves you the way he should?
- Do you take it personally that your husband or boyfriend doesn’t do the things that push your buttons and drive you wild?
- Does it hurt you to think the man you’ve chosen to spend your life with doesn’t treat you like a sex goddess?
- Does it feel like you’re settling for a less than you should?
- Do you really love your man but hate the feeling that you’re doomed to a lame sex life?
What If I Told You All Men Have A "Sex Switch"... And If You Know How To Flip It, You Can Instantly Transform Your Man Into Your Ultimate Sexual Fantasy?
Listen up, because I’m going to tell you exactly how you can have better, more passionate, more satisfying sex all the time, quickly and easily.
Trust me when I tell you that…
If you want to have GREAT SEX now or ever, this is the most important message you will ever see.
I’m going to let you in on the special secrets that are GUARANTEED to turn a man — any man — into the ultimate sexual partner, a man that’s physically obsessed with you and craves you sexually, whose only mission in life is to satisfy you.
Over and over again.
And the amazing thing is: you’ll make him feel like more of a man at the same time.
I’ll say that again because it’s crucial you understand it: you will make him feel more like more of a man with the confidence of a rock star!
I promise.
Sex is your birthright, so you might as well enjoy it. Right?
Not as a chore or an obligation, but for love, for passion, for fun and to make you happy. It’s your primal instinct and it’s supposed to be fun and satisfying.
"New Medical Research PROVES It"!
If you’re not having great sex or you aren’t even having orgasms, it’s no big deal, right?
It’s a very big deal and here’s why; this problem affects the other parts of your life and you don’t even realize it.
The AMA (American Medical Association) has reported that women who have better sex and regular orgasms live happier and longer lives.
It keeps you from feeling happy and fulfilled, hurts you emotionally and debilitates your physically well-being.
Sex Should Make You Happy
If I could wave my magic wand and instantly add any 2 things to your sex life, they would be MORE passion and MORE satisfaction. Right?
Well, it must be your lucky day, because I happen to have a magic wand right here, right now.
And I'm going to use it to teach you how to have more fun in bed, have better sex and feel like you’re a worshipped sex goddess.
I’m also going to show you how you can have the most incredible orgasm you’ve ever had.
And you’ll be able do it over and over. Whenever you want.
Every single day.
How Do I Know All Of This?

As Seen On:
For the last 20 years I’ve been helping men and women have success in dating, more fulfilling relationships and better sex.
I am regularly interviewed by television shows (including The Steve Harvey Show, FoxNews, MTV, E!, Dateline NBC & The Early Show), magazines (including Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire & Harpers Bazaar) and newspapers (including The NY Times, The LA Times, The Miami Herald & The Boston Globe)...just to name a few.
I've coached thousands of both men and women from across the world, and as you might guess, the reasons they come to me are WILDLY different from one another.
Men want to know how to approach you. They want to know how to talk to you, how to flirt with you, and how to muster up the courage to ask you out for a date. And once they accomplish that... they're "in" (at least, that's how they think).
Most Men Aren't Concerned With Being Great at Sex...
...because they all think they're already AMAZING at it! Every single man in the world firmly believes he’s great at sex. Even if he hasn’t had many partners. Heck, even if he's a virgin, he's still thinking, "I'm still an Adonis in bed."
Every man’s sexual experiences, since the very first time they masturbated, ended brilliantly… with an orgasm.
So guys figure, if it felt that amazing, they must be great at it. Right?
But you and I know most guys are not great at sex.
The problem is, though, you can't tell them that! We're fragile creatures. Our egos are delicate.
You Have to Communicate Your Sexual Needs in a Way That Doesn't Hurt Him, But Actually Makes Him Feel Like Even MORE of a Man!
And if you think that sounds impossible. well then you've come to the right place. Because that's EXACTLY why I created this groundbreaking new program, "How to Tell A Man What You Want in Bed" — so your man actually can be great at sex and you will be happy and satisfied!
Presenting :
How to Tell a Man What You Want in Bed
The Step-By-Step Roadmap Toward the Most Amazing, Orgasmic Sex You've Ever Had in Your Life!
This 5 volume coaching product will change your life forever! It’s never been available before, I am now offering it to you for this limited release!
Whether you’re in a new relationship, been married forever or are currently single, "How to Tell A Man What You Want In Bed" is the program you can’t live without!
Here's Just Some of What You'll Learn In This
Indispensable 5-Volume Series:
Volume I: Sex and Intimacy:
- FINALLY meet Mr. Right so you can stop wasting time with all the 'Mr. Wrongs'.
- Discover how you want to feel so you'll get the afterglow your friends will talk about.
- Learn the "art of the tease" so you'll finally be in the power position!
- Unveil your man's sensitivity & understand him emotionally.
- Spot the warning signs of a "player" so you'll avoid sleeping with him too soon.
- Lose your fear FOR GOOD & watch your orgasms to multiply!
Volume II: Drive Him Wild In Bed (TRUE Male Sex Confessions)
- Hear exactly what guys want and why it's okay to let your sexuality out and be free.
- Learn how the male mind works & stop wondering what he's thinking.
- Know what flips-his-switch — turn YOUR fantasies into HIS actions.
- Discover how to keep him guessing & make him chase you!
- EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about dirty talk (but have been too shy to ask)!
- Train him to know which parts of your body need attention.
Volume III: The Secret To Romantic Intimacy
- Learn every woman's secret weapon & how to use it to make him worship and adore you.
- Learn exactly what to say after sex.
- The secrets of oral sex — ensures he keeps doing it and gets better every time!
- How to manage his ego & transform him into the best lover you've ever had!
- Understand why people cheat & keep your relationship fresh and solid as a rock.
Volume IV: How To Make Your Desires HIS Idea
- Learn how to make him chase you so he'll become OBSESSED with satisfying your wildest fantasies.
- Make him worship you like a sex goddess.
- Decipher his love language so you'll be on the fast track to ecstasy.
- FINALLY gain peace of mind when you learn how easy it is to drive him wild.
- Learn how to turn his attention on what turns YOU on.
- Discover his own fantasies.
- Show him how to drive you wild & make him your own personal super-stud.
Volume V: Demystifying The Male Sexual Code
- FINALLY understand what men want (this is the roadmap to intimacy you've been looking for)!
- Make him feel like not only your best lover, but also more of a man.
- Relieve his anxiety so he'll feel free to be your ultimate lover.
- Lose your fear, ask questions & communicate openly about sex.
- Learn to ask for what you want the right way.
- Learn to relax & enjoy the pleasure he wants to give you.
- The secret to making your desires his instructions.
- PLUS the hidden secret to climax in ways you never thought possible.
But I didn’t stop there!
I know how much you're going to want this program and how much it will mean to you, so I’m also including some INCREDIBLE bonuses — including the groundbreaking "Get It Right" audio series (a $47 value alone) — FOR FREE when you order today:
FREE! Get It Right v1: "Who Are You?"
- What real compatibility is about
- How to ALIGN your INNER ENERGY, the stuff that makes you unique in this world and ultimately attractive to others.
- Understanding who you are — and who YOU will be most compatible with.
- Learn the 3 legs that make up the “STOOL OF LOVE”
- Spot the WARNING SIGNS that someone you're dating is wrong for you (before things crash and burn)
- Why the usual “fix it” stuff we learn to use in relationships almost never works.
- How to turn relationship challenges into relationship ADVANTAGES.
FREE! Get It Right v2: "Your Best Reflection"
- Start LOVING what you see in the mirror.
- How to take your best self out on a date with you.
- Why SURRENDER is not the end, but actually the beginning, of true intimacy.
- What to do when your relationship starts to crumble.
- How your fantasies can keep you from truly connecting with a real person
- The ONE THING you may be doing that will sabotage your relationships every time.
- Get over — and STAY over — your ex
- Discover how to break up “properly” without drama.
- How to not get caught up in “new relationship” trance
- How to know what your “LOVE FREQUENCY” is, and how to find someone who has a compatible frequency to you.
- How to open your heart and soul up so that you can let things unfold naturally in your relationship
- The importance of TIMING in dating, and how to recognize GOOD TIMING.
FREE! Get It Right v3: "Kick the Habit"
- Get rid of guilt, shame, blame and resentment FOREVER
- How to state your needs and boundaries & have someone hear you the first time.
- How to get in touch with your needs & understand them.
- Why your partner isn't fulfilling your needs — and what to do about it
- How to be heard in your relationship
FREE! "The Power of Self-Love"
By far the one of the most important audios you will ever listen to in your life — whether you're single, in a relationship, married, in search of that next love, alone and unhappy or divorced!
The power of self-love will help you have better, more fulfilling relationships with everyone in your life — and help you avoid almost all negative relationships.
In this powerful audio, I show you how to fall deeply in love with yourself, accept EVERYTHING about who you are. This is an audio about relationships that is unlike anything you've ever heard, and it all starts from within — embracing who you are as a person.
'The Power of Self Love' is the ideal companion for "How To Tell A Man What You Want In Bed" to help amplify your success and it's absolutely FREE!
FREE! 10-Day Trial of The Slight Edge Society (Optional)
Listen, I know you came here to learn about dating. To learn about attracting and dating the kind of quality men you desire. But you know what? I'm about so much more than that. You see, you can apply these same principles and be successful in so much more than your dating life. I'm talking about TOTAL success in EVERY area of your life. Health. Wealth. Mindset. All of it.
And that's why I created The Slight Edge Society — an exclusive community of likeminded men & women who are dedicated to improving their lives just a little bit each day. Because I truly believe that, whether we're talking about attraction or money or health, the difference between a winner or a loser is just that slight edge.
Members of The Slight Edge Society get a ton of amazing bonuses:
Weekly Videos
Every week, I will introduce you to my personal network of leaders in all fields, from love to wealth to health. I've spent the last 20 years working in the personal development industry and my contacts are like a who’s who in all of the above — and I am going to give you access to the people you've always wanted to meet and learn from but were never able to connect with.
Here's just a taste of what I'll expose you to:
- Health tips to live a longer life
- Cutting-edge business strategies that enable you to increase your income
- Wealth-building strategies
- Dating & relationship advice that will help you on the path for love
- Techniques for expanding your network to become a leader and a social magnet
- Secrets from world leaders on how to manifest the life you desire
Monthly Webcast Calls
You will also have the opportunity to jump on a one-hour webcast with me at 6 p.m. PST on the last Tuesday each month where we will explore and go over in finer detail what we are all working on and what you've been exposed to that month.
But more importantly, these calls give you direct & exclusive access to me. You will be able to ask me questions during the calls based on specific things that pertain to your life, from dating to health and success.
Monthly Product Downloads
I have thousands — literally thousands — of unreleased products that Slight Edge Society members will get EXCLUSIVE access to each month.
That's right. A free product every month that will give you the chance to expand on what you've learned in the monthly webcasts and video modules and put techniques into practice that will accelerate your personal growth in these areas.
Our Annual Mastermind Day Retreat
As a member of the Slight Edge Society, you will be invited to an exclusive yearly retreat: the Slight Edge Mastermind Day. Because as a member, I want to give you the chance to connect with like-minded people. At this retreat, you will be able to network, meet other members, and of course just have a great time!
10% OFF ALL Coaching Programs & Bootcamps
But that's not all! Slight Edge Society members also get 10% off ALL coaching programs that I offer. That includes:
- Hourly Phone Coaching
- Email Coaching Packets
- One-on-One Weekend Coaching
- Intensive Monthly Coaching
- Weekend Bootcamps
- Personalized Date Evaluations
...and ANY other coaching program I offer on my website!
With this free bonus, you will be receiving a 10 day free trial to The Slight Edge Society, where you will receive exclusive members-only videos, downloads, and webcast coaching sessions. You can cancel at anytime through our 24-Hour Help Desk. If you decide you want to continue as a subscriber, you will be billed $49.95 every month and continue to receive these AMAZING, exclusive bonuses each month.
This bonus is completely optional and you'll be able to "accept" or "deny" it on the checkout page.
What Women Like You are Saying About
How to Tell a Man What You Want in Bed !
A client Michelle L. in Chicago, 42, wrote:
David, I can’t thank you enough! First, for putting up with all my complaining, LOL. But really to change… ok revolutionize, my sex life after 17 years of marriage!!! Honestly, I feel like a new bride on her honeymoon and my husband has so much swagger, I swear he thinks he’s George Clooney! I never dreamed it could be this good (ok I did dream it). You’re the best!
Listen to what happened to Julie K. in Nashville, (33):
Thanks for making it so easy to talk to my new (6 months) boyfriend about sex. It really has become part of our every day, and every night. I’m embarrassed and relieved to say, I’ve finally had an orgasm! Six or seven actually. The best part is, he wants to keep talking even after it’s over. Then magically, he starts back up again! Even if this relationship doesn’t work for the long term, I’m going to keep this program forever! Thanks so much.
Why It's Just $67
I want you to think about what you spend every month on your hair, nails, gym membership, clothes, magazines, coffee, make-up and more. Hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, right?
Have any of these things ever given you a mind-blowing orgasm?
Of the hundreds of women I talked to, these are the things that mean the most to them. To feel like their man truly loves and adores them.
So what are they worth to you?
Years of market research suggested I could sell over 1000 copies for $134 — and a little while ago, I did just that. After all, the women I coach on the phone pay $300 an hour. In person, $1500 a day. And my bootcamps are $2500 for the weekend.
But I want you to succeed. I want yo finally have the sex and the relationships you deserve.
I want you to have this extraordinary product in your life.
So, I’m making it available now, for the incredible low price of just $67 (50% below its suggested retail price!).
Amazing! Can you think of any reason NOT to order it right now?
BUT — Only a Limited Quantity Will Be Sold for This Price!
After I release a 500 copies at this RIDICULOUSLY low price, my IT team says our servers are going to be going crazy. I may have to get a separate website just to handle the traffic... and we will definitely HAVE TO INCREASE THE PRICE.
See the table below for the price increase schedule... and order now to make sure you lock in the lowest price possible!
And Here's Where Things Get Really Crazy...
And look. I understand that you might be skeptical about some of the claims I've made on this page. I mean, I'm making a pretty bold claim telling you that this program will give you the best sex you've ever head in your life.
Literally. Write that down. THE BEST.
But I'm the kind of man who's always willing to put my money where my mouth is. That's why I'm also giving you my industry-best 60-day guarantee:
Take 60 Days — yep, 2 full months — to implement the strategies and techniques in How to Tell a Man What You Want in Bed, and if after implementing them* you aren't have BETTER sex in 60 days than you got in the last year, I'll refund every red cent you paid for this product.
Yes, I do mean MORE dates in just 2 months than you've had in the entire year before... and that's what I'm 100% confident you will experience this once you utilize the techniques I teach you!
This a WHOPPER of a Guarantee ... but I'm really THAT confident in How to Tell a Man What You Want in Bed!
*Because this is an "action-based" guarantee, to request a refund simply send me an email telling me which technique(s) you implemented and describe what happened that left you unsatisfied. I do this simply to protect myself from the 1% of you out there who are dishonest and are trying to scam me. For the rest of you, trust me, once you go through this product and change your life, the only thing you'll be thinking about is why you didn't find this sooner...
How's that for a bold claim?
But I promise you: if you buy today, you won't regret a single penny you spent. Your purchase is secure and absolutely, 100% RISK-FREE.
So you have nothing to lose. It’s time you started having the kind of mind blowing sex your friends will hate you for!
Remember: The Price DOUBLES When We Hit 500 Sales!
Just to put that in perspective, my site gets 8x that much traffic in a single day. And while you're waiting, still reading this...everyone else could be getting in on this incredible offer RIGHT NOW.
I could tell you, "you’ll regret it if you wait until the price goes up." But honestly, what you’ll really regret is losing your precious time and watching your chances for intimacy and passion fade every day!
There are no other programs like this on the market. I’ve coached hundreds of thousands of men and believe me when I tell you, men want to be told how to drive you wild, want to be your dream lover and they want satisfy you better than anyone ever has. They want it desperately, but you have to tell them how to do it the right way or the whole thing will blow up in your face.
Take my hand right now and I’ll show you how. It will be fun (a lot) and painless.
You know what your future looks like if you don’t order this program now. It looks as cold and desolate as your present. Is that what you want for yourself? Is that what you deserve? Of course not!
It’s time to invest in yourself.
You deserve passion and romance and intimacy and great sex, don’t you? That’s what I want for you and you should demand it for yourself. Order this program right now and start living the life you always imagined.
I'll see you inside
P.S. If you’re still afraid, I get it. Change is scary. Even if it is from something lame to something… fantastic!!!
How about if you and I think of all the reasons for you not to order this program now (and change your life)?
Ready the thing is, there aren’t any…
- It’s not expensive.
- It wasn’t created by some new coach without a track record, you’ve never heard of.
- It’s not hard to use (couldn’t be any easier).
- You can use it at any age, height, weight… any time you want to have great sex.
So what’s your excuse?
Unless… you don’t think you deserve astonishing intimacy and spectacular sex? That better not be it. Because let me tell you, you absolutely do deserve it. We all do.
P.P.S. This offer won’t last! After the first 500 sales, the price DOUBLES!
Remember that you're getting 5 life-changing audio volumes PLUS the BONUSES (altogether worth 5x more)!
You’ve waited long enough. Now is the time, this is your moment. Take this important first step to changing the rest of your life.
Don’t miss out!