For Single Guys Over 30 —
Discover How To Use Your Experience To Attract And Date Women Of Any Age… And Why Meeting The Women You Most Desire Can Be Easier NOW Than You Ever Thought Possible!
As Seen On:

If You Think Guys In Their 20’s Have An Advantage When It Comes To Attracting Women... Think Again!
If you are single and trying to meet and date women as a guy who is 32+ years old, you probably may have run into some of these frustrations:
- You want to be “out there” meeting women, but you have NO desire to hit the bars and clubs . . . or be in any kind of “pick up” environment
- You know exactly the kind of woman you want to meet . . . but you aren’t sure where to find women like that
- You are BUSY with your life, and you don’t have the time (or the desire) to have to go out to places or do things that totally don’t interest you — JUST so you can meet women.
- You are interested in dating women from a specific age group (maybe younger or older than you are), and people tell you that you shouldn’t date women in that age group … or that women in that age group won’t be attracted to a guy your age.
- People have told you that the women you are most attracted to are not attracted to guys like you . . . and you feel like you are being told to SETTLE.
- You can’t go through being in that same WRONG relationship with that same WRONG woman even one more time.
- You are divorced and/or a single dad, and you feel like you are LIMITED in which women (and how many women) you can attract.
- You know you have a ton to offer to women, but you have no clue how to use your best assets to attract women.
- You can’t seem to get out of your own head and get past all the monkey chatter and negative “junk” that you have built up for so long . . . all of which sabotages you in your interactions with women.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Can you relate to any of these?
If the answer to either of those questions was YES, then you are not alone.
BUT — here's the honest to God truth (as a mature man myself, I can tell you this with 100% confidence)...
Being 32 or Older Means That You Have So Many Women Who You Can Date!
Even if you’re 50 years old, you can date women as young as 22 or as old as 60 years old if you like. You have so many more options once you’re to this point in your life.
The key is to understand that the best way to meet women when you’re over the age of 32, is to meet them in situations where you are most comfortable — when you are at your most powerful and your most knowledgeable.
- Women are attracted to older men who are confident and secure.
- Women love learning from a secure, older man.
- You have life experience, and can talk about things and share things.
- Most shocking of all — THERE IS VIRTUALLY NO COMPETITION (you wouldn’t believe how few guys have made this realization!)
What This All Means For YOU
What all of this means for you... is a whole lot of good news about your future fortunes with women!
- IMAGINE feeling totally confident — and being perceived by women as being supremely confident — everywhere you go.
- IMAGINE knowing how to attract and totally connect with any woman — no matter what age she is
- IMAGINE never again having to go somewhere you have NO interest in just so you can meet women — and meeting amazing women in all the places you most love going.
- IMAGINE being around the exact women you most want to meet . . . and having very few guys competing for their attention.
- IMAGINE being able to be the selector instead of hoping to be selected by women . . . and never again settling for a woman you’re just not that into.
Again, speaking directly from my own experience, I can tell you:
This 32+ period has been the best time of my life. It’s amazing as a single guy, because you are finally confident in so many areas of your life. You know where your career is going, or you know what you want for your career.
Women Are INCREDIBLY Attracted To Men Over The Age Of 32... And The ONLY Things Stopping You From Being One Of Them Is Believing It & Knowing How To Make It Happen
This is the greatest time of your dating life — and that is why I created this special version of the Men’s Mastery Series just for guys in this 32+ age group. I created it because you deserve to date whatever kind of women you want — women of any age.
That’s what you really want, isn’t it?
Well, if you’re anything like the thousand plus guys I’ve personally coached over the last decade, the answer is an unequivocal "yes!"
And that’s exactly what you’re going to learn how to do, RIGHT NOW:
- How to meet the kind of women that make your knees buckle — naturally and effortlessly — in the flow of you’re regular, everyday life…
- The secrets to striking up fun, fearless conversations that excite you — and the women you talk to— while being yourself the entire time. No gimmicks, no fake stuff — just your own authentic personality…
- Why there’s never a need to copycat somebody else’s style or dress in clothes you hate. I’ll show you how to tap into your own unique personal image and style — and then how to showcase it for maximum impact (this is what women really want you to do — not wear a bunch of “flashy” or expensive clothes that make you uncomfortable. And, best of all, this is what they’re most attracted to on a gut level)…
- Foolproof ways to go from initial conversations… to phone numbers… to dates — quick, easy, fun, sexually-charged dates — no matter what your dating history or budget…
- What women really want in the bedroom — including how they want you to lead them into the bedroom (because women LOVE to be seduced!) Remember: I’ve talked to literally thousands of women over the years about what they want sexually — I even ran a radio show called “Fantasy Man” where women revealed their deepest, most guarded fantasies to me. And I’m about to teach you the essence of everything I’ve learned in this area…

Here's Just a Small Taste of What You'll Discover Inside:
Take 60 Days — yep, 2 full months — to implement the strategies and techniques in Men's Mastery Series, and if after implementing them* you aren't getting MORE dates in 60 days than you got in the last year, I'll refund every red cent you paid for this product.
Yes, I do mean MORE dates in just 2 months than you've had in the entire year before... and that's what I'm 100% confident you will experience this once you utilize the techniques I teach you!
This a WHOPPER of a Guarantee ... but I'm really THAT confident in Men's Mastery Series!
*Because this is an "action-based" guarantee, to request a refund simply send me an email telling me which technique(s) you implemented and describe what happened that left you unsatisfied. I do this simply to protect myself from the 1% of you out there who are dishonest and are trying to scam me. For the rest of you, trust me, once you go through this product and change your life, the only thing you'll be thinking about is why you didn't find this sooner...
Why I'm 100% Certain This Will Work For You:
- Because it’s the distillation of all the most powerful things I’ve learned in nearly a DECADE of coaching real guys out in the real world. No theory, no guesswork — I’ve included ONLY the tips, strategies and advice I’ve found to work for myself and my clients…
- Because I’m not a talking head that “puts on a show” in bars and clubs… I’m a regular, professional MATURE MAN who’s discovered how to be myself, and attract beautiful women without compromising my lifestyle in any way…
- Because it’s really all about lifestyle, isn’t it? The second you compromise your lifestyle in order to chase women, you become unhappy — and repulsive to women. Ironic, isn’t it? (But there IS a way to make changes in your life — changes that will make YOU happy — and then attract women like never before… That’s exactly what I’ve learned and it’s one of the many things you’ll discover in my Men’s Mastery Series)…
- Because I’ll NEVER hide anything from you, EVER — just look at the evidence: No silly nicknames… my face is all over my website and YouTube… my entire life is an open book (read my blog and newsletters and you’ll see how true this is)… Heck, I’ve even allowed some students to livewith me during their trainings. See if you can find any other gurus who are this open, inviting and honest about their personal lives…
- Finally, because I’m the ONLY dating coach who women trust enough to coach them. Why is that so important? Because it shows that I not only understand women on a deep level, but also because it shows that I’m not teaching anything that women find to be shady, unethical or undesirable in any way. My stuff is never about manipulating women — and always about naturally being the kind of guy they dream of at night…
PLUS: Fast Action-Takers Will Also Get Access to THESE VIP Bonuses:
Here's Everything You'll Get When You Take Action RIGHT NOW:

All 15 Volumes & 20+ Hours of Men's Mastery Series
$2,700 Value

Secrets of Online Seduction
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Don't Be A Slave To Your Dick
$24.97 Value

How to Create Exciting, Lasting Relationships With Girls, Overnight
$39.97 Value

Walk Away… So She Chases You!
$24.97 Value

Bring Her Back to That Magic Moment
$24.97 Value

Confessions From A Bootcamp Handbook
$49.97 Value
High Praise for Men's Mastery Series From Guys Like You:
What’s The Worst-Case Scenario?
You might learn some key insights into the mind of a woman?
You might learn one or two new techniques that help you connect better with women you meet?
You might learn a couple key insights into YOURSELF and what makes you tick...
Hmmm...Are those really downsides?
Now Consider the BEST-Case Scenario...
- You cultivate the kind of effortless, real inner confidence you’ve always wanted to have that allows you to enjoyably connect with anyone, anywhere … including with any woman you most desire.
- You learn how to identify and breakthrough once and for all… Each and every fear and excuse that have held you back and frustrated you in your dating life.
- You learn to become a master communicator who can create attraction and desire for you everywhere you go.
- You learn to create the kind of lifestyle for yourself that you’ve always dreamed of, and enjoy your life at a level you never believed possible.
- You never again chase a woman, and begin attracting the women you most want to attract.
- You have more dates than you have time to go on, and with the kind of women you most desire.
- Should I continue….this could be a VERY long list! (this is just the tip of the iceberg here…)
Once You Experience Men's Mastery Series, THIS is What Your Life Will Be Like:
Once you embrace that you can truly DESIGN YOUR IDEAL DATING LIFE AND DATE THE EXACT KIND OF WOMAN YOU MOST WANT, then all that is left is to know how to make it happen — which I can’t wait to show you!
Put those two pieces together, and here’s what life will be like for you:
- You will attract and date ONLY the kind of women who truly intrigue you.
- Any of you divorced men will know why you are women’s NUMBER ONE CHOICE to date (and you single dads will move up the women’s ladder too!)
- You will know EXACTLY where to go to meet these women you are looking for — and you won’t have to change even one thing from your routine or plans to do it . . . and you will always feel totally confident and powerful around them.
- You will instantly know what to say in every situation to attract and intrigue women — and, in fact, to make women “MELT” around you — without ever having to think about it or worry about it.
- You will feel like an AMAZING lover with women of all ages — It’s a known fact that younger women prefer older guys in bed (We last longer and have more patience)
- You will know how to use the fact that women really like the security that older men bring (along with the knowledge, wisdom and financial security) — to effortlessly attract women.
Isn’t Your Life Worth Investing In?
Especially when you have NOTHING to risk by giving this a try.
My 100% confidence in this program is incorporated into my "Industry BEST" 60- Day ‘Get MORE Dates’ Guarantee after all.
Can you honestly afford NOT to see if this product can totally transform your dating life? Don’t wait – take decisive action TODAY!
Don’t suffer through one more day being dissatisfied with your dating life.
Don’t suffer through even one more bad date or bad relationship.
Don’t spend one more day attracting and dating the WRONG girls.
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To Unleashing Your Ultimate Self —