Imagine Having the Life
You've Always Wanted...
INTRODUCING: The Life Blueprint
The ULTIMATE Guide to Achieving Your Goals, Overcoming Obstacles & Living the Life You Truly Desire

Hey, David Wygant Here
World-Renowned Dating & Success Coach, Life Coach & Social Strategist for Men
You know what I love about my life? I get to wake up every morning and help guys like you. Help them be the healthiest, wealthiest, most attractive and successful and unstoppable versions of themselves.
I get to go on TV shows and radio shows and podcasts and help people wake the f@*k up & start living their lives to the fullest. See, I LOVE what I do. It brings me joy to be able to inspire and help you create the life you've always wanted to live.
And that's EXACTLY why I made this program for you. Because, if you're here, then I know you are a man who desires change. A man who doesn't just want to survive — you want to live, to thrive, to wake up every morning and LOVE everything about your life and who you are.
And The Life Blueprint is exactly how we're going to make that happen for you. I've done it in my own life. I do it for private clients every day. And now it's your turn.
What Is "The Life Blueprint"?
Put simply, it's a game-changer. Because no matter where you are in your life, there's still something missing — still something that you always find yourself thinking, "I wish I had that."
Here's how The Life Blueprint is going to help you close the gap between where you are and where you want to be:
A Personalized, Step-By-Step Design for Life
The Life Blueprint is exactly what it sounds like: a blueprint. It is a vision of exactly what you want your life to look like. I will show you how to conquer even the most difficult obstacles and live every day as the healthiest, wealthiest, most powerful version of yourself.
3 Volumes of Transformative Audio
I go over my proven system to improve the key aspects of your life in which you desire growth — from wealth and personal success to your social life, and so much more. Listen to the program in your car, on your phone, or at the gym as I reprogram your mind & set the stage for the most profound personal growth you've ever experienced.
Powerful Worksheets
You will get access to the worksheets that I use with private clients — with powerful exercises that will help you not only design your life blueprint, but also take action, set goals, and see the changes in your life day by day.
Money, Wealth & Success
- The REAL definitions of wealth & success (and which one should mean the most to you)
- Personal branding — how to re-invent yourself & go from an everyday schlub to a powerhouse brand who influences and inspires everyone he meets
- How to reprogram your subconscious mind with powerful mantras that set your intent and attract wealth into your life
- How to pursue your dream career — in spite of whatever obstacles and roadblocks you currently face
Friendship, Family & Your Social Blueprint
- The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people (this can literally impact your health, wealth & overall wellness!)
- The 5 key qualities of a "true friend"
- How to define your unique, personal definitions of "family" and "friendship"
- The surefire system to make new friends & eliminate those who no longer serve you
Health & Wellness
- Where you're going wrong with your health blueprint & what you need to work on
- The importance of health in your blueprint (without a solid vision of your ideal health, your life blueprint is USELESS!)
- How to adapt your health goals as your life, your mind & your body changes
- How to give up the self-destructive habits that keep you from being the BEST version of you
Setting & Reaching Your Goals
- The BIGGEST reasons why you haven't reached your goals in health, wealth & your social life — and how to finally reach them
- My personal method for seeing the opportunities that life presents you with almost every day
- How to set goals & track your progress in every aspect of your life blueprint
The Life Blueprint is Going to Give You a Vision
Of How You Can Take Control of Your Life & Live It The Way YOU Want To!
But... I didn't stop there. Because The Life Blueprint is, above all else, an action-based program. You can listen to this audio 24/7, but unless you take action, nothing in your life will change. Like Thomas Edison said:
Vision Without Execution is Hallucination...
And That's Why I'm Also Going to Give You a Plan of Execution With:
Powerful Worksheets & Assignments to Help You Work Toward & Achieve Everything You Learn in The Life Blueprint
A Weekly Journal for Setting Goals, Tracking Your Progress & Logging Where You Fell Short & What You Need to Improve On
OPTIONAL BONUS: 10-Day Free Trial Membership of The Slight Edge Society
Invest in The Life Blueprint today and you will also get a 10-day complimentary trial of The Slight Edge Society — an exclusive community of likeminded men & women who are dedicated to improving their lives just a little bit each day — in health, in wealth, in their mindset, social lives, dating lives, and more.
Because I truly believe that, whether we're talking about attraction or money or health, the difference between a winner or a loser is just that slight edge.
Members of The Slight Edge Society get a ton of amazing bonuses (click below to learn more):
Weekly Videos & Audios
Monthly Webcast Calls
Monthly Product Downloads
Our Annual Mastermind Day Retreat
10% OFF ALL Coaching Programs & Bootcamps
With this free bonus, you will be receiving a 10 day free trial to The Slight Edge Society, where you will receive exclusive members-only videos, downloads, and webcast coaching sessions. You can cancel at anytime through our 24-Hour Help Desk. If you decide you want to continue as a subscriber, you will be billed $49.95 every month and continue to receive these AMAZING, exclusive bonuses each month.
This bonus is completely optional and you'll be able to "accept" or "deny" it on the checkout page.
The Life Blueprint is Already Changing Lives —
and Right Now Guys are Saying:
Love It
Man you should have been doing stuff like this all along. Love it. Is this really what a coaching session is like with you? Really powerful stuff!
- Jason K
The Journal Is Really What Makes It
David I just finished your Life Blueprint program a few days ago. I listened to it all pretty quickly and it was really good. But I've got to tell you, the journal is really where it's at!
I feel like just having something there to help me set goals and stay in the present moment is making me a better man and right now I feel really unstoppable. Thanks.
- Kevin
Just Listening to You I Got Really Inspired
Just listening to you I got really inspired to get off my ass and start making moves! I've always respected that about you because you don't pull any punches. This is exactly what I needed to hear at the exact time I needed to hear it.
- Langford
Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed!
Take 60 Days — yep, 2 full months — to implement the strategies and techniques in The Life Blueprint, and if after implementing them* you aren't MORE satisfied with your health, wealth, or social life than you were last year, I'll refund every red cent you paid for this product.
Yes, I do mean MORE success & satisfaction in just 2 months than in the entire year before... and that's what I'm 100% confident you will experience this once you utilize the techniques I teach you!
This a WHOPPER of a Guarantee... but I'm really THAT confident in The Life Blueprint!
*Because this is an "action-based" guarantee, to request a refund simply send me an email telling me which technique(s) you implemented and describe what happened that left you unsatisfied. I do this simply to protect myself from the 1% of you out there who are dishonest and are trying to scam me. For the rest of you, trust me, once you go through this product and change your life, the only thing you'll be thinking about is why you didn't find this sooner...
Now, You Might Be Thinking...
"Why Do I NEED a 'Life Blueprint' in the First Place?"
Because you want something more out of life. The six-figure job. The social circle. The tight set of abs. Whatever it is, most people die falling short of what they truly desire in life.
And the reason is simple: if your life does not have a blueprint, you will NEVER live the life you want to be living. Because if you haven't truly figured out where you want to be... you will never get there.
"This sounds like a lot... I don't know if I have the time."
The great thing about The Life Blueprint is that YOU can set your own pace. Listen to one audio and do the worksheets, and then you can come back to the others later.
But with that said, if you still don't think you can invest any time into this program, then you need to look at how you're managing time right now. How many hours to you spend browsing Facebook and Instagram — and ask yourself: is it worth more than investing in the life you desire? The career you've always wanted? The power to eliminate toxic friends and make new ones with ease?
"Do I really need a blueprint for wealth, friends AND health? Why can't I just focus on one or two at a time?"
Because The Life Blueprint is a WHOLISTIC program, and that means one area cannot work without the other.
Think about it: how are you going to make more money without friends who grow your business network? And without your health, how are you going to truly enjoy the friends you've got or the money you make?
"Why is it just $35?"
"Why is it just $19.95?"
I know... it seems like a deal too good to be true, right? Well, here's what you need to know...
I did this to weed out the guys who are going to purchase the program and NOT take action, because The Life Blueprint is an action-based program.
After months of market research my team and I found this to be the ideal price — affordable enough for everyone, but not so cheap that people who aren't serious would buy it.
This is Your Chance to Literally Reinvent Yourself
Become the man you've always wanted to be.
Enjoy every minute you spend at your job.
Look in the mirror and love every inch of what you see.
Surround yourself with every friend you've ever wanted.
Go to sleep every night of every week knowing that you're a better man than you were that morning.
It's all possible when you have a life blueprint, when you follow that blueprint every second of every day.
But without a life blueprint... you will always remain a prisoner. A prisoner of the dreams you never achieved, the goals you never pursued, the potential you never fulfilled.
The Life Blueprint is the bridge between wherever you are in your life at this moment... and the life you truly want to be living.
Are you brave enough to journey across and see for yourself what's on the other side?