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What If You Had a GUARANTEED Gameplan for the Holidays... So You KNEW You Could:
...All More in The Last Few Weeks of 2019 Than the Entire Year!?

REVEALED: The Untold 'Holiday Secret' to Meeting & Dating GORGEOUS Women
Hey, David Wygant here —
Has it hit you yet? Has it gotten to you?
It happens every year about this time, when those holiday jingles seem to appear out of nowhere and are suddenly everywhere. And it can only mean one thing... the holiday season is here and about to get started!
And while for most of us it means happy memories – hanging out with friends and family, and good cheer all around – there’s something else out there that can really make this holiday more memorable than ever before.
Women. And not just ANY women, but...
Women Who Are Hot, Single, And Ready For That Amazing Guy To Walk Into Their Lives...
Here’s the secret: the last six weeks of the year — from Thanksgiving all the way until Christmas — is by far the best time of year to meet women.
Let me repeat that. The best time to start meeting hot women is right now, during the holidays!
During the holidays women are more in touch with their emotions, more in touch with their feelings. More so right now than the entire year put together. They feel pressure from so many sides – their friends, family, society – that it’s like time is running out. Women don’t want to feel like the year was a waste because they still haven’t met that great guy.
How do I know all of this?
Because every single year when I was single, I would go out and meet more women in the six weeks from Thanksgiving to Christmas than I had the entire year. And I’m somebody who meets women every day.
But for whatever reason, the end of the year was like a floodgate. It would always feel like I was in a stadium full of women, and every one of them would come down and want to meet me. It’s amazing, and this would happen year after year — and after decades of both meeting women and coaching them, I've discovered EXACTLY why this is.
At The End Of The Year, Women Are More Open & Vulnerable Than Ever
They take an inventory of the entire year and all their wins and losses when it comes down to dating.
Thoughts start rattling through their head like...
And then they go to the family dinners. They go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and they have to hear it from everyone there:
The holiday blues set in. She doesn't want to spend this time of year alone. In fact, she's DESPERATE to meet a great guy like you and have you rescue her from her family's and friends' verbal abuse.
YOU Can Be The Guy Who Saves Her From Holiday Gloom, And Completely Sweeps Her Off Her Feet!
So much so that you are all she thinks about and craves, and you are the one she is willing to do anything for…
Sounds good right?
Well, I’m going to give you that opportunity this holiday season, and here’s how. I’ve created a couple of audios that will give you an unfair advantage over every other guy out there, so you can walk around with confidence knowing exactly what works with women during the holidays.
And it all starts with what I call the three-day kickoff to Thanksgiving, which I explain in this brand new product called...

The Proven, Step-By-Step Blueprint For Success With Women This Holiday Season — From Thanksgiving to New Year's

THIS is the time. No matter how much you've struck out with women this past year, you can attract the very women you desire within the next 6 weeks!
Because the bottom line is - THIS is the time of year that women are most available and ready for you is now!
Women WANT To Meet You, But Most Men Don’t Have The Technique Or The Skill To Make It Happen
But I’m going to change this for you, so your friends will be coming to you asking how you became the guy who’s always scoring dates with the hottest women.
I've broken it all down for you — from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Years (PLUS special limited-time bonuses!) Keep reading to learn exactly how and why this is GUARANTEED to work for you...


New Years
If you've made it this far and have listened to the other audios, you WILL have a date or even a girlfriend (if you desire that) by New Years. So we'll spend time talking about:

This is 6 Solid Weeks of PROVEN Approaches, Gameplans & Strategies for You

I know for a fact that they'll work for you, because...
Hooking Up for the Holidays is THE Gameplan You Need for That End-of-the-Year Stretch
Because, just like women are doing right now, you're evaluating the year behind you. Asking questions like...
REGARDLESS of where you are in your dating life and what you wanted to accomplish in 2019, Hooking Up for the Holidays WILL make it happen for you (in just 6 weeks, no less!)
And the best part... I've saved for last. Because I've sold each of these audios for over $37.97, and bundled together I've released this program for $77 and up! And to be honest, the power to have your pick of the litter and effortlessly attract women this year makes it worth 10x that price.
But... right now, you won't even have to pay THAT much.
Because if you order before Christmas Eve it's going to be JUST $34.95.
Yep. Rub your eyes to make sure you're reading that right. Over 50% off of what it's normally sold for. I'm THAT dedicated to giving you this holiday hookup gameplan before Thanksgiving.
Normally $65
NOW Just $3495

Literally, for a week's worth of Pumpkin Spice lattes at Starbucks you can get my proven strategies for hooking up on:
And hold on, because there's even more.
Secure your copy TODAY and you'll get instant online access to THESE limited time bonuses:
A Woman's Point of View
$27.97 Value
While on a recent trip to New York, I decided I needed to confirm what I was telling you from women themselves. So I went out and interviewed women I met on the streets and in restaurants — women I had never even met! — and asked them what they thought of dating during the holidays.
Not only did it confirm everything I tell you in this product, I also got some amazingly honest, open, enlightening answers, straight from a woman’s point of view…

1-Hour Prerecorded Holiday Webinar
$197 Value
And that’s not all, for those who invest in themselves this holiday season will also receive my special Hooking Up For The Holidays 1 Hour Prerecorded Webinar, where I go over:

So, To Recap... If You Secure Your Order Right Now, You'll Get Instant Access To:
TOTAL VALUE = $33888
YOUR PRICE = $3495

And If You Still Have Any Doubts About What This Program Can Do for You This Holiday Season...
You'll Get My Iron-Clad, "Get More Dates in 60 Days" GUARANTEE!
Take 60 Days — yep, 2 full months — to implement the strategies and techniques in Hooking Up for the Holidays, and if after implementing them* you aren't getting MORE dates in 60 days than you got in the last year, I'll refund every red cent you paid for this product.
Yes, I do mean MORE dates in just 2 months than you've had in the entire year before... and that's what I'm 100% confident you will experience this once you utilize the techniques I teach you!
This a WHOPPER of a Guarantee ... but I'm really THAT confident in Hooking Up for the Holidays!
*Because this is an "action-based" guarantee, to request a refund simply send me an email telling me which technique(s) you implemented and describe what happened that left you unsatisfied. I do this simply to protect myself from the 1% of you out there who are dishonest and are trying to scam me. For the rest of you, trust me, once you go through this product and change your life, the only thing you'll be thinking about is why you didn't find this sooner...
That's a bold guarantee, but I'm 100% confident making it.
Here's the thing, though... You need to grab this before Christmas Eve!! I've put a time limit on how long this will be available for, because you need to be able to listen, digest and apply the techniques I teach you before Thanksgiving.
After that time, Hooking Up for the Holidays is GONE. Best case scenario, you'll have to wait another year before I make it available again (and that's IF I make it available — I might not). And you'll have missed out on your chance to experience MORE success in sex, dating and meeting women than you have this entire year...
...and at WORST, you will be missing out on this incredible offer. For GOOD. And you'll never have an opportunity to grab this program again.
So the time is NOW — as in, RIGHT NOW:
Normally $65
NOW Just $3495

Don't wait. Don't miss out. Don't spend another year in a dry spell, or without a girlfriend, or without a date.
This is your chance. No matter how many times you've "failed" or struck out this year, the next six weeks are your chance to turn it all around.
Grab Hooking Up for the Holidays at the super-low price of $34.95 while you still can!

To Your Dating Success This Holiday Season —

David Wygant
The World's Leading Authority on Life, Relationships & Personal Transformation
Normally $65
NOW Just $3495