Watch Them Reveal Everything...
Find Out What Was Caught On Tape When A Group Of The World's Most Desirable Women Sat Down And Revealed ALL In A Raw, Uncensored, 'No Holds Barred' Confession Session…!
If you're like most guys, you’ve always desperately wanted to date a beautiful woman...
To sleep with her…
To have a relationship with her.
But you’ve never really taken the time to get inside her mind, and understand her on a profound and intimate level. I know that was my experience!
You see, most “average” guys NEVER take the time to learn what a beautiful woman is all about.
I’ve see it a thousand times in guys I coach: There he is out trying to approach women, set up dates, and then take everything to the next level. But it’s like trying to ride a bike without ever learning how to move the pedals or keep your balance. And the result is he falls down... time after time.
If Any Of This Rings True For You, You Need To Stop Right There!
This subtle power of understanding and seduction is already inside you – it’s been right under your nose for your entire life.
But, if you’re anything like the typical guy, you just weren’t lucky enough to have the right women in your life – ones who were willing to completely open up and tell you everything women secretly wish men knew.
And that's what I'm about to give you: the most intimate secrets and desires of some of the world's most attractive women.
These "inside secrets" about women are incredibility simple to understand (once they are revealed to you) ... and yet they INSTANTLY allow you (no matter how bad you think you are with women right now) to "lock into" your own personal "Seduction Zone."
Which means... the very next time you talk to women, you will:
- Project a unique form of confidence, unknown to 99.99% of all other men...
- Experience profound understanding and ability to connect with a woman, and melt her heart in a way that she’s never experienced before ...
- Lead her through an amazing, sexually-charged interaction, taking it wherever you want it to go... and...
- You will instantly be put inside the same "Seduction Zone" the best guys get into to create mutual, irresistible attraction and chemistrywith a woman – a chemistry that most men and women neverexperience… IN THEIR ENTIRE LIVES!
About David Wygant
As Featured In:

World-Renowned Dating Coach, Success Strategist & Life Changer
1.7 million men & women come to me every month to find the secrets to success. And after 20 years of coaching, I’ve discovered the golden keys to success in dating, business, health and wellness, and life.
And you want to know something? I F*CKING LOVE what I do. I’ve helped millions of men and women around the globe achieve success in their dating, social and personal lives. I’m also a father to the world’s cutest little girl, and I am an unapologetic man.
Some say I’m nuts, others say I’ve changed their life forever. One thing’s for certain: I’ll always give you the truth, whether you can handle it or not. I never sugar coat anything. Nice is so overrated. I’d prefer brutally honest breakthrough to a “nice” rut any damn day of the week. If you’re the same way, then you've come to the right place.

This exciting "new" information will change the way you interact with women forever...
And Do It Literally Overnight!
If I could just explain it all to you, I would right here. But there’s just waayyy too much for you to know. And you need to hear it directly from the women themselves. So I decided to break up all the amazing things these women were telling me into a powerful series of audios.
Here's Just SOME of What This Game-Changer of a Program Delivers:
Click on Each Volume to Expand It & Discover What's Inside...
Every woman has a secret “sexual code” that she’s dying for a guy to come along and unlock. That guy can be you – once you learn:
- The subtle “kiss me” signals she sends you
- How to initiate a 3 way – and make it her idea every time!
- How to have sex on the first date
- The oral sex techniques that have her spinning in ecstasy
- The #1 way to get a woman coming back for more
- How to avoid the biggest “turn-off sins”
- How to get her to masturbate in front of you
- How to make her want to go down on you every time!
- How to be a confident lover.
Imagine the hottest women in the world telling you how they want you to approach them! Say goodbye to approach anxiety, because in this volume you'll learn:
- The most natural & authentic ways to approach women
- Little-known places to go where the women are outrageously hot — and no one else is trying to hit on them!
- How to tell when she wants you to “go for it” and ask for her number
- Which locations make amazing (and inexpensive!) dates – and which places virtually guarantee you’ll fail.
- What to wear & what to talk about on a date
- The simple secret that makes women want to see you again, and again…
Do you want to be the "bad boy" that all women desire? You're guaranteed to bring out a woman’s wildly raw sexuality once these women teach you:
- How to talk to ANY woman in the bedroom
- Which words turn her on — and which ones immediately turn her off…
- 4 things to whisper in her ear that almost immediately make her cum
- How to overcome your sexual insecurities and hang-ups in the bedroom.
- How to be playful & dominant at the same time.
- How to lead from conversation to seduction to sex
- How to make her feel safe & free to unleash her wildly slutty side.
How many times have you seen a guy walk into a party with confidence, walk over to a woman, whisper something in her ear, play around a little bit with her, walk away, and watch the woman's eyes follow every move that he makes?
YOU will be THAT guy once you learn:
- How you can be flirtatious right from the get-go
- What women are looking for during the first conversation
- How to escape the "friend-zone" from the moment you open your mouth
- How to use sexual banter from the beginning, and do it in a way that makes her even MORE RELAXED and COMFORTABLE…
- How to flirt with her in every single situation…
- And so much more!
FACT: every woman who is beautiful and sexy online has over 150 responses per day when she first joins an online dating site — and once you learn the following, you'll be one of the 5% of guys she'll actually respond to online:
- The exact type of picture women respond to…
- The most powerful online openers (ones that will get a woman’s attention even if she’s got 300 unopened messages)…
- The exact way your profile needs to be written so a woman responds to you…
- When to ask for the phone number, and how to do it smoothly...
- How to dissect the words in a woman's profile so you can formulate the perfect message to her.
- What never to do in your profile or messages...
- How to keep momentum going when you are flirting with them…
- The foolproof way to get them to come over the same night…
What Guys Like You are Saying About "Girls Tell All" Right Now:
Plus — Fast Action-Takers Will Get Access to THESE Exclusive Bonuses:
Click on Each Volume to Expand It & Discover What's Inside...
$24.95 Value
Find out how to take a phone connection to a whole other, much hotter and more passionate level. I tell you exactly how to turn up the heat!
$24.95 Value
In this audio, I show you how to take a hot conversation and make it much more up close and personal! Here's how you can make it happen...
Listen, I know you came here to learn about dating. To learn about sex and attracting and approaching the women you desire. But you know what? I'm about so much more than that. You see, you can apply these same principles and be successful in so much more than your dating life. I'm talking about TOTAL success in EVERY area of your life. Health. Wealth. Mindset. All of it.
And that's why I created The Slight Edge Society — an exclusive community of likeminded men & women who are dedicated to improving their lives just a little bit each day. Because I truly believe that, whether we're talking about attraction or money or health, the difference between a winner or a loser is just that slight edge.
Members of The Slight Edge Society get a ton of amazing bonuses:
Weekly Videos
Every week, I will introduce you to my personal network of leaders in all fields, from love to wealth to health. I've spent the last 20 years working in the personal development industry and my contacts are like a who’s who in all of the above — and I am going to give you access to the people you've always wanted to meet and learn from but were never able to connect with.
Here's just a taste of what I'll expose you to:
- Health tips to live a longer life
- Cutting-edge business strategies that enable you to increase your income
- Wealth-building strategies
- Dating & relationship advice that will help you on the path for love
- Techniques for expanding your network to become a leader and a social magnet
- Secrets from world leaders on how to manifest the life you desire
Monthly Webcast Calls
You will also have the opportunity to jump on a one-hour webcast with me at 6 p.m. PST on the last Tuesday each month where we will explore and go over in finer detail what we are all working on and what you've been exposed to that month.
But more importantly, these calls give you direct & exclusive access to me. You will be able to ask me questions during the calls based on specific things that pertain to your life, from dating to health and success.
Monthly Product Downloads
I have thousands — literally thousands — of unreleased products that Slight Edge Society members will get EXCLUSIVE access to each month.
That's right. A free product every month that will give you the chance to expand on what you've learned in the monthly webcasts and video modules and put techniques into practice that will accelerate your personal growth in these areas.
Our Annual Mastermind Day Retreat
As a member of the Slight Edge Society, you will be invited to an exclusive yearly retreat: the Slight Edge Mastermind Day. Because as a member, I want to give you the chance to connect with like-minded people. At this retreat, you will be able to network, meet other members, and of course just have a great time!
10% OFF ALL Coaching Programs & Bootcamps
But that's not all! Slight Edge Society members also get 10% off ALL coaching programs that I offer. That includes:
- Hourly Phone Coaching
- Email Coaching Packets
- One-on-One Weekend Coaching
- Intensive Monthly Coaching
- Weekend Bootcamps
- Personalized Date Evaluations
...and ANY other coaching program I offer on my website!
With this free bonus, you will be receiving a 10 day free trial to The Slight Edge Society, where you will receive exclusive members-only videos, downloads, and webcast coaching sessions. You can cancel at anytime through our 24-Hour Help Desk. If you decide you want to continue as a subscriber, you will be billed $49.95 every month and continue to receive these AMAZING, exclusive bonuses each month.
This bonus is completely optional and you'll be able to "accept" or "deny" it on the checkout page.
Here's the Total Value of Everything You'll Get If You Take Action Today:

All 5 Volumes of Girls Tell All

How To Have Phone Sex Audio

From Phone Sex To Real Sex Audio
Take 60 Days — yep, 2 full months — to implement the strategies and techniques in Girls Tell All, and if after implementing them* you aren't getting MORE dates in 60 days than you got in the last year, I'll refund every red cent you paid for this product.
Yes, I do mean MORE dates in just 2 months than you've had in the entire year before... and that's what I'm 100% confident you will experience this once you utilize the techniques I teach you!
This a WHOPPER of a Guarantee ... but I'm really THAT confident in Girls Tell All!
*Because this is an "action-based" guarantee, to request a refund simply send me an email telling me which technique(s) you implemented and describe what happened that left you unsatisfied. I do this simply to protect myself from the 1% of you out there who are dishonest and are trying to scam me. For the rest of you, trust me, once you go through this product and change your life, the only thing you'll be thinking about is why you didn't find this sooner...
So, Let's Recap What You're Getting Here:
- Everything you never knew — but WISH you did — about what turns women on... and how to avoid what turns them OFF.
- The top-secret techniques for unleashing her wildest, sluttiest sexual fantasies.
- How women WANT to be approached and flirted with — straight from their own mouths!
- The EXACT formula for the perfect date
- The NO-FAIL SEX SECRETS that leave her gushing with orgasms and completely addicted to you.
- Winning tips for online dating that will make women respond to & chase YOU!
- And so, so, SO much MORE in over 7 hours of powerful audio!
"This Sounds Amazing! How Do I Get It!?"
DON'T HESITATE and MISS OUT on being one of the first people to jump on this special crazy low price!!
Once this initial release is done, look for the price to be going UP!
And you honestly have nothing to lose by taking decisive action and getting in on this NOW — especially when I am guaranteeing that you will be totally satisfied with this.
Your order is 100% safe and secure - you can make your purchase at any time...even if it's 2:00 AM!
So take action now and enter a privileged world of sex, attraction and untold success with women that other guys can only DREAM about!
Regularly $549

To Your Dating & Sexual Success —