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Have You Ever...
- Spent more than about 10 seconds thinking of an "opening line" to use on a woman you want to approach ... or is the term "pickup line" anywhere in your vocabulary?
- Struggled with what to say in a conversation with a woman?
- Worried if a woman will like you or find you attractive... even before you've approached her or talked to her?
- Went out anywhere with the intention to "go out and meet women?"
- Saw a woman you are attracted to and hesitated ... or worse "chickened out" and didn't approach her at all?
- Felt REGRET about missing the chance to approach a woman because she was gone by the time you had finally thought of the "perfect opening line?"
- Felt even the littlest bit INTIMIDATED to walk up to a woman?
- Felt like you can't get "out of your head" and that you are plagued with constant "monkey chatter?"
Or the WORST one of all...
- Felt unable to escape the fate of being relegated to the dreaded "FRIEND ZONE" with the women you meet?
So... Why Does it Seem So Hard For Guys
Like You to Approach Attractive Women???
Now let's talk about "That Guy" .... You know exactly who this guy is, right? You have seen him plenty of times, I'm sure.
- He is that guy who seems to attract women like a magnet — and without even trying.
- He is that guy who walks up to any woman with total casual ease, and always seems to just know exactly the right thing to say.
- He is that guy who never looks worried, nervous or stressed — and commands attention whenever he enters into a room.
- Ever wonder HOW this kind of guy does it — or what is so special about him?
Is he better looking than you? NOPE.
Do he drive a better car than you? NOPE.
Does he dress better than you or have a cooler haircut than you? NOPE.
Does he have something you don’t, or is he just plain born with “it” (whatever “it” is)? NOPE.
So, What Does He Have That You Don't?
The Difference Only Between You & "That Guy" Who Feels Naturally Confident Around Any Woman — Is Just ONE THING….
- Forget "fake it 'til you make it" type of advice, and pretending and doing ANYTHING that is contrived, manipulative or otherwise just plain "NOT YOU."
- Forget memorizing, plotting, planning and anything that requires you to have to THINK ABOUT what do with women (or that leads you to wonder about what women are thinking).
- Forget feeling like women have all the power or that you have to always wait to be CHOSEN.
- Forget feeling powerless (and often clueless!) about how women think, what turns them on, and how to attract the women you are MOST attracted to.
Being FEARLESS Means...
- NEVER again wondering what to say (or what to say next)
- NEVER again worrying about what a woman is thinking
- NEVER again feeling anxiety about any aspect of approaching and interacting with women.
THIS is what you REALLY want to be. It is really the essence of what a what makes a "natural" a natural — he is naturally fearless.
How I Did It — And Why I Know For A FACT That You Can Do It Too...
I've been there and done that — tried every kind of pickup line, routine and other "magic technique" for how to supposedly attract and intrigue any woman. While some of them might work on some women some of the time, I was always left with the same problem:
I never felt truly confident because I was never being my authentic self! So even when I was "successful," it never felt as good as I wanted it to feel.
Worse yet....I slowly discovered that the more I was not cultivating real confidence, the LESS CONFIDENT I felt around women.
That is when I decided to figure this out — to find out how guys who were naturals did it. It took me a long time to totally figure it out, but once I did I wanted every guy to know it!
Since then, I have spent the last 20 years literally coaching tens of thousands of guys and showing them exactly how to be a naturally fearless around women.
And I've compiled ALL of that experience, knowledge and information in a power-packed eBook I call...
What is NOT in This Program:
- You won't see any one pickup line, one routine or one piece of advice on how to fake confidence with women.
- You won't learn how to "work" past your approach anxiety or how to ignore the monkey chatter in your head.
THESE ARE "QUICK FIXES" (if they work at all) WHICH
Instead, I show you EXACTLY how to really transform yourself permanently into a fearless natural.
Here's a quick "sneak peek" into what you'll learn in The Fearless Code:
Lose Your "Approach Anxiety" For GOOD
- My PROVEN 3-step technique (usually reserved just for my private coaching clients) to permanently get rid of fear and approach anxiety
- Learn how to become a master conversationalist — how to know what to say every time to start a great conversation, and what to say to keep the attraction going as the conversation progresses so that she will be curious about YOU and WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU.
- The one thing every "fearless natural" knows about attracting women that he does every time he enters a room.
- My favorite strategy for how to tap into your authentic self so that you never again spend even one second having to "think" about how to approach or talk to women
- How to hone your listening and observation skills so you will always know exactly how to approach, what to say....and what to say next!
- How to get rid of the "monkey chatter" in your head ... once and for all.
- The specific exercise that will permanently erase approach anxiety — and never be nervous around another woman
Trigger Genuine Attraction in Women
- The one thing you can do in ANY situation that will get a woman to notice YOU... no matter how many other guys are in the room
- The #1 way to create IMMEDIATE ATTRACTION with the women you meet, so that they will be excited about seeing you again (and about getting sexual with you)
- The KEY DIFFERENCE between the guy women will immediately write off as the "nice guy" and the guy they will feel immediately attracted to — and why women will make this decision even before you meet her.
- How to ask out a woman at the end of a conversation so that she can't wait for you to call her!
- How to use the power of attraction momentum to intrigue any woman (how to escalate attraction in women in any conversation!)
- The THREE KEY THINGS things that REALLY attract women — and the top 5 things that most repel them.
Stop "Settling" & Start Dating the Women You WANT
- How to become THE SELECTOR - the guy who can walk directly up to the hot woman you are most attracted to and know instantly how to connect with her emotions (that is the KEY to women wanting to date you and sleep with you!)
- The cardinal mistake made by 99% of men that will ALWAYS land you in the friend zone — and the secret to NEVER being put in "the friend zone" again!
- How to go from being the chosen — and only having the option of dating women who choose you — to having the option to CHOOSE to date the women you are most attracted to (My most-requested technique at my Bootcamps!)
- Know exactly where to go to meet the women you are really looking for
... And SO Much More!
- Learn my highly-requested lists of the BEST PLACES to meet women and the BEST first dates
- How to separate yourself from all the "other guys" and totally intrigue a woman in the first conversation
- My secret for keeping your energy high (and why it will also keep your confidence high).
- Discover the secret of "He Talk / She Talk" (one of the things I am most requested to reveal!) that will change how you communicate (and how women will respond to you) forever!
- How to never assume she is judging you... and why it is you who is judging you. How to overcome this fear, and why overcoming it will put you in control of every conversation you have with a woman!
- ....And much, MUCH more!
"I Wish I Had Read This Book 10 Years Ago, It Would Have Saved Me A Lot Of Heartache."
"Just wanted to say a big thanks for your book 'The Fearless Code'. You know what confuses people like myself these days is all the information out there on meeting and behaving around women. Most of it talks about saying this and saying that, don't do this and act like this. It's impossible to remember most of this stuff and it just doesn't feel like your being yourself. Your book to me has a simple message and that is 'be yourself'. It cuts through all the crap and just talks about the importance of being the real you and therefore you'll have the best chance of attracting someone that loves you for who you are. It's so simple but powerful advice that every guy or girl needs to know.
If it doesn't work out with a women I'm not concerned because as long as I continue to show the real me, the right girl will just keep turning up.
P.S. I wish I had read this book 10 years ago, it would have saved me a lot of heartache."
Thanks again,
Troy V.
Queensland, Australia
"With Your Help I've Met The Girl I'm Going To Spend My Life With"
"I wanted to take a little bit and thank you for all your amazing information. I started following your blog in 2007 and I bought the Fearless Code. Your outlook on life is amazing and I try to live with an abundant lifestyle. With your help I've met the girl I'm going to spend my life with. She's a very caring and compassionate nurse who is absolutely crazy about me.
Thanks again and I wish you all the best in the future."
Dan J.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
"In The First Week I Managed To Get 3 Numbers, Went Out On 2 Dates, And Ended Up Having Sex With One Of The Hottest Women I Have Ever Met"
"After reading the Fearless Code, I had instant results within the first week. In the first week I managed to get 3 numbers, went out on 2 dates, and ended up having sex with one of the hottest women I have ever met.
Working with David is one of the most eye opening experiences I've ever had dealing not only with dating but with people in general and being more sociable. I am so excited to continue to work with David and cram as much of his material possible into my head, because it just works...and the best part about it is it isn't some corny pickup lines and being fake, rather its just about being a better version of the people we already are. "
Mark H.
Chesterbrook , Pennsylvania
"I Really Enjoyed The Fearless Code, And Will Go Through It As Many Times As Necessary To Help Me"
"I really enjoyed the Fearless Code, and will go through it as many times as necessary to help me. I thank you for your personal interest, and also for debunking the pickup artistry idea. I also studied the Mystery method. It taught me tools to help me somewhat, but I learned more reading your Fearless Code one time, than I did reading my notes on his material countless times.
Continued Success My Friend "
Larry L.
Columbus, Texas
"It Really Is No Big Deal To Approach Women!"
"I'm a 27-year-old living in NYC. I bought your Fearless Code eBook yesterday and started to read it. After halfway through you did give me confidence within and to really is no big deal to approach women, who cares? I feel that just saying hello would make a woman smile and she would feel happy and interested to have someone approach with a smile.
Anyway after reading the supermarket section I went to a Whole Foods in Murray Hill. There she was, an extremely cute girl by herself in an aisle wearing really nice sneakers (observation by me). I approached her, (she was in the middle of the aisle), and when I grew closer she felt that she was in my way and I hear her say to me "I'm sorry", I said "no worries its ok, by the way, I love your sneakers, nice kicks!", as I passed. She said "thank you", as I passed and said "no problem". I realized shortly after that I should've carried on a conversation about how I was looking for new sneakers that looked just like hers but haven't pulled the trigger to get any. Walked around the supermarket to find her shortly after but she was gone.
Just wanted to say that I'm getting there, and learning. After the first time reading the Fearless Code, I approached an attractive girl at the supermarket for the first time.
I'm getting there, practicing and doing the exercises - smiling! "
Thank you for your help, I'm grateful for your advice, you make a lot of sense,
Jon C.
New York, NY
“I Think You're Products Are Incredible”
“I've listened and read the Fearless Code, including the audio track, "Self Love" several times as you have suggested. I'm keeping a daily journal, and I'm doing the exercises as stated in the audio track, as well as those in the eBook. It's already making noticeable changes in me. I have also purchased your course, Undercover Approaches, and am looking forward to implementing it into my life as well.
I just wanted to drop this email to you and let you know that I think you're products are incredible. I've already have products from Carlos Xuma, David DeAngelo, and Joshua Pellicer. But you have a different twist to the subject of fear that I totally relate to. I have made incredible progress, and I thank God that you have dedicated your life to helping others. You are truly an Alpha Man.
Thanks so much for all you do.”
God bless,
Jimmy S.
Conway, SC
Join me in this 17 minute powerful audio, in which I take you through my personal journey to becoming a fearless natural (the exact journey you are about to embark on now!)
You see, I used to be anything BUT natural.
I had to go out there and learn to do everything, just like you. I had to learn how to communicate, observe, react, figure out what to say. I had to learn how to be powerful and confident.
In this bonus 17-minute audio, I tell you my story.
Every time you feel any self-doubt, hesitation or anything less than 100% confidence that you CAN become the fearless natural you want to be — just pop in this audio and you instantly feel more confident and sure of your success!
This audio is going to expand your mind like never before and open up the universe like never before...
Listen as I dive deep inside not only your mind, but my mind as well. I will share my own personal experiences with you, how I was able to overcome all my fears, how I was able to really start a relationship with myself . . . and every exercise that I have you do in this audio is something that I've spent years doing myself.
This is an audio you will listen to over and over again - and which will change how you see yourself, your life, and your pursuit of an incredible dating life FOREVER.
Listen, I know you came here to learn about dating. To learn about sex and attracting and approaching the women you desire. But you know what? I'm about so much more than that. You see, you can apply these same principles and be successful in so much more than your dating life. I'm talking about TOTAL success in EVERY area of your life. Health. Wealth. Mindset. All of it.
And that's why I created The Slight Edge Society — an exclusive community of likeminded men & women who are dedicated to improving their lives just a little bit each day. Because I truly believe that, whether we're talking about attraction or money or health, the difference between a winner or a loser is just that slight edge.
Members of The Slight Edge Society get a ton of amazing bonuses:
Weekly Videos
Every week, I will introduce you to my personal network of leaders in all fields, from love to wealth to health. I've spent the last 20 years working in the personal development industry and my contacts are like a who’s who in all of the above — and I am going to give you access to the people you've always wanted to meet and learn from but were never able to connect with.
Here's just a taste of what I'll expose you to:
- Health tips to live a longer life
- Cutting-edge business strategies that enable you to increase your income
- Wealth-building strategies
- Dating & relationship advice that will help you on the path for love
- Techniques for expanding your network to become a leader and a social magnet
- Secrets from world leaders on how to manifest the life you desire
Monthly Webcast Calls
You will also have the opportunity to jump on a one-hour webcast with me at 6 p.m. PST on the last Tuesday each month where we will explore and go over in finer detail what we are all working on and what you've been exposed to that month.
But more importantly, these calls give you direct & exclusive access to me. You will be able to ask me questions during the calls based on specific things that pertain to your life, from dating to health and success.
Monthly Product Downloads
I have thousands — literally thousands — of unreleased products that Slight Edge Society members will get EXCLUSIVE access to each month.
That's right. A free product every month that will give you the chance to expand on what you've learned in the monthly webcasts and video modules and put techniques into practice that will accelerate your personal growth in these areas.
Our Annual Mastermind Day Retreat
As a member of the Slight Edge Society, you will be invited to an exclusive yearly retreat: the Slight Edge Mastermind Day. Because as a member, I want to give you the chance to connect with like-minded people. At this retreat, you will be able to network, meet other members, and of course just have a great time!
10% OFF ALL Coaching Programs & Bootcamps
But that's not all! Slight Edge Society members also get 10% off ALL coaching programs that I offer. That includes:
- Hourly Phone Coaching
- Email Coaching Packets
- One-on-One Weekend Coaching
- Intensive Monthly Coaching
- Weekend Bootcamps
- Personalized Date Evaluations
...and ANY other coaching program I offer on my website!
With this free bonus, you will be receiving a 10 day free trial to The Slight Edge Society, where you will receive exclusive members-only videos, downloads, and webcast coaching sessions. You can cancel at anytime through our 24-Hour Help Desk. If you decide you want to continue as a subscriber, you will be billed $49.95 every month and continue to receive these AMAZING, exclusive bonuses each month.
This bonus is completely optional and you'll be able to "accept" or "deny" it on the checkout page.
Conservatively Worth Over $100 Alone!
Please take these as my gifts to you for acting quickly and as my personal "thanks!" to you for being one of my loyal subscribers.
And if you're still thinking twice about this, let me make sure to mention that you have NOTHING TO RISK by purchasing this Guide ... Zero ...
...Because this program is backed by my "industry best" Guarantee... I offer one of the BEST guarantees ever offered in the industry: My 60-Day "Get MORE Dates" Guarantee.
This one is unbelievable ... so you might want to sit down for this!
Take 60 Days — yep, 2 full months — to implement the strategies and techniques in The Fearless Code, and if after implementing them* you aren't getting MORE dates in 60 days than you got in the last year, I'll refund every red cent you paid for this product.
Yes, I do mean MORE dates in just 2 months than you've had in the entire year before... and that's what I'm 100% confident you will experience this once you utilize the techniques I teach you!
This a WHOPPER of a Guarantee ... but I'm really THAT confident in The Fearless Code!
*Because this is an "action-based" guarantee, to request a refund simply send me an email telling me which technique(s) you implemented and describe what happened that left you unsatisfied. I do this simply to protect myself from the 1% of you out there who are dishonest and are trying to scam me. For the rest of you, trust me, once you go through this product and change your life, the only thing you'll be thinking about is why you didn't find this sooner...
I know, pretty bold promise, right?
It is ... but I don't put out products that are anything less the very best quality and jaw-droppingly effective, so I feel very comfortable making this bold and confident guarantee.
DON'T HESITATE and MISS OUT on being one of the first 500 people to jump on this special crazy low price!
Once these 500 are gone, the price will immediately go back up to $47.97.
Get yours for this crazy-low price of $27.00 now!
Your EXCLUSIVE Subscriber Discount Expires In:
Your order is also 100% safe and secure — you can make your purchase at any time, even if it is 2:00 am!
*WARNING*: These 500 will fly out of our offices REALLY FAST, so hurry and grab yours before they are back up to the regular retail cost.
And you honestly have nothing to lose by taking decisive action and getting in on this NOW -- especially when I am guaranteeing that you will be totally satisfied with this.
Remember: You have absolutely NOTHING to lose ... and I want nothing more than to see you succeed. So don't wait another minute.
Looking forward to hearing about your success,
Your friend,
P.S.: The time to take action to change your dating life is NOW -- not tomorrow, next week or next month. What happened the last time you procrastinated and put something on the back burner? When did you achieve what you REALLY wanted?
P.P.S: I don't want you to spend one more minute feeling approach anxiety. It's time to start being a fearless natural TODAY!
P.P.P.S: Just listen to how guys are RAVING about The Fearless Code now!
“It Influenced Me To Be A Better Man. Assist Me In My Endeavors And Help Me Become All I Am Created To Be”
“Your Fearless Code did wonders for me! It's amazing how a few hours can impact your life so much. I've been following your blog for about 3 years now and it's quite amazing how much just reading assists in not just women but life.
I decided to purchase the Fearless Code because it was a reasonable price and I am in a time of my life where I am facing up to all my fears and stepping on their throats. It's taught me about life and how to improve myself with all the monkey chatter in my head. Also all the paranoia that bothers me in my daily life. So what did the Fearless Code do? It influenced me to be a better man. Assist me in my endeavors and help me become all I am created to be.”
Duke W.
Eugene, Oregon
“Concrete, Effective Advice on Dating.”
“From the perspective of another industry insider this book is superb. I've had the pleasure of working with David Wygant and I was anticipating this book for quite some time.
David Wygant is a dating genius. He can help just about anyone, male or female, so to follow up his real life experience with a book isn't a small or easy task.
The Fearless Code gives you a formula for dating success. The sections on self-image and self-improvement are vital components that most overlook in their quest for love. The concepts are concise and too the point.
Absolutely a 5 star book if you're looking for concrete, effective advice before your next venture into the world of dating.”
Steve W.
Tallahassee, FL
“David Made It Clear To Me What Kind Of Mentality And State Of Mind I Should Carry Myself As, Which Is More Attractive To Women And Ultimately Better For Myself”
“After I finished reading The Fearless Code, so much made sense to me. David made it clear to me what kind of mentality and state of mind I should carry myself as, which is more attractive to women and ultimately better for myself.
Just hours after completing the Fearless Code, I found myself in a grocery store in Manhattan. There was an attractive girl standing in the aisle wearing funky looking neon sneakers. Instead of flying by her or skipping that aisle like I usually would, I approached her with a smile and complimented her on her sneakers. She gave me a warm reception and we both started a funny conversation with one another.
With more practice, I'll eventually become a natural at this type of stuff, thank you David!”
John R.
New York
“I Just Unsubscribed From Like 10 Gurus Keeping Only You”
“David, I just unsubscribed from like 10 gurus keeping only you because I LOVE your podcasts and I have always seen you as more than just a dating guru.
I have the theory covered and I now date 5 women simultaneously and more importantly I am a BETTER MAN! Keep doing what you're doing because it's BIG!”
Michael S.
Waukesha, WI
“We Talked Some More In The Parking Lot And Exchanged Phone Numbers”
“By the way I was one of the guys who purchased The Fearless Code and just wanted to say thank you for putting that together. I'm an attractive guy, responsible, career-driven, and have been single a long time. I've never really had much of a problem meeting women or finding a date, but in my case it was usually always women approaching me first.
Anyways, I wanted to share something that happened right after I read The Fearless Code. I had to go pick up something at my local deli, and while I was waiting in line to pay for my stufff, the guy in front of me took forever as he was paying with a check. Right then this really attractive brunette with green eyes got in line behind me. I decided to observe quickly and make conversation. I noticed she had a bag of green apples in her hand, so I asked if the apples here were any good. This led to us chit chatting about apples, and during the few minutes I was there in line she shared with me where she worked, what sort of apples she liked, and how she enjoyed cutting them up and snacking on them with bananas. All the while I was really listening and engaging myself, while also trying to make her laugh and smile.
As I walked out toward my car she followed behind me and I playfully asked if she was stalking me. We talked some more in the parking lot and exchanged phone numbers. And I have to admit a lot of credit goes into your encouraging words and emails. Thanks David. ”
Rafael S.
Charlotte , North Carolina