10 Minute Daily Reality Check
Join me 7 days a week as I blow the lid off everything you THINK you know about dating, relationships, society, and more.
Recently Featured Guests:
How To Step Out Of The Corona Movie

Today join Peter Sage and myself as we talk about how you can create whatever life you want even during COVID-19 times.
It’s all about stepping up and becoming the star of your own movie and not the fear movie that the media and politicians are feeding you.
To find out more about Peter, go to https://www.petersage.com
Do You Wear Pajamas At Rest Stops?

Best podcast ever today! So how do you stay true to your word? Do you actually push through the hard times or do you revert to wearing pajamas at rest stops?
I Am Very Concerned About You!

I am concerned about your mental state and the fear porn that has been hammered into your mind.
Stranger danger lurks around every corner and how you come out of the beer bug will greatly determine your future living. This one today is deep!
How To Make Money On Fridays

Today have an amazing guest: Dan Gibby from Master Trader. We go over so many amazing ways to make money, and Dan has this one strategy that can allow you to make money every Friday.
You will really enjoy what Dan has to say, and he has an offer for all of you that you will not be able to refuse! So make sure you listen to today’s show and check out Dan at https://mastertrader.com/
Post-Corona One Night Stand Rules

Join Ken The Scientist and me as we talk about what sex is going to look like during the recovery time, the type of mask you need too wear as well as how to seduce someone from 6 feet away!
How Do You Feel About the Beer Bug!?

It’s time to let it all out. How do you really feel about all the lack of control you know have in your life? How do you feel about being told what to do and how to do it? Welcome to the beer bug reality!
Is Your January Toilet Still Overflowing?

It’s April. Are you still buying into your BS stories you’re telling yourself about how you’ll change this year?
We go over that as well as if you are surviving the COVID-19 pandemic with your family and partner.
Surrender to Your Odds And Take Control of Your Finances

Today we are joined by my friend Anmol from www.livetraders.com, and we explore the ways you can not only make more money, but take control of your financial future and have the abundant, rich lifestyle you so desire and deserve.
To find out more about Anmol and his special 1 dollar deal check out www.livetraders.com.
19 Mindset Takeaways From COVID Times

Today, join my friend Stephen and I as we go over 19 important mindset and growth opportunities during lockdown. It’s all about how you make the most of your time during these tense times.
Have a great weekend.
The Modern Hero: The Supermarket Cashier

Join Larry Michel and myself as we talk about the modern day hero during COVID-19: the supermarket checkout person.
They are in the line of battle day in and day out, and it’s time we showed appreciation to all the people who are exposing themselves day in and day out to the boogyman.
How To Become The Most Powerful You During Coronaville

Today we have Jerremy Newsome from Real Life Trading, and we are going to share with you the number one way you can become the most amazing version of yourself during the Coronavirus days.
How you use this time right now will impact the way your future will be. So for the month of April we have 3 amazing challenges for you. Are you ready to participate?
Check out more of Jerremy’s wisdom at www.reallifetrading.com!
How To Thrive And Date In Coronaville

So you’re home alone, just like the movie. But this time the villain isn’t two bumbling robbers. It’s the dreaded COVID-19, and it’s coming to kill you.
So how do thrive and date and survive in this new world called coronaville? Glad you asked, because I have the stay-at-home blues cure for you today!