10 Minute Daily Reality Check

With David Wygant

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Episode 277: Are You A Hyper Hype Validation Junkie?

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What a world we live in, where no one looks like their online profile pictures! Where you can be 40 years old and be coached by some “guru” or “pickup artists” and believe all the B.S. they’re selling you.

It seems like no one is who they say they are, and we’re all being sold a bill of goods that doesn’t exist. So how do you get past the hype and truly transform your life?

Well, that’s what I’ll tell you in today’s podcast. So download it, subscribe to it, leave us a review, and share it with your friends so they don’t believe the hype! And come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

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