10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

As the end of 2017 closes in on you, I want you to take a minute and think: where are you at in your life… and where do you want to be? And, most importantly, why aren’t you there right now?
Because today’s reality check is this: if you’ve ever thought, “Once I have ____, I’ll be happy,” then you’ve got life all wrong. Life is about living in the present. You CAN be happy now, not days or weeks or months from now.
So no matter where you are in your life, this is a reality check you need to hear. Listen to it, download and subscribe to the podcast, leave us a review on iTunes, share this with people who need the message, and if you want to connect with my guest John Keegan, go to https://theawakenedlifestyle.com/
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