10 Minute Daily Reality Check

With David Wygant

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Episode 147: Be Kind Please Rewind

Guest: Eddie Palmer

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Remember Blockbuster? Remember their simple request, “Be Kind Please Rewind?” It basically meant don’t be a shitty person. Treat people with respect.

Well, at some point, maybe once Blockbuster shut down, we forgot about that simple rule. And that’s what today’s reality check is all about. We’re back with Eddie Palmer and we’re going to talk all about the philosophy of “Be Kind Please Rewind.” We’re going to talk about the spiritual laws of success, the Golden Rule, and why so many people these days are just, well, self-centered shitty people.

So join us today, subscribe and rate us in your podcatcher of choice, and if you want to get in touch with my great friend and the best personal trainer on the West Coast, shoot Eddie an email at eddiepalmer12@gmail.com.

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