You’ve Met Mr. Too Good To Be True
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
You’ve met somebody. He’s successful, considerate, good looking, rounded. He listens. He wants to get to know you.
He thinks you’re sexy and cute and quirky and you can actually be real in front of him.
He calls. He wants to hang out with you.
He doesn’t force anything on you at all.
He’s a combination of bad, really bad, and really good.
He’s got that edge that you need. You know he was once a bad boy because he really understands women.
Not only does he understand women, you know he actually loves women.
He’s not trying to get over them, he’s not trying to just have sex with you, he actually loves women. You feel after you leave, that he’s actually listened to you.
You feel good when you leave him, but then you do everything to self-sabotage.
We Believe Mr. Wonderful Doesn’t Exist
You don’t know what to do. You try to find things that are wrong because that’s just the way things are, that’s how it is when you’re sitting around with your girlfriends and you talk.
You try to find all the things that are wrong with this guy.
You come up with the easiest thing because this guy is confident and you know he’s slept with lots of women in his lifetime. So you try to find the loophole in his story.
One of your friends will say, “Oh I bet he’s sleeping around now, he probably always sleeps around.”
So you go and you hang out with him and you ask him, “Are you sure you don’t sleep around anymore?”
He looks you straight in the eyes and tells you, “No, I don’t sleep around at all anymore.”
You’re almost relieved, but in a sense you’re not relieved, you’re actually pissed off because had you not believed him right now, you could have had a reason to end this relationship. He’s just too good to be true, you can’t believe that you actually met somebody who has the kind of sexual experience, who actually loves women, who’s kind and considerate.
Someone who would probably rock your world sexually and teach you things that you would only dream about. And not only that, someone who could guide you in certain ways in your life and career.
But you got to find what’s wrong because there has to be something wrong, there has to be.
He’s Mr. Too Good To Be True.
He’s the alpha guy.
He’s warm and sensitive.
He’s nice to his dog.
He’s actually a good father.
Holy shit.
You can’t handle it.
So what do you do in that situation? You run you pull back. You don’t sleep with him because your terrified to sleep with him.
You know if you do sleep with him, you’ll probably end up liking him and then something is going to go wrong because one of your friends implanted that something is going to go wrong, and if the friend didn’t implant something was going to go wrong, you did it in your own overthinking moments when you were sitting around, rationalizing and being irrational.
You irrationally just can’t handle it because in life when we’re finally presented with a gift, somebody that is really going to teach us lots of great things that we can grow with, we tend to think it’s always too good to be true.
Why Does Our Mind Do That?
Part of it is our subconscious mind just cranking right now. For some reason or another, we are programmed to not get what we want. There’s something in life that has told us we are never going to fully get what we want, so we’re going to need to compromise.
Secondly, when we find something that’s pretty fucking amazing, it scares the shit out of us because we don’t have any control.
We’re all control freaks in today’s modern society. Why do we feel the need to control something? Because when we can control something, we have all the power.
So if you meet this Mr. Too Good To Be True, you have absolutely zero control. You feel more vulnerable than you’ve ever felt before because you have zero control. When you have zero control, that means that he thinks he will dictate what’s going on. He can leave at any moment. He can disappear and vanish as quickly as he appeared in his life.
So, we tend to date people who are below us. People we’re not as turned on by. People who are not as considerate. People who are not as spiritually evolved. People who are not as authentic and honest.
Because then we have full control and we also feel like we just don’t deserve to have the full package.
For some reason, we don’t feel like we deserve it. I don’t know what it is but a lot of us walk around with that feeling that we just don’t deserve that Mr. Wonderful.
It could be what we saw with our mother growing up and the men that she chose and the way that she programmed your mind that men are not good. Somebody programmed it into your brain – men are not good; you can’t trust men.
Many mothers have ruined many daughters because of their relationships and their shitty choices in love.
Daughters walk around and they don’t believe that a good man really exists. Basically, they’re dating the same assholes that their mother dated because that’s how they were socially conditioned in their subconscious being to go.
So, when Mr. Too Good To Be True comes into their life, they don’t know what to do. They lose all sense of control because it’s something that’s not familiar.
It’s Time to Believe Mr. Too Good To Be True Really Exists
Here’s some advice to all of you that are on this fucking merry go round of shitty guys: The next time Mr. Too Good To Be True comes into your life, just go with the uncomfortable feeling. You need push that feeling aside because when you actually do things you’re not accustomed to, you’re going to start to acquire a whole different man that comes into your life. Your energy will change and the beauty of a man will start to show up.
So if you meet a man that makes you feel uncomfortable, fucking go for it. Be uncomfortable. Because that’s the guy that’s going to teach you things that you’ve never learned before. He’s going to show you that amazing men really do exist. Whether it lasts six months or 10 years or 20 years, he’s going to show you that there are great men in this world.
Great men that are around, that are confident, sexy, considerate, love women, can rock your world sexually.
A man that can hold you tight all night long when you’re having an emotional breakdown about absolutely nothing and he’s there for you the whole time.
Mr. Too Good To Be True is actually true.
Thank about when you work out and your trainer is pushing you. You’re doing an exercise that really hurts, and when you’re most uncomfortable is the time when your body will go through the transformation that you most need.
Face the fears and become uncomfortable, and allow this man to come into your life. What’s going to change is the cycle that you’ve been on. You’ll go through knowing that men are good. You don’t deserve average any more.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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