1.7 million men & women come to me every month to find the secrets to success. And after 20 years of coaching, I’ve discovered the golden keys to success in dating, business, health and wellness, and life.
I’ve helped millions of men and women around the globe achieve success in their dating, social and personal lives. I’m also a father to the world’s cutest little girl, and I am an unapologetic man. Some say I’m nuts, others say I’ve changed their life forever. One thing’s for certain: I’ll always give you the truth, whether you can handle it or not. I never sugar coat anything.
Nice is so overrated. I’d prefer brutally honest breakthrough to a “nice” rut any damn day of the week. If you’re the same way, then you've come to the right place.
Oh, I am going to pick this blog apart and criticize every piece of it..
Nah, .. :)
I actually do this all of the time, and I agree, traveling alone is awesome. I just recently took a trip to the Smoky's, got a hotel for two nights in Gatlinburg, drove to Cherokee, N.C., drove the blue ridge parkway all the way past Asheville, N.C., stopped at a restaurant on the Blue Ridge and had lunch at over 6000', met a BEAUTIFUL Ukrainian girl at a bar in Gatlinburg, and had a blast.
I have flown to Vegas three times by myself (twice with friends.), and drove to Nashville, Chicago, D.C., N.Y.C., and other places by myself. (once, I drove to D.C. in the middle of the night just because my G.P.S. said I could make it in 7 hours, and I took it as a personal challenge. I had fun explaining that one to the cop).
It's different for me I know, because as a regional Semi driver, travelling alone is what I do. (I'm in Louisville now), so I'm used to it. Plus, current gas prices make travelling often financially difficult for some, but I highly recommend it. It's funny, I always meet women when out of town, but have a hell of a time doing it at home. ??
But yes, this is an article, and video I wholeheartedly agree with.
I travel alone, one thing I noticed, you do tend to meet more people! I've talked to more people who I didn't know when traveling alone then with someone. When I am with someone, I'm not aware as much with the surroundings because I'm engaging a friend or relative in a conversation.
Hey John I always see you on here and assuming that you have many of David's products. How has all this advice helped you with women or do you just see it as advice that only can help so much??
Well Matt, here's the deal...
The truth is that pickup theory / dating advice, what have you, will not change things on it's own. All of the pickup theory in the world is useless unless you have the confidence to put it to use. I have purchased a few of David's products, and had phone coaching one-on-one with David, plus I've read pretty much every thing out there, from Mystery Method, to "The Game", to David Deangelo, to Mr.LrX.. I am basically a walking encyclopedia of pickup theory.
Problem is, when I am face to face with a woman I'm interested in, I am still thinking to myself, "this is pointless. I'm ugly. She has no interest in me. I need to lose 30 lbs." etc.
I can approach, and talk to ANYONE. That's not the problem. The problem is I can't figure out how to show INTEREST, and move the conversation from normal, boring conversation... to a conversation that builds attraction. Asking for a number, or a date is still terrifying to me.
Now, David sells products to help with approach anxiety, and building self confidence, but none of them have seemed to help me. I haven't taken a bootcamp. Maybe someone actually pushing me into the situation would help. I don't know, I haven't tried it yet.
I know, this answer is all over the place. This is a difficult question to answer. I'd say, if you are a good looking, confident guy, who is just a little tongue tied, then YES, these things help. If you are like me, slightly overweight, skin ruined by Cystic Acne, unattractive, and lacking self confidence, then NO.. you need to deal with those issues first.
I would say, if you haven't yet, start with "The Fearless Code", and see if that helps, and go from there.
Does that help?
That is quite close to the truth. If you are an attractive, or even unattractive, guy, would you like to be approached by fat and ugly women who have nothing else in mind than sucking your various body parts ? No. It is disgusting. And that is probably exactly how women feel. Obviously they would make an exception if Brad Pitt came along, but if you know what your limitations are, don't expect to attract super models, unless there is something really irresistible about your personality.
By the way, when it comes to dating gurus, David is probably the only one out there whom I believe when he says that he is good with women. Most of the other ones, well, just look at them. David DeAngelo, Neil Strauss, Carlos Xuma ? No way these guys attract anything except your money. What they say makes sense, though, so there is nothing wrong with buying their products.
Very good blog. Traveling is great, especially if you travel to foreign countries. People usually notice your accent, or your looks, and voila, you don't really have to do much to strike up a conversation.
John I'm good at getting girls interested and for the most part can get numbers when I want. What gets me is I suck at closing and am a pussy when it comes to getting them out on a on on date. That Is where it gets me and its frustrating as hell because its all in my head! I have gotten girls atteacted to me and had them throw their numbers at me! Girls that get approached and hit on all day by guys who can get any guy they want. I create attraction and I know they would say yes to go out with me but I get all freaked out that when I'm on a date it will get boring and I will get in my head and the conversasion will dry up! That is what gets me! If I could fix that part about me and actually close girls I would be pretty good! And I have the Art of Close program and still get my same issues after listening to it. I want to do some custom coaching but don't want to waste my money if its not going to fix my problems! I'm worried if his audio didn't get me through that how is his coaching?
John also if you don't mind me asking how long have you been doing this and have you actually gotten any dates and have you gotten laid from this stuff?
Matt, I don't know what doing "this" is. What's "this"?
David sells products to help you improve on yourself, and gives you things to work on. It's no step by step system, or a magic pill.
I don't really know what else to say. Girls seem to be into you.. you get numbers.. so you're ahead of the game.
Best thing I can tell you is to email David or call him. Tell him your situation, and let him recommend a product, or sign up for some email or phone coaching.
Good point I have just doubting myself lately because I have done good with girls when I meet them and attract them but for some reason can't go farther than that. Was wondering if it me because everyone else I know can close girls but not me! But I am going to get coaching from David
I would say confidence! Im living in the past and cant get over how I used to suck with girls and didnt know how to talk to them and am afraid when i go on a on on one date it I will be boring and conversation will dry up
Thanks David, I actually heard you talking about going on holiday alone previously and in my opinion its the best thing to do to get your life sorted and get a healthier perspective on life.
Damn when i got back from my Euro Trip I changed my life and dropped a lot of bull**** and its a lot better now. Thanks. I will one day make it on a bootcamp!!!
Probably a lot of guys feel exactly the way you do, but don't admit it publicly or to themselves. Have you tried to improving some of the stuff that deflates your confidence? i.e. putting a workout regimen, etc.
Those gurus that you named are actually quite good and David's stuff is wonderful. But, I think those guys put in way more practice time than the regular person. For every hour of theory, they socialize way more hours than the regular reader. They are probably in clubs 4 or 5 nights a week....and David seems to talk to people every time he gets out of the house. In fact, some of those pickup artists probably were going out every night of the week when they were starting out and got rejected a million times.
Traveling alone,
The reservation about doing that is that people would be why is that dude by himself...doesn't he have friends? or it comes off creepy. Sure, the very social person can pull it off. You probably meet the most people when you go on vacation, probably because everyone is in such a good mood and you are more uninhibited.
Sorry, I really don't buy that particular reservation. For many, many reasons but I'll keep it simple:
The only relevant question is what do YOU think about someone who travels alone? Me, I think someone who does that has a strong drive for exploration, culture, adventure, and independence, and I would see it as a positive trait. If I personally had a negative perception of traveling alone or people who travel alone, on the other hand, that would be an acceptable reason to stay away from it. My reservations are cost and convenience though.
Lol I think Hans and John should hook up and jerk each other off. That way you can both stay in your deluded, pessimistic worlds, AND you can blow your loads. :D
Haha seriously guys... you act as if you know what the score is with women, you type huge essays explaining your views... if you know so much, and are not willing to change your views, WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR TIME HERE!?
I really don't get it! Someone explain, please!
By the way, the idea of jerking off another guy is in YOUR head, not mine, hence it says more about you than me. Are you gay ? It's no big deal, really.
Hans.. this is the typical reaction that comes anytime one dares to challenge the opinion of their beloved, almighty, guru.
If you pose a conflicting opinion and would like to discuss it, all you'll get is name calling, disgusting sexual insults, hate speech, ridicule, etc.
They never properly defend their opinion, only criticize you for having one of your own. "How DARE YOU think for yourself!"
I have no idea what the score is with women, and I really do not have a view either. I am willing to learn from guys like you, and I am more than jealous of your skills. You are probably a whole lot more attractive than me, and your personality is so much more interesting than mine. I am boring, I am ugly, and these are just my obvious flaws. Hopefully I can pick up some of your mindset, it would really help.
I just remembered that backpacking trip to Romania I took many years ago. I met this great girl, she could do all kinds of stuff, like turning her head 360 degrees. She also spoke Latin in reverse. I still have her address...anybody interested ?
Hey, you forgot to include me, Boodoo! Your question sounds rhetorical but I can give you an honest answer:
Writing huge essays or personal rants then having them challenged helps me clarify my views. AND more importantly helps me express myself when I am in a social setting. David's blog topics are often interesting conversation points when you are with your buddies or on a date, so a lot of times I will find myself repeating some of the exact same arguments I see here when I am in a social setting.
So there :p
I want to do more LOCAL travel by myself - day trips or quick extended weekend trips. I have done two day trips to NYC by myself this year. I found out about a bus line where I hop into a bus at night, go to sleep, and wake up in Canada :) Oy!! I will do that to celebrate as soon as I finish my project. An extended weekend trip to Boston would be fun too.
Hello everyone, hope you are well, John, Pam, Jen, Shelly, Mike, Techno and all..
First time I have been on in a while, been sick with a cold..Then we got hit pretty hard here in the NY area by the hurricane, trees down, flooding and power outages..Never have we had such terrible weather conditions here..It was a scary feeling..Luckily we still have power for now..I have by flashlights and candles though just in case..Praying everyone will be well..
Hey.. I asked where you've been a while ago. Are you in N.Y. CITY?
I was in Youngstown, Ohio during the hurricane, where it passed through on it's way to Cleveland. It was pretty violent.. Though nothing like what you guys went through in N.Y. and N.J.
The wind was pretty rough, and it dumped a lot of rain, and then turned to snow. The wind was so strong that the snow was blowing perfectly horizontally. It was like driving through a wall. It was like a blizzard all the way back to Cincinnati.
Hope you guys keep power, and everything is well. Hope you're feeling better too. :-)
Holy crap! I thought I had it bad. I was sleeping in the truck when it went through Youngstown. I thought the truck was going to turn over in the parking lot.
I hope you get out of there safely!
You're right there were fires too, when I looked out my window I saw some flashing lights, it was so scary, I think it was fire in the distance..
There is still so much flooding, mta is still closed, maybe some buses, looks like I will be home tomorrow too...About 2 million people without power..
Most of staten island had to be evacuated wow..
There are power outages up north, around Cleveland area. I heard on the radio today that the waves on Lake Erie were like 40 feet high. Plus lots of highways were closed down due to trees, power lines, flooding.
I hope everything is ok in your part of queens. I saw somewhere around 50 homes were burnt in the fires.
Glad you are ok.
Aw Thanks John, I feel seen and appreciative of your kind words... :-)I am slowly reading through blog posts I missed so many..
I live in Queens, its only about 20 mins from NYC..I haven't left my house in 2 days, the financial markets are closed so work has been too..I got a little water in my house that leaked threw walls from the blowing wind and rain, but nothing compared to people in Long Island who have whole streets flooded, and the poor people of NJ who lost their homes..very sad and so scary how powerful the ocean and water can have..
Wow I can't believe you had snow too, that must have been scary and dangerous driving back..Glad you are safe! I heard there are power outages in Ohio too?
So enjoyed this article..It spoke to me and made me think about how much I loved traveling,I felt so free, I felt such excitement.. I did it alone too..I went off to Europe and spent a lot of time in beautiful France..Learning the language and meeting people..I really recommend even staying in a foreign country for a short time..It was a life changing experience for me..I used to be extremely shy, and when I came back I was a different person..
John, I'm a good looking guy with horrible luck with women too. I always forget that I have an awesome job, two jobs (so I'm not lazy), and look good and am smart when I'm talking to girls. I professionally teach ballroom dance now and that means there are women paying money to be around me, and yet I'm still terrified of numbers. Sure I can ask anyone I want to dance, and rejection in that area isn't too bad. But dating? Ha, let me pretend I'm the guy I was in high school and that no girl likes me.
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