Why You Can’t Find Love
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
You walk around, always hoping, wanting, desiring a relationship.
You just want it so bad.
You’re tired of being single.
You feel like your life would be so much better if you became a “we”.
You’ve got your list, you talk to your friends, you go out at night, you go to the right parties—you’ve even tried online dating.
You talk with your friends and you always tell them, “Geez, I just want to be a we so badly.”
But maybe because you want it so bad is the reason why you don’t get it.
In life, people that have big wants, tend to strangle them.
You become obsessed with your want.
But really what’s happening is you really don’t believe that it’s going to happen.
See, I never look for relationships, they just tend to find me.
I’m not saying that to piss any of you off.
I’m not saying that to make you upset.
I just don’t walk around all day long thinking to myself, “When I go to this coffee shop and get tea, it would be much better if I did it as a we.”
See, I walk around, I go to the market or coffee shop or even vacation, and I think to myself, “My life is already perfect already. My life is amazing. I don’t need somebody else by my side. It would be nice to have somebody by my side, but I don’t need it.”
I don’t buy into the Jerry McGuire “you complete me” crap. When I used to believe in all of that, I would have really dysfunctional relationships—one dysfunctional we after another.
So the second you finish this blog, I want you to look in the mirror and I want you to stare directly into your eyes and want you to tell yourself that you’re the most beautiful, amazing, incredible, fantastic person you’ve ever met in your entire life and you don’t need anybody in your life but you.
I want you to start dating yourself.
I want you to start taking yourself out on dates, go do things that you love, do things that you enjoy.
I want you to experience life as a we—alone.
Because when you experience life as an individual we, and you’re happy by yourself, then you’re going to attract somebody that’s going to be so amazing and happy also.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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