Why I Want To Be 4 Years Old
Flirting & foreplay are the keys to keeping any man interested — download these 11 flirting & foreplay secrets for FREE and I’ll show you how YOU can be the ONLY woman he desires!
What did you do on your last birthday?
I don’t even remember my last birthday. I think I went out for dinner with a friend who works for me, and ended up paying the bill myself. I want to be 4 years-old all over again. It’s my daughter’s birthday weekend, she has a party with some of her friends. It’s a “Frozen” themed party. They all have to dress as Ana and Elsa.
Ana is actually coming to sing and hang out with them too. I think we’re having a face painter and some other things. It’s at a park where they’re getting picnic tables and all sorts. I’m telling you this birthday cost a hell of a lot more than all my birthdays combined.
I remember when I was a kid we’d have these parties in our backyard. My Mom would spring a pin the tail on the donkey. Total cost; $1.29. Maybe they’d throw in a few balloons. My Mom would bake some horrific Better Crocker cake, and then we’d sing Happy Birthday to Vickie, Eric, David, or whoever’s birthday it was and we’d call it a day.
Now, what are you kidding me?
Kid’s birthday parties are like weddings. They’re like Bar Mitzvahs and Bat Mitzvahs. They’re over the top, extravagant, and they make me want to be 4 years-old again. When we were 4 years-old, we’d leave a birthday party at the end and be happy. Now, you have to give a gift bag to every single kid that comes to your party. That’s right. The kid comes and brings a present, and then you have to give them presents for showing up!
“Here’s a bag of goodies. Thanks for showing up to my party.”
It’s hilarious, how things have evolved in the world of kids parties. I look at parties from when I was 4 years old and they literally look like ghetto parties. But I want to be 4 years old for several other reasons…
1. They seem to have a lot more fun.
2. 4 year-olds don’t have all these over-thinking habits adults do.
3. They’re not programed for conflict. Here’s the conflict for a 4 year old. “I fell. I want Mommy.”
As an adult, you meet someone; you find them attractive, and instantly all the conflict comes out. “They remind me so much of my ex. Why should I text him first? What should I say? If I go out with him the day after I meet him do I look to eager?”
My kid looks at her friend, and says, “Do you want to play?”
Her friend jumps up, and says, “Yes.”
Things are so much less complicated. Things are beautiful. The only thing complicated about childhood is making a kid’s party work. It’s complicated trying to get up early to secure the space in a public park for your picnic tables!
Do You Overcomplicate Dating?
The rest of childhood is beautiful, innocent, fun, and amazing. That’s what adult life needs to become for you. The next time you meet someone, get out of your head. Just allow yourself to feel, and ride the momentum. That’s right. You meet someone online, you start texting them, and you go to meet them. You like them, so why not set up a plan to go and see them again. Go with your heart. Trust your gut. Lighten up a bit. Have fun, and you’ll meet an amazing man.
Life has become so complicated for adults. As I’m sitting here writing this right now, looking at the “Frozen” balloons, I’m thinking to myself, my daughter’s going to get so much joy just looking at these balloons.
A woman goes out on a date; the man looks good, but all of a sudden she thinks, “God, why did he wear that shirt?”
You get an email from someone, and you try to analyze every word of it. You want to text someone, but you don’t. You hold back because you don’t want to look too interested and too eager. My Daughter sees “Frozen” balloons, she doesn’t care about looking too interested or too eager. She’s going to go, grab them, and play with them immediately.
If you find you don’t have fun anymore, especially when it comes to dating, I strongly suggest you go to a kid’s party. Take a look at their pure, beautiful instincts, and how much fun they have. Give it a shot and see how your life changes. Oh, and don’t forget to wish my Daughter a happy birthday!
Flirting & foreplay are the keys to keeping any man interested — download these 11 flirting & foreplay secrets for FREE and I’ll show you how YOU can be the ONLY woman he desires!
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Rebekah K
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