Why I Love Everything About Life
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Everything I do in life I do with enthusiasm.
Whatever it is. I do it enthusiasm, or I don’t do it at all.
When I was in Chicago, I was hanging out with the guys from the boot camp.
I was sharing a story with them, but had to break and go to the bathroom.
On my way down to the bathroom, I turned around and saw this cute, little red-haired girl—all eight months of her.
I noticed that she was eating Baby Mum Mums. My daughter eats Baby Mum Mums.
So I looked at her and said, “Mum Mums? I love Mum Mums!” And I said it in a high-pitched baby voice. I talked to the little kid like she’s a little baby human, which is what she is.
She got so excited she screamed at the top of her lungs. She really enjoyed everything about the interaction with me.
I then went down to the bathroom. In there was a guy changing his little daughter, who was about three months old.
I bonded and related with him. I said, “I remember those days when I was changing my daughter. Brutal. Constant diaper changing. You should go to Amazon and get them cheaper.”
“Already do, brother.”
Every moment in life, I love.
I really loved talking to that woman and her baby. I didn’t do it for any other reason but to just have fun.
When I was in the bathroom, I enjoyed the conversation that I had with the man in the bathroom over his kid.
And that’s what creating attraction is all about, going out and loving every moment of your life, because when you do that, people recognize it.
The reason why people respond to me in such a favorable way is because I love every moment of my life. And when you be love, and when you act love, people will respond lovingly.
That’s what it’s all about.
Life is about loving every single moment. There are no ifs, ands, and buts about it.
Enjoy everything. There are so many enjoyable things to life, so why deprive yourself of the special moments?
The only people that deprive themselves of these moments are the people that are always constantly looking for something else.
Why should I talk to a baby when I could be looking for and talking to a woman?
Why not enjoy talking to the baby? Women notice men that are likeable and have good energy.
Everybody wants somebody that’s full of love.
Everybody wants somebody that’s fun.
So be that person. Be that fun, amazing person and watch how your attraction in life, basically grows by the moments.
Here’s how I became the fun guy that can meet women anywhere:
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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Love Forever
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