What’s Your Problem Today
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
Right now for a moment, I want you to think, what’s your problem today.
What at this moment is bothering you the most.
Everybody seems to have a problem that they’re fighting over the course of the day. What is yours right now. Write it down. I want you make a conscientious effort today on your problems.
How many times throughout the day do problems arise? How many times throughout the day that you just feel like venting?
How long it is until the next problem comes up?
Your thoughts always tend to focus on what’s bothering you today. Your thoughts are always about the problem. Why it’s bothering you, what you can do to fix it. If you don’t do something about this, it’ll go on for the rest of your life.
And that’s when people don’t grow. We’ve all got things we want to change and fix. We’ve all got problems. The fact is the ones who are evolved and enjoy life, don’t concentrate on them all day. What is it about contracting on a problem, why are we always so fixated in fixing something. Instead of having a bad moment, or maybe having an issue that happens.
The way you speak to yourself, is really powerful.
I’ve got such a problem today. Think about what you’re saying, that you have a problem today. Your day is not good. How many times have you said this to yourself.
Had a really bad day today, it was rough. The whole day there was so many problems that kept coming up couldn’t get a grip on things, To me there’s no such thing as a bad day, there’s only moments that come up that need to take care of. Moments that need to be fixed, things that need to be answered, things that need to be let go. I don’t think about my problems ever. To tell you the truth, currently I don’t have any.
I frame my mind differently than a lot of people. I don’t frame my mind as having problems, I frame my mind as having occurrences that come up and sends me at text that needs clarification on. Maybe one of my workers is having an issue. I look at it as a moment in time. And when that moment comes up I tackle that moment.
I tackle the moment as the moment arises.
I don’t allow it to become a festering problem. I don’t allow it to become something that keeps happening over and over again.
You got to watch the way you speak and the way you frame things.
So what’s your problem today. How does it make you feel now after reading this.
Your mind is always telling you something. That you have to change something outside to solve your inner problems. All of a sudden, a problem comes up. You forget about it for a second, and the next problem comes up.
Then you start playing the rationalization game.
You tell yourself, if I can just get that promotion, then I will be fine. I’ll feel good about myself, then I can get my life back together.
If I can just make more money, I’ll feel good about myself. I’ll be able to afford things that I want and my life will be perfect.
If I can just meet that girl.
Because dating is such a chore. If I can just meet that girl, then I could feel good about myself again. If I could just find love, then I no longer have to be single. And being single is a problem.
No matter what happens, a problem always manifests into another problem, and then a solution comes up.
And then when the solution comes up, another problem comes up. We’re never going to be where we need to be unless we start staying content in the present moment. We’re always searching for answers to our problems. In reality, we need to become more present for what we feel every single day and realize that things just come up.
We’re always going to want more money. We’re always going to want more things.
We’re always going to want better health. We’re always going to lose a few pounds.
We’re always going to want more days on our vacation.
Think about that when you’re about to leave vacation. Instead of saying how wonderful it was, you create a problem around it.
You see, being present means that you don’t have problems. You have things that come up and you tackle them immediately because you know that they’re just momentary things that happen over the course of the day.
So that way, when you go on vacation, your present right from the get go, and you’re able to enjoy it from the beginning. Think about this as you frame your mind. Not a problem. It’s something that just came up that you’re going to tackle immediately.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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