Trying To Figure Out Life
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One of my best friends called me tonight on his way home from dinner with a “friend in need.”
I asked him how she was doing. He told me she was trying to figure her life out.
Aren’t we all? Aren’t we all trying to figure our lives out?
It really is a daily process to figure our lives out. No one has the answers to questions before they come up, and they always come up. I was watching the NFL draft and a guy by the name of Randy Gregory slipped down until the Cowboys drafted him. He was supposed to be a top 10 pick, except he made a few mistakes. They said he was trying to figure his life out. He’s 21.
The girl my friend went out with is 30. It doesn’t matter how old we are. We’re all trying to figure our lives out on a daily basis. Nobody has it figured out. That’s what life is all about. Life is all about embracing our daily moods, the daily emotions, and the daily feelings as they arise inside us.
Every day things come up. Whether it’s personal, work-related, or family, just when you thought you had something figured out, life will throw you another curveball and you have to figure life out again. If you think about it, the universe (life), keeps giving us chances to learn and grow If you are aware and able to read the signs, you make the adjustment and you move on.
If you can’t see what life is showing you, what the universe wants you to learn, the same problem will keep presenting itself to you. It’s not always so obvious but, that which you resist, will definitely persist. Most people spend their whole life trying to figure things out. Does that mean we should just be happy wherever we are?
Think about that for a second. If you know you’re never going to figure out life until you die, are you still going to waste time trying to figure it out? Don’t you think you should just be happy on your journey?
You’ve heard the old saying: The journey is the destination. It’s the power of the present.
Stop waiting for your life to start and learn to embrace and enjoy every day. That’s your life. Life is going to throw you curveballs. We know that already. We know there are going to be good days and bad days. Some days you’re going to feel as if you can’t figure out life, and the answers just disappear. Isn’t it time you just embrace it?
Isn’t it time we just embrace what life really is?
Your true success in life can be measured by how happy you are. That’s it. So make a conscious decision to be happy and the rest will fall into place. I wanted you to think about that today because I think we all need to embrace life more. Stop trying to figure it all out, and just roll with it.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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