Time To Be A Realistic Dater
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
I think a lot of people are really unrealistic. This is especially true when it comes to dating.
Think about this. There are 52 weeks and 365 days in a year. Think if you went out and met people every single day with the goal of getting one date per week. I’m not just talking about a date with anyone you can find, but with someone with whom you share a real chemistry connection.
That’s 52 quality dates a year. You don’t think that out of those 52 dates that you’re going to find at least one person with whom you really connect and with whom you will form a relationship?
It’s funny how many times people say to me, “David, I’d like to go on two to three dates per week.” Why?
It’s really all about going out every single day and meeting people. You can do it for ten or twenty minutes one day or a half hour another day depending on your schedule. It doesn’t really matter.
By doing that, don’t you think you can meet one person per week with whom you share a great connection? Don’t you think you’ll find that great and amazing person with whom you love to hang.
Don’t you think you’d find people along the way that would be great sexual partners? Don’t you think you’d find people who will teach you things and people with whom you can share things? Don’t you think you might find people you want to date for a week, a month or maybe forever?
So, really, keep your goals realistic. Go out there and look for that one great date every week. No need to worry about how many dates you’re getting. Try this for a week!
Wonder what to say to when you are out meeting all these people? Click here to listen to my favorite openers to use when talking to women.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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