Three Ways Dating Is Like Blackjack
Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!
Let me set the record straight. I’m not much of a gambler. The thought of going to Las Vegas does absolutely nothing for me, maybe to catch some shows, stay at a beautiful hotel and get some meals. The idea of gambling on sporting events does nothing for me. I find no rush at all.
Playing online poker or anything else like that doesn’t do it for me. Gambling for me is a waste of money. It’s not thrilling. To me the greatest gamble is to play blackjack with your love life. Hear me out. I find after years of doing this business, most of you are extremely conservative in your love life. Most of you barely caution a risk. You need to stop fooling yourself – love is a risk.
Try Something New: Embrace the idea of doubling down
Are you familiar with the idea of taking a card on 17 in blackjack?
The goal in blackjack is to be the closest to 21.
22 or more and you’re out. The player is making a calculated risk. He can’t know what’s on the other side. Even if the player is counting cards, unless they’ve reached the end of the deck, there’s no way to know what the next card is. You’re going to be doing the same thing.
Think about it. You have no idea who the right person is until you meet them. A lot of the times we don’t take a risk and go out with somebody we’re only sort of interested in. We rationalize the relationship too much, and we don’t go out with the person because we’re scared. We think we can do better based off something arbitrary.
The truth is, we don’t know what’s on the other side of a person. It’s worth it to get to know them, particularly if they show a genuine interest in you. They see something in you. If nothing else, find out what the something is. You might learn something about yourself.
Take A Chance
I’m going to share a story with all of you today. A friend of mine the other day friend requested a woman on Facebook. He saw a post that she did and found her attractive and decided to friend request her. She friend requested him back that afternoon.
We all know why people friend request back quickly on Facebook. It’s an ego validation. We want to have as many fake friends as possible. We want to have as many acquaintances as possible. Facebook fuels our high school mentality. That’s okay. That’s the way it works and the way our brains are wired. It’s perfectly fine.
My friend immediately wrote an e-mail to this woman and said, “What you wrote fascinated me. I would like to get to know more about you. I’m interested in who you are.”
He gambled. He took a risk. He put it out there. He was authentic. He was real and he was honest. What did the woman do?
Well… let’s just say they’re going out this weekend. Putting it out there every single day in ways that you never thought you would is the way I want you to start gambling with your love life. Next time you see somebody you’re really attracted you, you need to make yourself available. Ask yourself are you sending out the right signals to him.
Are you sending him signals or are you closed off? Is your phone, or one your various other antisocial devices, protecting you, yet again?
Are your friends protecting you?
What’s stopping you from taking a chance?
Whatever it is, move beyond it. Try asking out that cute barista. What about a friend request on Facebook to a cute guy?
Put yourself out there. How about a guy online that you find interesting, but you’re not quite sure if he’s your type…
Refine Your Skills: Instead of just guessing, become a gambler
If you see a man you’re attracted to I want you to smile at him and give him a big smile. I want you to go out with that Tinder guy you’ve been flirting with but you’re not quite sure whether to go out with him or not. I want you to become a gambler.
I want you to go out on a second date with a guy that you feel something for but you’re not quite sure. Take a shot. Maybe he was nervous on the first date. Give him another opportunity. I want you to become risky. I want you to double down. I want you to hit on 17.
It’s time you became a gambler in your love life. It’s the only way you’re going to meet somebody in 2015 by taking risks, by doing things outside your comfort zone. When you’re conservative in your love life, you’re not taking a risk. That’s why you’re getting the same results over and over again. Gamble. Tell someone you like them, tell somebody you have a crush on them.
Do something outside the ordinary. Because if you do it the same way, 2015 is going to be the same year as 2014 and 2013. It’s time you became a gambler in your love life.
Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!
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Laura N.
Wednesday, January 21st, 2015