Three Basic Rules For A New Relationship
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
You’re dating someone new. You’ve been craving that wonderful love relationship you so desperately want. And you’ve just found yourself in a new relationship. Something new and shiny and something that’s going to satisfy you like never before.
But in today’s modern world, you need to follow a couple of rules because what happens is, so many times, relationships never become relationships, because people are constantly looking for the shiny new car every single day.
Here are the three ‘Golden Rules’ to follow when starting a new relationship:
1. Get Off the Dating Sites
You need to commit to a new relationship differently in today’s modern world.
The first thing you need to do in order to give this relationship any chance at all is to get off of all the apps.
Get off Match, get off Tinder, get off Bumble.
Get off of all the online dating sites. Hide your profile. You can just put it on hiatus, in case the relationship doesn’t work, then that way, you’ll be able to go back on it again with the click of a button.
If you don’t do this, you’re going to constantly have the sensation that there might be something better lurking out there.
That’s what the dating apps and the dating websites want you to believe. That there’s always something better lurking out there.
So it’s very, very important that you get rid of or hide your profile.
Otherwise, the new relationship isn’t going to work. You see, in the old days, before online dating and app dating, you’d meet somebody, you’d like them, you’d hang out with them, you’d give them a shot, you’d see what they’re all about. And, if it didn’t work, you would go out there and meet somebody else, but you would always give it a chance. The only way you’re only going to be able to give it a chance in this day and age is to hide all your profiles.
2. Know What You Want and Write it Down
Write down exactly what you want in a future mate. Write down how you want to feel in a relationship. Write down your idea of the type of man you want to be with.
Then you’ll have this perfect picture. You’ll have the picture of who you want to meet.
Then, I want you to keep a dating journal. I want you to write down everything about the new man that you meet. Does he trigger the things you want? Does he make you feel safe and secure?
Are you attracted to him?
Does he walk the walk and talk the talk or he is just a big talker and doesn’t follow through? In order to have a real relationship, you need to be aware of the warning signs and not cover them up with a story of what you think he is; which takes us to number three.
3. See the Man in Front of You
Listen very carefully to what he’s all about. If there’s a warning sign, fully discuss with him what you’re feeling in that moment. Be clear on everything.
We’re talking about your life, your love life, your romance.
Remember, you want to fall in love with the man that’s in front of you, not the man that you think he’s going to be. That’s extremely important.
When you fall in love with the man who’s in front of you, you’re actually starting a real relationship. A relationship based on who each of you are.
When you fall in love with the idea of somebody, you’re just going to set yourself up for disappointment, yet again. And you don’t want to keep disappointing yourself over and over and over again. It’s really not very healthy.
Use these three basic steps every single time you’re about to start a relationship. I think they’re all extremely important, especially number one. If you want any relationship to start, you need to commit to that person from the get go. I know it sounds scary, but you can really have that conversation with them. You can say, “Let’s pull ourselves off of Tinder” if you met on Tinder.
Because the only way it’s going to work is if both of you, put your lives on hold. And I’m not talking about your daily life, your work life, but the imaginary life of all the imaginary people coming in. That’s why it’s such a challenge in today’s modern world to find somebody great to date.
I think we find lots of great people to date. I think we just don’t give people enough of a chance. So with this in mind, and these three steps, I think you’ll be able to have a great relationship. And a great relationship starts with how you dictate the way you do it from the beginning.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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Monday, April 18th, 2016