The Truth About People
Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail” openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.
We are all f@$ked up.
I went to a meditation group where there were people in the room and every one of them had something that was f@$ked up about them.
Before you start reading, I want you to realize something: I’m not judging anybody. As a matter of fact, I’m fully embracing something we all need to fully embrace. People are just f@$ked up.
It’s a fact. Whenever you meet somebody for the very, very first time, they’re going to bring a suitcase full of things that are f@$ked up about them, which is okay, because you have them too. And if you don’t have them, then, well, either you’re an alien, a Martian, or somebody who’s so not in touch with themselves, you don’t even realize how f@$ked up you really are.
You see, as an adult, we overanalyze, think about things that happen in our past, we read too much, and we are just so f@$ked up.
And it’s perfectly okay.
All the rules and regulations.
A woman likes a man. She doesn’t call him. She doesn’t text him. She waits for him to text and she just pretends to be busy, and doesn’t text him back for five or six hours just to show him that she has some type of life because she read somewhere that she should do that.
Well, you know what that is? That’s f@$ked up.
A man doesn’t want to tell a woman anything that he feels at all. Doesn’t want to show any vulnerability. Doesn’t want to do this, and you know what? That’s also f@$ked up.
Embracing the Truth
We are all very imperfect people and that’s okay.
Once you start realizing how messed up you are, once you start fully embracing it, and once you start owning it, that’s when the real fun starts.
You know you can find a relationship. You can actually meet somebody whose shit matches your shit.
Whose screwed up stuff matches your screwed up stuff, and it’s somebody that can put up with all this mess that they’re in.
You see, we’re all just a mess.
And there’s nothing wrong with it. We’re not going to get healed, no matter how much yoga, meditation, chanting we might do, how much money we make, or how many mantras we write out.
If you’ve lived any type of life, you’ve had any type of heartbreak, you’ve lived any type of existence on this planet.
You’re not only carrying your stuff around.
That’s right. You’re just playing into your failures in relationships, which I don’t believe there are any, but if you want to go on and put it that way, your relationships that went the wrong way.
Your money issues, your health issues, whatever it might be.
We’re all just f@$ked up.
Our childhood did it to us. Our parents did it. Whatever it might be. We just carry so much crap around 24/7. It’s ridiculous, but that’s okay. The rules and regulations, the articles we read, the beliefs that we have, the rules that we play with, the fear that we might have – that’s just the way we are. It’s being human. It’s part of being human. It’s part of being a person. It’s part of what we all are. All we can do is work on ourselves on a consistent basis. And the day we die, we’re still going to have things that are just f@$ked up about us.
That’s the Truth About Life
It’s a fact of life. It’s the fact of everything, and it’s the way we need to express it and understand it.
We’re just messed up.
And it’s perfectly okay. So the next time you meet somebody, don’t judge them. Accept them. They’re a complete mess. Nobody is perfect so stop searching for perfect.
And there’s nothing wrong with it. As long as their message matches your message and you guys can put up with each other’s mess, and put up with each other’s shit, then you all be fine. Because that’s the damn truth about life.
Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail” openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.
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