The True Definition Of Being Pussy Whipped
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
You’ve met a great girl.
And you’re going to bend over backwards and change your entire life, so you can have the pleasure of being with her.
That’s the biggest mistake you’ll ever do. Why? Because what you’re going to do is show her a false version of you and your lack of abundant mindset around dating and women. You’re literally going to go kiss her ass for as long as you can before one day, you finally wake up and realize, you’re pussy whipped.
Stop Being Pussy Whipped
Don’t change your life for anybody and here are three reasons why:
A friend of mine is literally the biggest pussy whipped guy I’ve ever met.
Every morning, he gets up at 4:30 to make his little pussycat breakfast.
He says that if he doesn’t get up at 4:30 in the morning to make her special breakfast, she will start whining and complaining nonstop.
He does this routine every single day. He sets his alarm so his little princess can eat her special diet, every morning at 4:30.
I looked at him and asked, “You never sleep in?”
“Never,” he replied. ”I’ve got to wake up every morning and take care of her, otherwise she gets all whiney.”
I told him that’s the true definition of being pussy whipped. I suggested he should come up with a new schedule that worked for both of them.
“Nope, it’s when she gets up because, when she’s up, she won’t let anybody in the house sleep until she is fed,” he replied.
I looked at him and I said, “You are the ultimate definition of being pussy whipped.”
You see with him, it’s serving a one-year-old kitten.
He really is pussy whipped because he does all those things for his cat.
However, a lot of you do ridiculous, crazy things for your girlfriend.
By changing the way you live your life to accommodate someone else’s needs, wants, and desires, you literally become their servant, and ultimately, their slave. They then become accustomed to your behavior in the relationship. Unconsciously, you’re setting the precedent that the relationship is exactly the way you want it to be. You’ll literally show up whenever she demands.
You enjoy being her personal assistant.
By doing so, she gets accustomed to your actions and thinks it’s expected of you to serve her.
The problem is “Lost Signal,” the magic of what you think she is, tends to wear off.
The oxytocin highs tend to disappear and all of a sudden, the daily sex turns into a couple of days a week. Which leads to the person that you put on a pedestal now, becomes a regular person. A regular good person, but a regular Lost Signal. You’ll start to realize that you’ve lost yourself because you thought she was someone different.
What happens next is what usually happens in a lot of these relationships. You start fighting for your own needs, wants, and desires. She doesn’t understand because you’ve been doing everything to serve her. You’ve literally been her servant, her personal assistant, and everything else.
Now, she see’s a whole new you. However, it’s not the new you, it’s who you’ve always been.
You see, I’ve done this. We’ve all been whipped at one point or another. I mean, I tell women all the time they get dick whipped. You give a woman a good orgasm and everything else, and they become blind too. We all do it when we get great sex, high levels of oxytocin, and the chemistry is running at an all time high.
But that’s not a real relationship. See, a real relationship is when you’re able to present your true self. Who you are, what you’re all about, right from the start. You’ll no longer get whipped anymore because you’ll have a healthy relationship. A relationship where both of you are expressing needs, wants, and desires; a relationship based on equality.
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
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