Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
I think if we really got deep today…
And really talked about our intuition…
And how we open or live our lives with an open heart…
If you look back at your entire dating history…
You’ll see that there were just some first dates that were absolutely serendipitous.
You know the type of date where you go out with somebody and you feel super comfortable, like you’ve known each for a long time. There’s no thinking or worrying about whether or not somebody likes you.
What to say next.
Whether or not to grab them.
Whether or not to kiss them at the end.
Whether or not you’ve said too much or said too little.
There are just first dates that literally go as smooth as soft-serve ice cream on a hot summer day.
First dates where conversation just flows. It doesn’t matter where you go, you feel so comfortable.
Eye contact is literally non-stop.
You feel them. They feel familiar to you.
You literally feel like you’ve known them a long time.
The kiss, well it’s not pre-planned at the very, very end. It’s not an awkward moment where two far heads bump into one another.
It’s not one of those where the person, or the man, doesn’t go in for it. It just kind of happens.
It kind of happens like halfway through the date.
It just happens. Like it’s happened many times before. It’s natural.
It’s easy, and the kiss itself…
It feels like you’ve kissed them many times before. They feel familiar, and there’s nothing wrong with feeling familiar. Familiar is safe. Familiar is nice.
First dates are pretty amazing when they are like that, because usually a date like that will lead to a relationship.
If I look back at all the women I’ve ever dated in my entire life on this planet, I always knew at the end of the first date if there was something there or not. It’s because of everything above, and every time when I’ve ever gotten in a relationship with somebody, I’ve known it very fast — within the first couple of dates or first couple of phone calls. It’s just natural.
I’ve never had a conversation of whether or not we’re in a relationship or not. I’ve never had the commitment talk.
All I’ve ever really had was one endless conversation that I never wanted to end.
You see, when you’re connecting with somebody, the conversation never ends. There’s never a loss for words because you always have something to talk about because you feel safe with that person. You feel safe to be able to express yourself in so many different ways. It’s an endless conversation because you both know that you’re interested in one another.
You’re texting each other. You’re calling each other. There’s no laws or games or anything else because you were both so in sync on that first date that it just flowed naturally afterwards.
There wasn’t any wait two days to text or to call or see each other again. You made it known right from the get-go that you wanted to see each other again — that you were interested in each other. That you were literally crushing on each other.
This is what a great first date is all about.
It’s real. It’s natural. It’s strong. It’s powerful, and it’s what usually leads to a relationship.
Dating is difficult. Dating is a challenge. Dating is all of the above.
But dating is also the most rewarding thing you can possibly do because no matter what the challenge is, or the difficulty that you go through, eventually you’re going to run into that date.
That amazing, connecting, powerful, first date with the person that you always thought you should be meeting.
That’s the beauty in life. So stay on it. Stay on course because your next great first date is coming. And it might be coming sooner than you think…
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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