The Hotness Factor
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
So here you are dating who you think is your dream girl. She looks great. Her body rocks. Her hair is sexy. Her eyes are beautiful. Her lips are everything you always wanted lips to be.
She has “the hotness factor.” When you look at her, you get so turned on and so excited. You just want to show her off to everybody.
You are so off the wall in “look at me world” thinking, “I used to be someone who could not attract women, and now look how hot my girlfriend is. She is so hot. Look at me!”
So many guys do that. Women are like trophies to them. They really are.
If they have who they think is the hottest girlfriend they’ve ever had, they are quickly flying home to show all their old buddies that they can get the hot one. They’re going out at night and they’ve got their arm around her thinking “She’s hot. She’s mine. Man, she is the hottest girl ever.”
What these guys fail to do, however, is to ‘look under the hood.’ That hotness factor that was the only thing in their consciousness about her, often turns lukewarm when they finally do. Then lukewarm often continues to cool off until it becomes cold.
Here is the truth, guys. What is inside is just as important as what’s on the outside. That hotness factor is going to wear off, and then you’re going to start to see her for exactly who she is.
When that happens, you’re going to start to notice things about her. “What? She has lines under her eyes. I never saw those before. Oh my God. Wait a second. Her body is not as hot as it was.”
The reason why you start noticing those things is because you start really getting into the core of who she is as a person. You get your head out of la-la land. You stop ignoring all the little things that she does which may or may not be satisfying, and you start waking up to what I call “the un-hot reality.”
Every woman, no matter how hot she is, has a real person inside that shell. That woman may be someone who, once the hotness factor wears off, probably isn’t even a match for you.
So, how do you get past all of this? As a man, we get intoxicated by this beauty, so all men need to think about abundance. You need to truly believe that you can get any hot woman anytime.
When you have that attitude, then looks don’t really matter to you anymore because you know you can date women to whom you’re attracted. You know you date women who have that hotness factor.
So all you’re really looking for is someone who deep inside resonates with who you are deep inside. Otherwise, once that hotness factor wears off, all you’ll have left is a good-looking woman who drives you crazy and irritates you.
It’s time to start looking deep when it comes to women. Every step of the way, you need to look at the warning signs and think “Does this person really understand who I am? Is this person someone who is as hot inside as they are outside?”
The outside — the hotness factor — it does wear off. The problem is that the inside never wears off.
It’s the inside that keeps loving you, nurturing you, being with you, wanting you and desiring you. It’s everything on the inside that works.
Would you buy a car with 300,000 miles just because it looks great on the outside? Would you totally ignore the fact that is has 300,000 miles on it, just because the old owner told you that it’s barely broken in? Wouldn’t you rather buy a car that looks good and is sound inside and out? I hate to put women in a car analogy, but it’s the truth.
Want to never again be at the mercy of the “un-hot reality” ever again? It’s all about never chasing another woman, and attracting the women with the real hotness factor. CLICK HERE to learn the secret to going from being the guy who is selected by women and the guy who SELECTS which women he wants to date.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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Sunday, April 11th, 2010
Sunday, April 11th, 2010
Sunday, April 11th, 2010
Sunday, April 11th, 2010
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Monday, April 12th, 2010
Monday, April 12th, 2010
Monday, April 12th, 2010
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Monday, April 19th, 2010