The Hardest Places For Men To Meet Women
Flirting & foreplay are the keys to keeping any man interested — download these 11 flirting & foreplay secrets for FREE and I’ll show you how YOU can be the ONLY woman he desires!
Women ask all the time about the best places to meet men. One of your biggest complaints is that there doesn’t seem to be any decent guys out there looking to meet women, other than the drunken frat boys in the clubs. I’ve debated that point for years, and often talk to women about why it APPEARS there aren’t any men around, when really they’re everywhere you look. One of the things I cover in depth in my program for women, “Connect With Him” is WHERE you should be meeting men, and why men don’t approach you, even when they’re interested.
So, I thought I’d go even deeper into this and find out from men themselves, where they like to meet women, and why they find it hard to approach you in these places. You’ll hear from the guys in the video, but the same few things came up that I’ve been saying for years.
Meet Men At The Library
Some guys love going to the library, and guess what they’re probably interested in? That’s right, they like to read, just the same as you if you frequent a library. It’s such an easy place to connect with someone, because you can talk about the books, what you’ve read, what you’re reading at the moment, why you like to read certain books. It’s a ready made conversation and it’s so much easier talking to someone when you’re passionate about the subject.
Next time you’re at the library or even the book store, open your eyes. There are men in there and they want to meet you. You just need to show them it’s OK to come and talk to you. Give them a smile, put the book down, or something else to show them you’re open and ready to talk. You’ll hear from a guy in the video who’d like to meet a woman in a library, and you’ll hear why he finds it so difficult to connect there.
Meet Men At The Gym
Another great place to meet and connect with people, yet so many of us go into this weird bubble where we shut everyone out there. I see men and women walk in, put their headphones in, and go into this weird trance where they won’t look or talk to anyone else in the place until they’re leaving. It’s so weird. I know you’re training, and know you’re hot and sweaty, but who cares?
Instead of shutting yourself off, why not chat to someone between exercises? Challenge each other to a race? Spot each other? There’s tons of ways you can connect in a gym. Then say, “Do you wanna grab a drink after you’ve finished training?” I know guys are passive and don’t close sometimes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do the asking for a change.
Meeting Men In Clubs
Personally I’m not a fan of meeting women in clubs, and neither are a couple of the guys in this video. It’s loud, it’s hard to talk, and most people are drunk. But, remember there are all kinds of clubs out there. Wine bars, jazz clubs, and other little music venues where it’s not too loud and impossible to talk. Don’t decide you can’t meet men in certain places before you even try.
A lot of this as you’ll hear in the video comes down to making yourself approachable. We’ve talked about it before, and I’m sure I’ll talk about it until I’m 90 years old, but you have to open your eyes to the men out there, and you have to open your heart to the men who do take the time to approach you. Forget what happened in the past. Forget the guys who hurt you. There are great guys out there, who would do anything to make you happy. You just have to let them in.
Anyway, keep your eyes peeled, and enjoy the video!
Flirting & foreplay are the keys to keeping any man interested — download these 11 flirting & foreplay secrets for FREE and I’ll show you how YOU can be the ONLY woman he desires!
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