Dear David – The Girl I Love Has A Boyfriend
Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail” openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.
“Help! I’m in love with a girl with a boyfriend.”
I get this poor pathetic email over and over again. Before you get all mad at me and get your boxer briefs in a knot, I’m going to explain why it’s pathetic, and why you should live an abundant life instead.
My friend Adam stayed over the other night. He did an amazing weekend seminar, which unfortunately I wasn’t able to get to, otherwise I’d have participated in it with him. I love having sleepovers with my friends. How many of you actually have adult sleepovers with your friends? They’re actually a lot of fun.
It’s a blast. You get together late at night. You talk about life, women, business, and anything else you think of. You don’t raid the refrigerator because usually as single guys you have nothing to eat in the house. Then you go to sleep in separate rooms. When you wake up you start talking all over again. It’s just like when you were little kids, but without the pillow fights and all the other fun stuff. And without your Mother telling you to eat something you really didn’t want for breakfast.
Anyway, this morning I open my emails, and the first thing I see is this “Dear David.” It was from a guy answering my “Welcome To The Family” email you get when you subscribe to my newsletter. I get you to tell me your exact problems, and your goals and aspirations. It’s important for me to get to know each one of you.
So, this guy has written back, and here’s what he had to say…
“Dear David,
My biggest problem right now is I’m deeply in love with this girl, but she has a boyfriend. I want to learn fractionation as a method of stealing her. What do you think?”
There was no “thank you,” or “have a good day,” nothing. I showed Adam and we looked at each other and said, “What the hell is fractionation?”
I haven’t even Googled the term yet. I’ll leave that up to you. But here’s the thing. He wants to steal her. You don’t steal someone. It means you’re living a pathetic, inauthentic life. She has a boyfriend. She’s with someone else. You’re in love with the idea of her. You’re in love with her because you’re probably too afraid to meet a girl who doesn’t have a boyfriend.
This is what life is about gentlemen and this is a wakeup call. You need to live with an abundant mindset. It’s something I’ve said a thousand and one times. If a woman has a boyfriend, you honor that. She’s happy. You don’t need to look up methods of stealing her, because let me tell you something, if you do steal her and you do end up together, you’re just “rebound guy.”
That’s right. You just turned yourself into the rebound man. She’s gone from one guy right to the next. Rebound relationships are never successful, because once she gets her strength back, and figures out what she really wants, she’ll realize it isn’t you at all. If you’re in love with a girl with a boyfriend, here’s what you need to do…
Wake up!
Go and meet other women. Your girlfriend is out there, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend. And the one you like that does have a boyfriend, if you really like her, be supportive. If you care about her, be a great friend for her. That’s what being a strong, confident, authentic man is about.
Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail” openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.
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