I know, that was a silly question because everyone likes ice cream. One of the things we love about it are all the different flavors there are to choose from. Whatever kind of person you are, sweet or savory, there is a flavor for you.
In dating, like ice cream, there is an abundance of choices available to you. (Do you have an abundance mindset?)
Now watch this video and talk amongst yourselves in the comments below.
1.7 million men & women come to me every month to find the secrets to success. And after 20 years of coaching, I’ve discovered the golden keys to success in dating, business, health and wellness, and life.
I’ve helped millions of men and women around the globe achieve success in their dating, social and personal lives. I’m also a father to the world’s cutest little girl, and I am an unapologetic man. Some say I’m nuts, others say I’ve changed their life forever. One thing’s for certain: I’ll always give you the truth, whether you can handle it or not. I never sugar coat anything.
Nice is so overrated. I’d prefer brutally honest breakthrough to a “nice” rut any damn day of the week. If you’re the same way, then you've come to the right place.
Love the book! Ordered it last week and I have done most of the assignments already. I moved to a new city two years ago and had just been meeting women online. I got tired of "Online Shopping" and decided to lay off of it. There was a nursing student that rotated through my department and I ended up asking her out. We have a date today! I am out there trying to date different people! Thanks for the helpful hints and the great motivation!
@davidwygant ,, BTW,, when we talked about my weight and trying to get back under 180 lbs.,, I blew up to 209 lbs. (it was worse than I thought. ),, well, I'm down 11 lbs. to currently 198. Still a long way to go to get back under 180,, but making progress.
- just an update.
Great book, and keep up the good work.
I've been eating too much ice cream lately. I need to stop buying from the cheap cart on the side of the street and start taking the time to find a quality flavor I can commit to. In the last couple months, I've made out with more girls than I can count, but none of them meant anything, and it's just left me feeling empty.
Sure it's nice to hear other guys tell me how cool it was, and sure there are some pretty funny stories to tell (how that girl got both hands down my pants at the bar so fast last night, I have no idea), but I think I'm done with just hooking up for the sake of hooking up. It feels good in the moment, but it's not satisfying.
If 9th grade me heard me say that, he'd probably beat me senseless for whining about making out with too many girls, but oh well. You grow up and move on. I also never applied to Survivor like a much younger me would have wanted.
Why would you say that hooking up isnt as satisfying as a relationship? I'm trying to understand what would make a man switch from dating around to something more serious.
I understand that even if the guy admits that a woman is perfect for him, if he is enjoying dating around, he isnt gonna stop.
Hi David / Shogo and Everyone
Off topic - sorry. This is important.
I was about to organise to meet up with a man for coffee. He brought up that one of his closest friends is a notorious criminal that cannot be directly linked to some murders here by the Police.
I am very careful with my safety when going out on dates. A friend always knows who I am with, where I am going, and I let the friend know when I am on my way home. I ask for a contact phone number from the man "in case something happens and I need to reschedule". I call that number later from a private line and hang up when he answers to make sure it's a legit contact number.
One nearly slipped through the screening process. For the rest of you guys, it's because of idiots like this that us women fear for our safety. Don't ever take it personally.
I want to shut down my on-line profile and NEVER EVER go on-line again...
@ John: congratulations :) That's awesome going! A toned body with a smile and a positive personality is a deadly combination for a man who is dating. Weights increase your testosterone production. Women sense this increase and will immediately find you more sexual.
On topic - I already know the flavours of ice cream that I like. Ice cream is a treat. If I buy a flavour that I don't like, I am soooooooo disappointed! The flavour has to appeal to some of my senses to risk the taste test.
And Collin - good for you. Buying ice cream, spending time on your selection, and imagining how good the flavour will be is all part of the fun...!
@everyone that asked..
Actually,, I joined the (online, no meetings) weight loss program that Charles Barkley has been promoting. ( I don't want to say the name because it is a trademark, and I'm not sure if It might put David in a legal conflict with other companies he endorses. But if you have seen the commercial, you know the one I'm talking about.) I've lost lots of weight on my own before, but honestly, never this fast, or this easily. I'm down 12 pounds now ( I'm down another pound as of this morning), in three weeks. The first 7 lbs was initial water weight the first week, now I'm losing right at 2.5 lbs/ week.
I still have a long way to go to get under 170 ( where I look my best, and the weight where I had the most success), but hopefully I can stick with it.
But mostly, it's just been the tried and true combination of Diet + lots of exercise.
( btw, in the pictures of me posted, I'm about 180 lbs, so I have to lose another 17 lbs. to get to where I was in the pictures.
Anyway,, getting back to a weight where I looked my best, and where I was most confident was one of the goals me and David talked about in our coaching session. I'm working on tackling that one.
I think you can mention Weight Watchers, John. If not, David can just edit my comment.
The great thing is, what you're doing is learning to how to make long term changes to what you eat and how much of it you eat. You have a certain number of points to use each day, and it forces you to decide whether that twinkie is really worth the points. You'll find yourself eating a lot more fruits and vegetables, since they're free points. Measure and count for a while, and eventually you'll develop habits to the point that you make those decisions without even thinking about it.
Sure you could go on the laxative diet, and I'm sure you'd lose weight fast, but you can only keep that up for so long before you have to go back to retaining your food. This is the kind of diet you can keep up for the rest of your life, and it's going to make you healthier, not just skinnier.
@collin,, yeah, I just didn't want that post to look like an endorsement on David's site, ( which is a commercial site) just in case he (or his company) has any promotional contracts with competing companies. Figured better to be safe than sorry there.
But, yeah, the point system definitely has you making different choices. The online program is inexpensive and the easiest weight loss plan to follow that I have ever tried. Much easier than counting calories. It's much easier to remember how many points you have left for the day. Plus, no food is off limits, as long as you count the points.
I figured I needed to get serious, and try something new. ( plus, Barkley has lost a lot of weight! )
@John, I bet you're feeling pretty awesome right now. I mean, there's the obvious benefit of feeling better because you're healthier, but also you're taking control of your own life in an area you previously felt defeated and out of control.
2012 is the year to be a winner, John.
Bob fans, (and haters ;)
Figured I better check in so all my BOB fans would not get Bob advice withdrawals. As you know, I am single again, and had decided to make some very major, lifechanging decisions. After reading David's Blog about, are you living where you want to be, I put my ranch up for sale (the next day), and actually rented an apartment in OK city for a month to try that lifestyle. I go back and forth (about a one hour drive, each way) to my "executive suite" (fancy name for temporary, furnished apt. rented month to month) three of four time a week, because I still have to feed my horses and pets at the ranch. I have been doing a LOT of internet dating (am going to purchase David's Internet dating product as soon as I finsh this), and going out almost nightly, to the point of exhaustion, trying to meet people, and find new things to do. Since I have the apartment in OKC, it is much easier to get women to agree for a quick coffee meeting, than when I was living 7 miles back on a dirt road. I found Brick Town, in OKC has a lot of places to meet people, and things to do. If any of you know OKC, let me know where you think might be good places for me to go to get out and meet people, as I am really not familiar with the city. I have been out with a nurse, office worker, retail sales lady, and even went out with a lady doctor twice. None of them have "clicked" with me, so I am going to keep "sampling" ladies, and try to find the right age, mentality, and fit for me. (I have to admit that I still miss Krisi. She really was a cool, fun, and exciting girl, that I got to have my final little crazy relationship with, and loved it, even though I knew it could never work because of our huge age difference) and it could be that I am just not open and ready, to make a mental commitment yet, to a new relationship) I am still having trouble staying out of the country bars, (where I have previously met all my girl friends)and am most at home, and at ease with women, having always been a cowboy, but am making an effort to go to other places, out of my comfort zone, to find different types of women. I have a hard time figuring out what the hell to wear, as I have always dressed western, and don't know if I should just keep that style for these "unwestern" places, or change to a city boy look, (like David :) I read Naked quickly once, to get a feel for the book, but now need to go back and read it slowly, methodically, and do the exercises suggested, to see if any of that helps in my search. My home I bought in Florida is still under contract, so once that closes, I hope to move there, and change my lifestyle completely to a more appropriate one, for my age... 50. I have decided to try and get the ranch sold (it is just too remote and large for my needs now, that I have no family) by summer. If it does not sell, I am going to just auction the whole damn place from the furniture, equipment, land, house, the whole works. The financial loss (I am sure I will get far less in an auction, than waiting and waiting out a regular sale) is not worth the hassle of living somewhere where that I really don't want to be any more, so I am going to suffer it, if I have to. I will then move to Florida, where I have really wanted to live for many years. Sorry for the long post, but figured some readers were wondering if old Bob had just fallen apart and become a drunken hermit on his remote ranch, sitting around, talking to his horses. I have made a lot of criticism of David and his cronies, but with his, and others, help, I hope I am doing the right thing, and making the right choices for me at my age and circumstances. I am realizing that much of the way I used to think was too pessimistic, and needed to overhaul some of my views, and ways of thinking, so give credit to David for helping me to see that, as well as some of the critical suggestions I received from some of you guys. Time will tell, if I am making the right choices. I sure hope so...
So much great stuff on the blog today! Well done Sam!
Leannes, that is a crazy story and a good warning for all of us. I feel like I've seen that episode of Criminal Minds.
Colin, let us know how your search for your favourite ice cream flavour goes.
John, congratulations and good luck!
And Bob, I have to say that I really admire the way you've just taken life by the horns. It's inspiring and for what it's worth, I think you're making a great decision and whatever happens when you move to Florida you'll find you get exactly what you need.
Hey Dave
Read ur book and it was great went over to amazon.com and gave u a great rating...
the past three days i have been asking guys that came thru my line what did they have planned for Valentine's day some of the said spend it alone and some said they were going to spend it with their significant other...u ought to hear the comments when i say do not feel lonely i do not have a valentines sweetheart myself...it was fun...
@collin,, not my first rodeo with weight loss. In the past year, I've been as heavy as 220 and as thin as 178. I'm trying to get back under 170 (my ideal weight for my height is really about 159.), but seems everytime I get down 30 or 40 lbs,, I gain it all back. (like I did this last time.). Hopefully, with this new plan, i'll get down there, and keep it off. This is different than anything I've ever tried.
It's working so far.
@bob.,, great post. Hope things work out for ya. (i'm sure they will.)
This year I have been stepping out of my comfort zone. So far, Im meeting different type of guys. Last night, I met a guy that I do not ever want to meet again. I know what type to avoid. I was invited to a birthday party. The evening started with drinks and dessert at a fancy restaurant. Stretch limo to the party. The birthday girl told us when were ready, just let her know and the limo driver will take us home. I was ready to leave and so was another guest. On the way home, he was using the F word in all his sentences. I was surprised he is well respected Doctor. He told me he was not calling my friend again. I have not met this man before that evening. I asked him why. He said he confessed his feelings to her and she didn't feel the same way. He felt stupid. I tried to change the subject. All I can think in my head, my friend dodge a bullet. He cant handle his liquor and little bit of honesty. When I came home, there was a message on my phone. A new guy Im seeing wishing me a great night and have a great time at the party. David is right guys, come in all different flavors.
@John, this is the year you keep it off!
@Dan, I think finding that favorite flavor is actually going to take a good bit of stepping back, refocusing my time and energy, and not chasing the cheap, easy scoops that are all over the place. While I firmly believe that I'm an awesome guy, I've spent years deflecting and using women, liquor, and respect from other guys to shove my problems under the rug, and I've come to the conclusion that it would be a good idea to talk to a therapist to get some help working though, solving, and getting past all my psychological crap.
If I don't, what happens when I meet a great girl? We might hit it off, but I've got to be mentally and emotionally mature enough to handle a serious relationship. Otherwise, It's going to just end in disaster and both parties getting hurt.
Fucking hell what's going on? No bickering, people opening up and being positive, even Bob has become one of the cronies. This is no fun I'm leaving :)
To add, I got in contact with a girl I met last year and might be meeting her again soon. I'm looking forward to it but at the same time not pinning all my hopes on her.
I reckon the woman in this video is thinking "just shut up and buy the fucking ice-cream." :)
Kinda have to disagree with this bit o' advice. How can anyone "sample" someone who is unemployed or lacks ambition, is creepy, has no social skills (or concept of good personal hygiene) is overweight, on drugs or otherwise physically repulsive to them? One does need to be a little bit pickier than just wanting to sample everyone.
I am am becoming a Bob Fan now:)
I am all about your location change.
As for now Bricktown is cool but limited in what you want to accomplish. I did a few singles events for Kiss Fm in OKC and spent a few weekends in Bricktown.
Very friendly women!!
Florida is your destiny...when you can live out a dream it really attracts people into your life.
I'm half-way through the book, looking for the magic pill somewhere, there it is! Nope. Let's see, oh, there it is over there...Nope! lol :)
I like the stories I have read so far especiall the guy who didn't want the girl who he dated once for like six hours. Interesting turn of events...lol.
Speaking of events, I was in Walmart yesterday, and as I was walking towards the checkout, I noticed this cute gal looking at me for a distance, then moved out of sight. Perhaps leaving the scene of a crime like a lot of guys do...lol.
Is there a chapter on how to handle surprises? lol. I need to work on that! lol. As I waited to check out, and then finally did. I walked to the door and to and there she was, chatting up one of the workers there. She was standing right in front of the door where most people walk out. As I headed toward the door, one of the workers let her know with his eyes and nod that someone was approaching, she stopped talking, glanced at me, and moved a bit. All I could do was smile and say, "excuse" me and left to go to work...lol.
Wow this is so interesting and true about what you said about choosing different types of people to date. just to sample them and see exactly which one that your looking for in the future.
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