Over and over, we hear the same type of blame when people talk about their parents.

If I only had different parents.

If I was only loved as a child just like I wanted to.

If my parents were the parents that I wanted, I’d be totally different today.

And you know what I say about that?


Your parents are your parents because your soul needed to learn those lessons. And not only that, your parents shaped who you are.

Your parents were amazing people that taught you how to be the resilient person that you are today.

Now, I know some of you are thinking:

But my parents beat me.

My dad was an alcoholic and abused me.

My father was not nice to me.

My mother allowed my neighbor’s father to molest me.

Yeah, I know. I’m taking some absolutely crazy, outrageous examples. But the reality is: your soul needed those lessons no matter what. If you chose any different set of parents, then the new set would’ve given you the exact same experience because that’s what your soul wanted. That’s what your soul was aching for. That’s what your soul desired.

Our parents came into our life to mold and shape who we are today, and we need to stop always blaming them.

My mother, may she rest in peace, was an absolutely crazy, batshit, loving woman.

Depressed half her life.

Was she the mother that I wanted or needed or craved? Sure.

Could I have had a better mother? Absolutely. I could’ve had June Cleaver from Leave It To Beaver.

For those of you who are too young, Google Leave It To Beaver and tell me exactly if you wanted June Cleaver as your mother.

But I had my mom, and that’s the only mom I’m ever going to have. That’s the only mom I’m ever going to experience. And did I lack certain things when I was growing up? Absolutely.

Did it fuck me up as I grew up as an adult, and did it cause me to have certain relationships that I may or may not have really enjoyed? Absolutely.

But am I still standing here today as a man right now, embracing my life, saying to myself I am wide open emotionally?


I am desiring a love in my life that I’ve never had before.

And I’m willing and able to participate in a relationship like never before. Why?

Because of all the shit my mom and my dad did to me that I was able to learn from and understand as an adult and be able to go through relationships as an adult, to be able to see exactly what the cause and effect of my childhood was so then now, finally.

After all this time, I can now stand up straight as a man, no longer hunched over like Cro-Magnon man.

And I can look in a woman’s eyes and literally tell her.

I would like to be with somebody because I feel, in my life, I will be better as a partnership than I am alone.

At this point in my life, I feel like I’ve done enough on my own. I’ve done enough traveling. I’ve done enough soul-searching. I’ve had enough gut-wrenching exercises and seminars and reading and writing that, right now, in my life, I am craving and desiring to be with somebody who is my high vibrational equal.

I have never said that in my life up until recently. So I’m putting that out there to the universe every single day because I know my high vibrational, incredibly sexy, loving, warm, nurturing, amazing woman is waiting for me to show up. I’m going to show up. She’s going to show up, and we’re going to recognize one another.

I’ve never been able to say that. And you know why I can say that so freely right now?

I’m able to say that so freely right now because of all the lessons and all the experiences and all the shit my parents did to me and all the things my soul needed to learn through all the relationships that I’ve had, which have caused me pain and anguish and every other human emotion possible. But if it wasn’t for my parents, I wouldn’t be me, and I wouldn’t have had those experiences, and I wouldn’t be able to stand here right now in front of all of you, being able to deliver and tell you exactly how I feel.

Think about that the next time you try to blame your parents for everything that has gone wrong. Thank them for everything you’ve become and change the way you think. Change your mind. Change your beliefs. And watch what happens. The Law of Attraction will bring in the person you want because you’re going to be ready for your own high vibrational equal.