I’m going to go on a little rant right now, but if you stay with me until the end, I promise it’ll be worth it.

I’m going to tell you right now why the Internet needs a holiday.

See, on Christmas, people were e-mailing me.


Asking me questions, sending me bills (more on that in a second).

Again, I repeat: this was on Christmas.

On December 23rd, that same question would have been a question I would have read and I would have read it with an open mind.

On December 28th, the same question I would have read with an open mind.

But on December 24th and December 25th, all the self-centered narcissism came to fruition.

Really, I couldn’t believe people would e-mail me on Christmas Day.

Some emails were work-related.

Some emails were simply people asking me for advice on this or that.

But regardless…

Why do I care?

Why would I even listen to them?

Why would I even have compassion?

On any other day, I respond to your emails.

Because I love giving you advice, I love helping people transform their lives. It’s my job and I love it and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

But on Christmas?

Come on. I thought we were better than that, and I’m writing this blog right now because I love you and I want you to be better than that.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: I’m equally at fault here, because I actually snuck a look at my e-mails during the holidays when I have really no right to do that. It was a holiday and I should have given myself the holiday, as well.

So I’m admitting fault there.

But the Internet is a complete violation of somebody’s peace.

Think of that. You’re sitting at your computer, you’re feeling lousy on Christmas Eve and you decide to e-mail some dating expert.

Somebody you don’t even know, and you make the decision to dump your shit on them.

You probably felt better when you hit send. Right?

Of course you did. You hit send and you felt much better.

You got rid of your anxiety by dumping it upon somebody else.

But here’s what I do: I immediately delete it.

Why? Because…

I don’t need your energy on a holiday.

There’s no reason for it. I don’t need to hear your energy, I don’t need to feel your energy, I don’t even know who you are and I don’t want to help you on those days.

The Internet has given us the opportunity to dump our shit all over somebody else whenever we feel like.

We’ve become Internet self-centered.

And by doing that, we feel like we have the right to literally dump whatever we decide upon other people all the time.

My lawyer sent me a bill on Christmas Eve.

Yes, really. ON CHRISTMAS EVE…

I didn’t realize her name was McScrooge.

Literally, the plot of A Christmas Carol begins with Scrooge making people work on Christmas.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate the job that she’s doing, but really. Sending me her bill on Christmas Eve?

Is nothing sacred?

There are so many days out of the year, but the only days I take off are Christmas, Christmas Eve, and my birthday.

So that’s 3 days out all the 365 days in the year.

We text people endlessly with our shit and our problems.

We feel better, but on the receiving end we’re taking in other people’s energy non-stop.

And that’s where the Internet has become a complete violation of our lives.

Now I’m not going to sit here and complain.

So, what do I suggest?

I suggest that, on holiday weekends, you close the Internet down.

It’s time just to close it down and give yourself a break, because the Internet has so much energy.

And it’s non-stop energy that’s around you 24/7. And you need to know when to pull it down and give it a break.

For those of you that are e-mailing other people on holidays, people you don’t know, getting things off your chest, it’s kind of self-centered.

Because in the old days, we just got stuff off our chest by actually learning how to work through it. We paid it forward.

You don’t pay anxiety forward. So give it a break, folks.

Think about it. The Internet is not your tool to dump upon other people.

The Internet is a tool to learn to grow, to expand, and not to constantly be dumping on other people 24/7.