Seduce Her Mom
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
Flirt With Her Mom By David Wygant
So recently I was asked a question by one of the interns – of course, knowing me, I always mess up the interns’ names, so I’m not quite sure if it was Sean, or Jay Mohr – but I’m going to say it was Jay Mohr (and he wishes he was Jay Mohr because Jay Mohr has had a fantastic career as an actor – who can ever forget Jay Mohr when he was playing that sleazy agent in “Jerry Maguire” – one of the all-time greatest characters in history!)
But anyway, OUR Jay Mohr came up with a great question the other day when we were talking on the phone. He asked me, “how do I meet a girl when she’s with her mom? How do I meet her when she’s with her parents?”
Right now, he’s on vacation – he’s doing the mid-winter break – hanging out, having a good time skiing in Utah, and he sees a bunch of women that are there with their moms. It’s not just 21-year-old women who travel with their moms, everyday you might see a woman that is 30, 35 years old hanging out with her mother, and a lot of the time you want to meet her, but you have absolutely no idea what to do.
Let me share with you a great secret – who do you think you need to flirt with first: the woman? Or the mother?
You’ve got it – you always need to talk to the mother first. The mother is the one that is basically going to sell you – she’s going to sell you like a used car salesman all over the daughter.
I grew up Jewish, and when I used to go down to Florida all the time I would sit down at the pool at my grandmother’s house – my grandmother lived in this condominium complex in Sunrise called “Sunrise Lakes” where just about every condominium looks exactly the same. My grandmother purchased this condominium for $49,000 in 1977, and our family is selling it now for $40,000 – it’s just one of THOSE condominiums. You know: the one that looks like it was built along with 7,000 other ones in one hour on some rainy day in the 70s and they had to get these up for all these Jewish grandmothers to come down.
Anyway, there were two pools at my grandmother’s condominium complex: the big pool and the little pool. The big pool cost an extra $2 and my grandmother would never let me go to that one so we would sit at the little pool. The minute we walked in, every Jewish grandmother sitting there would start flirting with us! And what happened after five minutes? They would all tell us the same thing: “have I got a granddaughter for you!”
Of course, being naïve at that time – being 17 – I allowed these grandmothers to set me up with their granddaughters. The problem was that I was never attracted to the granddaughter EVER. But let me tell you – when I went on those dates, these girls treated me like I was President of the United States! They kept telling me how their grandmother was gushing about me, how their grandmother couldn’t stop talking about me – how she told them everything that I did – and these girls knew EVERYTHING that I did – every grade that I made on a test, every class I had ever taken in my entire life, everything!
So think about it – here you are now, an adult, and you’re in Whole Foods, or Pier One Imports, and you see a woman that you are attracted to, and you think to yourself, “well how can I talk to her in front of her mother?”
My thing is – how can you NOT talk to her in front of her mother?!?
All you need to do is walk over to the mother (who may or may not be married, or be in a good relationship) and start playing around with the mom, flirting with her, having a good time – asking them what they are looking for, or asking them what they are shopping for – do the same thing: flirt with the mother like you’d flirt with the daughter. Just have a good time with it!
All of a sudden, the daughter is going to see that her mom is having a good time, and then you bring the daughter into the mix, and what happens next? The mother is staring at you, basically saying, “you know, my daughter is single, you should really ask her out!”
I’m telling you – this has happened to me so many times where I’ve talked to the mother, and the mother has said “my daughter is single, you should ask her out” and so then the daughter says, “oh come on mom, stop doing that! I can get my own dates!” Then you look at the daughter and say, “so really, you can get your own dates, huh?” and you say, “You know, maybe I should ask you out! Your mom is so sold on the idea, and I can’t disappoint your mother. I’m going to need to ask you out just to make your mom happy. Right, mom?” – even start calling her “mom” to play around a little bit – but you have a good time with it.
Always talk to the mother! Talk to the father – bond with the father! If you bond with the father, what is the father going to do? He’s going to talk you up: “you know,” he’s going to say, “that was such a nice guy. Why didn’t you give him your number? Why don’t you go out with nice guys? How come you only date the guys that aren’t nice guys?”
So all of a sudden you’ve got the parents yapping away, selling you non-stop to the daughter – that is what you do when you see a woman with her mother. You flirt with the mother, you hang out and bond with the dad, and they’re going to be your best salesmen. They are going to be selling you non-stop all night and all day long. So the next time you see her mom, and the next time you see her dad, you’d better find some things to talk to them about, and you’d better bond with them, because they’re going to be the best salesmen you’ve ever had!
Todays video is something that you need to watch over and over again.
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Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
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David Wygant
Tuesday, March 25th, 2008
Officer Naughty
Tuesday, March 25th, 2008
Officer Naughty
Tuesday, March 25th, 2008
Wednesday, March 26th, 2008
Friday, March 28th, 2008
Friday, March 28th, 2008
Friday, March 28th, 2008
David Wygant
Sunday, March 30th, 2008
Sunday, March 30th, 2008