Read Her Energy Yoga Boy
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
I have a story I want to share with you, which does an excellent job of illustrating a communication problem from which so many men suffer. One of the main things I teach guys is how to communicate. I really don’t understand why so many guys continue not to communicate.
When you really learn how to communicate, you can read someone’s energy. Keep this in mind as I relay this story about something that happened the other day to my girlfriend.
So the other night my girlfriend went to pick up dinner from a little health food place. She was sitting outside, relaxing while she waited for her order to be ready when “he” appeared. “He” is the guy I don’t ever want any of you guys to be.
Just so there’s no misunderstanding, this has nothing to do with this guy hitting on my girlfriend. I couldn’t care less about that, because whenever guys do she always comes home and tells me all about it (so that I can see if all you guys are paying attention to what I teach).
Here’s my message to all you guys: Wake up! It’s all about reading energy when it comes to communicating with women. Let me tell you more of the story to show you what I mean.
So this guy walked over to my girlfriend while she was waiting for her dinner takeout to be ready. First he lingered by the menu. Okay, no problem here yet. Then he opened her with an observation “Hows the food here.” That’s fine too. He’s doing alright so far.
What he didn’t pay attention to, though, was that she responded to his observation with a one word answer and she didn’t give him any positive body language. She even got up and went back inside the restaurant to check and see if her food was ready yet. He stayed outside because all he was thinking about was how he could ask her out on a date.
He didn’t pay attention to anything that was going on in that interaction. First of all, she was not answering his questions. When a woman gives you one word answers to your questions, she is not interested. You don’t keep re-engaging her, because all that you achieve by doing that is to become annoying. He in fact did become annoying, which is why she went inside to wait for her food.
As she comes out with her food ready to leave, he was still out there staring at the menu. What he was really doing is so obvious here. She knew exactly why he was still standing out there. He wasn’t really looking at the menu at all and he wasn’t there to actually buy any food. He was still standing there solely because he was waiting for her to come back out of the restaurant.
What he was really doing was waiting for someone to come out of that restaurant who wasn’t interested in him. He did this because men are objective minded, i.e., he had one objective in his mind that he focused on without listening or paying attention to what was going on around him. By being solely objective minded, he becomes the annoying guy women have to avoid when they are leaving a restaurant with their takeout dinner.
So what happened next? When she exited the restaurant with her dinner in hand, he comes up with another pickup line and uses it on her. He says “You know, you look really familiar to me.” What does he figure? If at first you don’t succeed, try try again?
Guys, you need to read a woman’s energy. This is something I’ve talked about over and over again. Read her energy. If it didn’t work the first time, it certainly isn’t going to work with an even worse pickup line.
So in response to this guy’s “You know, you look really familiar to me” line, she says “Well, maybe.” Then they started talking a little bit. Then he says “I’ve seen you in yoga class. I teach yoga. My name is Fish Kadabubababadabuba.” It’s so funny, by the way, how when guys named Bill and Tom become yoga teachers they always seem to change their name to things like Odawanda Dickawanda Masatuba (and become “scary yoga guy”).
After he makes his introduction, she said “Okay, well it was nice meeting you. I’ve got to go.” So what does he do? After having no conversation with her and totally failing to read her energy, he decides to act like a typical guy and ask her out (all because he had thrown out two pickup lines at her).
He looks at her and says “Why don’t we get together and go out for some soy mocha lattes.” At that point she said, laughing really hard, “Okay, I’ve really got to go. I’m in a relationship.” He responded to that by saying “Well maybe we’ll see each other in the universe sometime.”
Guys, you really need to read women’s energy. Stop being so obsessed by the way a woman looks, and stop trying to claim her. Women will tell you if you they are interested by not running away like she did in this story.
If a woman’s body language is not facing you or if they are giving you one word answers, they are not doing it to encourage you to work harder. If a woman is interested, they will talk to you.
Believe me, if my girlfriend was interested in that guy she would have talked to him. She would have asked him what he was having for dinner. She knew he was lingering there. She knew he wasn’t going to eat there.
It is time you guys really started paying attention to women. Stop thinking about what to say all the time. Stop trying to pick them up and start reading their energy.
So what was my solution to this situation with my girlfriend? I put 1,000 of my business cards in her car. So, the next time a guy named Fish Kadabubababadabuba comes over, she can pass along the my business card and he can start reading the blog and realizing what he has been doing wrong the whole time.
And if he is really serious about meeting women he would buy my mens mastery series.
Hint hint to all of you that think you are going to learn this without investing in yourself.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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