Reach Out And Touch Someone
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Do you guys remember in the good old days?
There were those AT&T commercials called “Reach out and touch someone.”
There was the grandmother with tears in her eyes because her grandson called her for the first time. He called her and said, “Hi, Grandma,” then you saw tears running down her face.
They had these beautiful Hallmark-like commercials on the power of picking up the phone and hearing somebody’s voice, “Reach out and touch someone.”
Do you think AT&T Wireless should start doing commercials that says “Reach out and text someone?”
You see a 10-year-old-kid with his iPhone…
His dad telling him to text grandmother, so he shoots his grandmother a text with very few words and lots of emoticons. Times have definitely changed. Reach out and text somebody is coming soon. Today, I’d like to talk about the power or reaching out and touching someone. In the good old days, that was all we had. We couldn’t send picture texts.
There was no such thing as FaceTime. ‘Face time’ meant you actually sat down face-to-face and saw somebody. We’ve become a society of less connected even though we’re more connected. During the holidays, I’m sure there’s a friend of yours you haven’t reached out and touched in a long time. Maybe you’ve seen their updates on Facebook. You’ve texted sporadically. But you haven’t talked on the phone in a long while.
Do You Need To Connect With Someone?
Is there someone you know who could really use a few minutes of you? Someone who would love to hear your voice? Somebody you haven’t spoken to in a while, somebody who used to mean a lot to you?
I want you to think about that. Think about all the people in your life. Think about somebody that could really use a dose of you, especially during this time of year. Who is the person you haven’t connected with enough? It might be a friend, a brother or a sister, a parent or even an ex-lover. For all of us in today’s modern, Facebook, Twitter and text-driven society, we don’t pick up the phone and touch someone like we used to.
So, today, as a holiday gift to someone, pick up the phone and call them. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while and connect. It’s a beautiful thing to do. It’s a little old fashioned. For those of you who are younger, it’s might be something you would never think to do. But it’s really nice. When an old friend calls me and they just want to re-connect. There’s nothing better. No matter how great your texts are or your Facebook posts are. There’s no better way to reach out and connect than talking to somebody.
During this Christmas season, reach out and touch somebody who needs you. Connect back with an old friend. Set up a lunch. Set up drinks. Tell them you miss them. I know who I’m going to call. I’m going to call an old friend of mine I haven’t spoken to in a long time. I’m not going to text him. I’m not going to e-mail him. I’m not going to Facebook poke him or anything else. I’m going to go back to the old AT&T days and I’m going to reach out and touch someone.
Who are you going to call today, and why?
I’d like to know. Tell me down below.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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Drew Schroeder
Tuesday, December 30th, 2014