The Number One Turn Off For Women: Men With Roommates
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Do you have a roommate?
Well, if you’re in your 20s or in your teens, it’s probably acceptable to have a roommate because you’re at the point in your life where you’re building up a career. You don’t have the money to really pay the rent on our own. You’re saving expenses. Whatever it might be.
There are no worries about having a roommate at that age.
But, how old is too old to have a roommate? As you get into your 30s, roommates become a little bit of a turn off to women. You could rationalize that your friend is living there for a while, you’re helping each other out with the bills, whatever it might be, but that only goes so far.
The Roommate Fraternity House
A friend of mine is in his 40s and he ended a relationship. He needed a place to stay for a couple of months before he got a new place, so he found some roommates. The roommates are also in their 40s. The place – well, the common area at least – looks like a fraternity house; it’s sloppy, messy, disgusting.
There’s no bigger turn off to women than when you’re older with roommates and live like a fraternity brother.
The second a woman walks into a house and sees a 40-year-old man living with roommates and dirt all over the place, messy common areas and a bathroom that is a pubic hair nightmare, she thinks to herself, man-boy.
You’re immediately disqualified, no matter how much of a great time you might have had at dinner. Bringing her to the fraternity house is a major turn off to a woman who’s looking for a relationship.
She’s Looking at How You Live
Like I said, in your 20s and even up to your early 30s, she might expect you to have a roommate, especially if you live in a major city where things are expensive. But as you get older, she expects you, wants you, to have your own place that’s decorated nicely; and by nicely, I mean clean, so when she uses the bathroom, it’s actually a place that she doesn’t feel like she needs to use toilet paper to open the door because she doesn’t know how long it’s been since anything has been cleaned. That’s what she’s looking for.
So if you’ve got roommates and you’re older and you’re living in an expensive city like Los Angeles or New York, it’s certainly time to maybe reevaluate your living situation, or at the very least, make the fraternity house a little cleaner and nicer. You need to make your home woman-friendly.
If you look like you’re living like a slob, then those roommates are basically going to erase any progress you made on the date you just had.
It’s Time to Ditch the Roommates
I’ve never had roommates. It’s not something that I liked. Well, once, a long time ago, I had a very short roommate experience when I was building this business. It was a woman and I let her live with me for three months. That was it. But throughout my entire adult life, I always believed in living alone.
When I brought a woman home, I really liked to bring her back to a place that spoke about who I am so she knew that I was somebody who took care of myself and took care of my things.
It’s important, especially if you’re looking for a relationship, because that first opinion that she has about you is certainly going to last.
We don’t want her going back to her friends and saying, “Oh my God, he has roommates, and you should see the place. It’s disgusting.”
When a woman goes back to your house, her subconscious mind is playing this game. “If I ever live with this guy, how does he live?” She sees you living messy, and she’s a neat freak. Immediately she’s going to think to herself, “God, my ex-boyfriend was such a slob.” And it’s going to trigger her to think about her ex.
It’s so important. Your house, your car, the way you present yourself is really important, because you don’t want to trigger her subconscious mind. You don’t want her to think about somebody else, you don’t want her to think about a negative story, and you don’t want her going back to her friends to talk about how she thinks you might be like her ex.
You don’t want her comparing you to anyone. You want her to really think about you as a brand new person. So don’t give her a reason to not want to see you. Clean your house. Lose the roommates if you can. And if not, un-frat the frat house, and make it look like a place that a woman wants to go to.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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