Here’s a good question for all of you today.

How much time do you waste on the Internet each day?

Think about it. Let’s say you waste an hour a day doing literally nothing productive on the Internet.

I think that’s a very, VERY conservative estimate when you really get down to it. So let’s go with an hour.

Ok, well there’s 365 days in a year. So at one hour a day, that’s 365 hours. Do the math on that and it’s more than 2 weeks.

Literally 2 entire weeks every year doing ABSOLUTELY nothing productive or useful or enlightening or at all beneficial to your development as a person.

(RELATED: 10 Minute Daily Reality Check #383: Schedule-Hacking for Maximum Efficiency)

Now, to be fair, a lot of us work on the Internet.

We answer e-mails.

We do research.

So, let’s, for instance, take that time and call it work productivity time.

But, the big question is: how much other time do you spend on the Internet wasting time?

I remember at night, I used to read a book.

Now I look at pictures on the Internet and read articles.

I’m still kind of, sort of, making my brain work.

In the morning, when I wake up, I’m reading I’m kind of, sort of doing something I like. Instead of reading the newspaper, I’m reading football articles.

But then I get suckered into the eBay vortex.

I’ll check out photos on Instagram once in a while.

I get suckered in to the Internet.

So, how much time are you wasting on the Internet?

Seriously think about that.

Think about what you would do if you stopped wasting all that time on the Internet.

What would you replace it with?

We need to think about that today — and then, well, we need to start doing THAT.