Meet Women In Bars: Don’t Be The Bar Molester
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
Hey guys, Shogo here with another Friday post to get you rolling for the weekend! It”s the weekend, so what is our theme? Not dating, not relationships, not communication, not self-love….it’s BARS! Yay.
Several clients who come to us are essentially reformed Pick Up Artists, and we spend a lot of time with them deprogramming their brains from the PUA techniques they learned, and getting them to start over and learn how to be as real and sexually mature as possible.
A few weeks ago, David and I were out coaching two different clients on two separate days. Knowing that I’m great at meeting people in bars (and it’s all about being social in situations where you feel most comfortable), each of the clients asked me the same question: is there a difference between meeting women in bars at night, and meeting women during the daytime as you go about your day?
But before I answered the question, each of the guys made the assumption that it’s much different at night time, because women don’t want to talk to you in bars.
“Really?” I asked. “How so?” They each told me that when you’re out at night, you have to come up with really funny stories to keep the women you’re talking to entertained, and you also have to touch them on their arms and on their back to show that you’re interested and get them attracted to you.
“Well…maybe that’s why these women don’t want to talk to you,” I said.
Here’s the deal guys: you don’t have to be the entertainer, and you sure as shit don’t have to go around in bars touching women. You don’t have to touch them on their arms, and you don’t have to touch them on their back like a creepy Pick Up Artist. Keep it up, and the only thing you’ll be touching is yourself at 3 am, thinking about how many women you fondled at the bar that night. Sick.
An attractive man does not go around fondling women in the bar. An attractive man does not need to grab a woman’s waist to let her know that he is interested in her. An attractive man knows how to communicate straight from his mind, with open ears and warm eye contact. An attractive man is sensitive to what she is feeling because he is genuinely interested in her, and senses whether she is going to be receptive to his touch or not.
When a guy can’t communicate who he is and what he’s all about, he’ll go around the room like Mr. Gropey, groping the women he wants to go out with and wondering why they’re all repelled by him. Seriously, cut that shit out. You look like the creepy bar molester. A woman is either going to be attracted to you or she’s not, and no amount of you putting your grubby paws all over her will change her mind. What you need to do is work on yourself more, and learn how to express yourself and say what’s on your mind, instead of worrying like a PUA about when to touch her on the nape of her neck or whatever.
So back to the question: is there a difference to going out and meeting people at night to meeting people during the course of the day? Basically the answer to that question is no, as long as you have a strong mindset, you believe in yourself, and you make sure you’re actually enjoying yourself.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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Friday, June 3rd, 2011
Friday, June 3rd, 2011
Friday, June 3rd, 2011
Friday, June 3rd, 2011