1 “Weird” Text Men Can’t Resist
Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!
Recently we’ve been talking about how texting men is a lazy way to communicate, and how the digital world is changing the way we connect forever. Now, you know you I’m not a fan of texting. I’d much rather pick up the phone and hear someone’s voice. But, if you are going to text a man you need to know how to do it properly. Nowadays, if you can’t text, you can’t date.
How many times have you met a guy, he sends you a text like, “How was your day?”
You respond with, “It was great.” And the conversation is over!
Most people are boring “texters,” and if nobody wants to pick up the phone anymore, you need to learn how to become an attractive “texter.” So in this post, I’m going to reveal the one text you can send a man that will re-ignite the interest in a man who may have gone quiet on you. In fact, this text will have him eagerly picking up his phone and asking you on a date. When you’re texting a man, it’s all about generating interest.
He’s probably with his friends or in the middle of something so you need to grab his attention, and hook it long enough for him to get in contact with you. So what is the magical text message you can send to a man? Is it something utterly filthy and raunchy? Are you ready to hear the words that will have a man’s mind wandering and itching to speak to you like crazy?
Here is it…
“I have a confession.”
That’s right. It’s as simple as that… “I have a confession.”
Think about it. Imagine a man sends you a text saying I have a confession. Your female mind instantly goes into overdrive trying to figure out what he’s about to say. What does he have to confess? What dark secret is he about to share? Is it something good or bad?
You’re curious, you’re intrigued, you want to know what he’s thinking, and that’s what texting is all about. Creating a curiosity so the other person texts you back quickly. That’s the key to texting. You need to create enough intrigue so they want to get in contact with you as soon as possible. When they text you back you say, “I can only confess over the phone.”
Now when they call you get to have a full-blown conversation with them, which let’s face it, is what you want in the first place. It’s a great way to reconnect with a man who hasn’t answered your texts in a while. It’s also a great way to monitor a man’s interest in you. If he texts you right away, he’s obviously interested in what you have to say. If there’s no response then chances are he’s not interested in having any contact with you at all. It’s a useful way to weed out the men who aren’t all that committed to connecting with you.
Do you see where this is heading now?
You see, I have a confession….
(For an even deeper insight into the mind of men, and to discover EXACTLY how we think and feel, check out “What Men Desire” ASAP!)
Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!
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