How To Know If You Are Dating a Loser
Flirting & foreplay are the keys to keeping any man interested — download these 11 flirting & foreplay secrets for FREE and I’ll show you how YOU can be the ONLY woman he desires!
Every day I get an email from somebody that literally breaks my heart.
The email always goes something like this.
I met a great guy.
Several months passed. The man I thought I met, well, he’s just not the same person.
I see so many things that he can be, but he doesn’t seem to see them in himself. David, I don’t know what to do. I’m getting so frustrated because I feel like this man could be everything to me but he’s so lazy and so content being what he is.
Oh, yes. I see this email way too often and it breaks my heart.
So, I’m about to share with you three tips, right now, to know whether you’re dating Mr. Loser.
- Don’t Ignore The Warning Signs
The man you think is such a winner is only a winner in your fantasy driven eye.
I’ve written about this many times before. As a woman, you’re a cheerleader. When you meet somebody, you see a man based on what you want him to be. You’re dating Mr. Potential and ignoring who he really is.
Most of the men you meet, you will probably only go out with for 30 days or less. If you make it further down the road, and the relationship ends, it will be because of the same warning signs that you saw in the first 30 days but chose to ignore.
- Don’t Think That You Can Change Him
Date a man based on who he shows up as, not on what you think he is going to be or could become.
A man is never going to change unless he wants to change.
Men are huge talkers.
It’s amazing how much they can talk about all the things they’re going to do and all the things they’re going to be, but in reality, they are never any of those things.
A lot of men just don’t like to admit the fact that they’re losers, and I use the word loser playfully.
I truly believe nobody is really a loser. Everybody is who they are. Everybody makes decisions about who they want to be and everybody is allowed to live life however they want to live it.
But for reference terms throughout this article I want to use the term Mr. Loser, so you can stay away from that guy.
You can’t date potential anymore. Listen to what he does, listen to what he says and watch the man unfold.
Don’t think about how you can change and mold him into something perfect.
- Don’t Date A Project, Date A Man Who Is Complete
We are all works in progress. Every single one of us is a work in progress.
There are constantly things that need to be changed, and ways to evolve in our lives.
But you need to date somebody exactly how he shows up in the moment. If he’s a man who wants to work on himself you’ll see it in the first 30 days.
As you get to know one another, you’ll watch the way he opens up. You’ll see the way he communicates.
You’ll get to see what he feels about his work and his personal life and how he’s working on himself. You’ll see some concrete results.
If you like what you see in the first 30 days, and you feel like you’re with a man who is actually working on himself, that he’s somebody who doesn’t have loser mentality, then you won’t have a project.
The only project we have time for in life, is our self.
We shouldn’t take on another project.
Children are not projects. Dogs and cats are not projects.
The only person you can control is yourself. Yeah sure, you can mold your kids, but in the long run they’re going to have their own brain and become teenagers.
You don’t need to date a teenager. You don’t need to date a man-boy. You don’t need to date somebody who is not ready to go down the road that you’re at right now.
Check out today’s video on how not to date a loser.
The tips above and many others are covered.
I strongly suggest you share this video with your friends. It will be a great topic of conversation when you talk.
Hopefully it will prevent you from getting involved in relationships that no longer serve you, relationships that are no longer great for you and where you are in your life right now.
Check it out and enjoy it.
Flirting & foreplay are the keys to keeping any man interested — download these 11 flirting & foreplay secrets for FREE and I’ll show you how YOU can be the ONLY woman he desires!
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