How To Handle A Threesome
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Ah, the threesome. The Super Bowl of sex for American male.
Actually, I’d say it’s the Super Bowl of sex for any male.
The whole concept behind a threesome is pretty powerful. It’s like this amazing thing that’s been built up in your brain: two hot women going down on one another. So you get to watch. It’s like living a porno. Both of them, then, going down on you. Each one sucking you. The thought! Both girls fucking endlessly on each ball.
No matter what the vision of a threesome is, you don’t need to think about what it’s going to be like. You have to handle how to get there. You see, it’s not about your pleasure. I hate to tell you, but you’re just along for the ride. If you’ve got a woman that’s into the threesome, well I’ve got to tell you something man: it’s got to be her idea and only her idea.
You see, threesomes are a very dangerous street to go down, if you’re going to go down that with a woman that you love. Because what if she sees something in you that night, some primal sexual urge that’s she’s never seen with her, and she sees it with her friend.
Well that’s just basically going to ruin the relationship from this point forward. You need to handle a threesome with allowing her to have the vision. It’s all about her. Everything about it is about her. The whole threesome from head to toe, it’s all about her. It’s all about her in every way, shape and form. It’s all about her, it’s all about her experience, it’s all about everything.
You see, when you have a threesome, it’s about her fantasy, what her fantasy is. You’re just along for the ride, man. You’ve got to make her feel comfortable. And you’ve got to respect her boundaries. If she doesn’t want to see you humping and grinding another woman, then I strongly suggest you don’t do that.
You allow her to come up with the boundaries. You literally ask her, “Hey listen, I’m glad that you agreed to that, it’s always been my fantasy and I’m happy that I get to live my fantasy, thank you so much for doing that, now what are the boundaries?”
The boundaries are very important. If you don’t set up the boundaries, guess what’s going to happen? A threesome is going to turn into a mess-some. It’s going to be extremely messy, it’s going to be extremely ugly, and it’s also not going to be something that’s going to work out for any one of you, because you may blow a great relationship just because you want to have something that is in your fantasy zone.
So, I strongly suggest you tread with caution as you venture down that path of having this incredible threesome that you’ve always dreamt of.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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