Break Up With A Woman Like A Man!
Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail” openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.
I had a great question from a subscriber yesterday. How do you break up with a woman? Is there a right way to break up with someone? Some of you might even be in relationships now that you know need to end. Sometimes ending a relationship feels like the hardest thing in the world to do. You don’t want to hurt her, and you think she’s going to struggle without you. You keep waiting for the right time.
You don’t want to break up with her now because it’s her birthday coming up. You don’t want to break up with her next month because summer’s here. You don’t want to do it around September because that’s the anniversary of her Grandmother’s death. You know what I’m talking about. You keep finding excuses not to break up with her, even though you know deep down she’s no good for you. Even though you’re unhappy in the relationship, you stay with her, sometimes for years longer than you want.
I’m not pointing fingers either because I’ve done it. We’ve all done it. I was with a woman once, and I knew I had to end it. It was a long time ago, and I’d say I stayed with her for two years longer than I should. I knew we weren’t right together, and I couldn’t make her happy, but I felt so bad about letting her down. She was so nice to me. She’d have done anything for me.
Why You Need To Tell Her It’s Over NOW!
I just knew I didn’t love her enough, and I was doing her an injustice being with her. Yet I remained in relationship because I felt bad for her. All I really did was waste two years of her life. I wasted two years of her life she’d never get back. I also wasted two years of my life being inauthentic and not allowing myself to meet a woman who would have made me happy.
I was young at the time, and it’s like I could sit here and try to rationalize or make excuses, but there isn’t one. You need to end relationships the moment you know it’s not right for you. I know how hard it is. There have been a million songs about it over the years. Probably the biggest one was Neil Sedaka’s old classic, “Breaking Up Is Hard To Do.” I’ve put the video of it down below for you to hear.
I know how difficult it is to let someone down, but you need to do it for both your sakes. They’ll survive. In fact, they’ll probably be far better off if you break up with them now instead of waiting another two or three years, and stealing time from them. Be authentic, be honest with yourself, be honest with your partner, and admit to yourself that it’s time to say goodbye. I know it won’t be easy. It’s never nice hurting someone, but in the end, it’s the best thing for both of you!
Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail” openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.
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