Happy Birthday To Me!
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday dear David.
Happy Birthday to me.
You know, it’s funny. That birthday song is a song I’ve always hated. I really cringe when people sing the birthday song to me. Whenever I go to a birthday party and the birthday song is sung, I always mouth it.
My mother, who has already called me, sung the birthday song to me on the phone. She always likes to be the first one to wish me a happy birthday.
The funniest Happy Birthday song ever was the one in Woody Allen’s newest movie. Larry David actually sings Happy Birthday to himself, over and over again while he’s washing his hands. It’s one of the funniest scenes I’ve seen in a movie — very Larry David, very irritating.
Today is my birthday. Sonja and I are actually away at a lake. It’s beautiful, gorgeous and the best way to celebrate my birthday.
When I woke up this morning, I had a realization. I thought, “Wow! I’m old.” So Sonja thought it would be a great idea (considering my age) if we took a water aerobics class. So here I am up at the lake off to do a water aerobics class I can see it now — just me, Sonja and some 80 year old woman. I can’t wait to see the Golden Girl who will be teaching the class.
So last night, I did my annual year in review. I take my final two hours of the year and look at what’s happened during the preceding year.
After doing that, I have something I want to share with everyone. What’s the point of going to meet people and processing all your past relationships if you’re not open 100% to true love? Because, really, that’s what it is all about.
I have to tell you that the hard work you are all doing is so worth it when you find someone you can love with all your heart and being. Everything I teach to all of you I practice in my own life and no matter what gifts I get today on my birthday, I’ve already received the greatest gift ever: the gift of love.
What do I want for my birthday? Well, I already have everything that I want. I’ve got a great business. I’ve got great people who work with me. I’ve got great clients who come to take Bootcamps. I’ve got great customers who buy my products. I’ve got fantastic readers.
I enjoy reading all your comments, and on my birthday today I want to thank all of you for posting over the last year. I enjoy every single post on the blog.
Now, don’t think because it’s my birthday that I’m skipping the Wednesday podcast. In fact, I have a very special podcast for all of you about the power of the mind.
I truly believe that everyone’s mind is so powerful that you can create whatever life you want. Whatever life you want to live is there for you.
The problem is that people suffer from a disease called “Excusaphobia.” I’m not talking about exes, I’m talking about excuses.
I don’t believe in excuses. I believe that you can create the most powerful life and heal everything about your life. Everything in your life is there for you to live. It’s all a matter if you make that choice.
So on my birthday today, I’m going to share with you some very powerful affirmations and very powerful mantras. This podcast is a special birthday podcast where I share with you my year in review, but I also share with you some very personal topics that will help you explode your life over the next year.
Once again, thank you all for the a great year, and for all the birthday wishes that are coming all day long.
To listen to today’s podcast click here:
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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