Forget Your Ex – Why Women Are Like A Good Wine!
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
If you still haven’t got over ex-girlfriends, your chances of settling down with another woman are slim and none. Here’s why. The other day I was flirting with this woman. She was friendly, she was sweet, and she was cute too. Then all of a sudden, I realized she seriously reminded me of a woman I was dating back in 2006. I started thinking to myself, “Isn’t it weird how most the women I meet remind me of someone I was already with?”
I was flirting with a woman at a party a couple of weeks ago, and she reminded me of an ex-girlfriend from 1993. I met a woman in a coffee shop and she reminded me of another old girlfriend. I started to realize in many ways, women are like wine, but with one big difference. With wine, most the time you want something that mellows with age. Some wines are amazing once they’ve sat for years maturing. With women, what you really want is something that was uncorked that year, and made just for you.
Why “Getting Back With Your Ex Is Unhealthy
What do I mean? Let’s go deeper into it. You want to meet a woman who is so 2014. You see, no matter how old she is, every year of her life she learns something new. She turns moments into memories. She learns from all her past relationship. She learns and grows as a person. If you’re dating someone who reminds you of someone you dated in 2006, it means you haven’t embraced a lesson you needed to learn back then. Now you’re comparing this new woman to the ex.
Some of you might be thinking, there’s nothing wrong with dating someone who reminds you of an ex. There are wonderful qualities in everyone you’ve dated in the past. You should embrace every old relationship. Embrace the positives, learn from the negatives, and embrace the beautiful lessons handed to you.
But if someone makes you feel like you’re going back in time, or like you’re treading old ground, what happens is you leave the moment. You stop being present, and you fall back into old habits and old mindsets. You become caught up in the past. We should all be dating women who make us feel like it’s 2014. It doesn’t matter how old she is. It doesn’t even matter if she reminds you of an ex. As long as she doesn’t send you spinning backwards into your memories. Think about that the next time you meet a woman. Does she make you feel like you’re meeting someone new, or do you feel like you’re getting back with your ex?
If she makes you feel like you’re meeting the ex all over again, maybe you need to think twice about getting close to her until you deal with the past.
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
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