First Impressions
Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail” openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.
First impressions mean absolutely nothing.
All of us think to ourselves, “Oh, if I were only taller…” Do you know that my entire life I’ve wanted to be shorter? I’m 6’2” – and I hate it. If I put on a pair of cowboy boots, I’m 6’3 ½” – there are photos where I’m just towering over everybody.
I have a bunch of Asian coaches – Yakub’s 5’6”, Khiem is 5’10” (he’s pretty tall for an Asian,) and Rey’s 5’8” on a good day – and here’s the Jolly Green Giant, towering over all of them. I have some funny-ass pictures of that.
I always wanted to be like 5’10”. If I was 5’10”, I could wear my jeans a little bit tighter, my legs wouldn’t be as skinny. There’s a major insecurity for me – my skinny legs.
And I wouldn’t have to worry about finding a pair of jeans that were long enough for me. It’s like, Jesus, if they shrink up a quarter of an inch, I’m done for!
But we all have these insecurities. People are always emailing me, saying, “Oh my god, I’m really short – what am I going to do?”
The answer is nothing! You’re not going to walk over to women and say to them, “Hey, I’m the short guy – you don’t want to date me!”
Let me tell you something: women are flexible. Some women, like my girlfriend, are very visual: all of her ex-boyfriends look the exact same. They are tall and in shape…she definitely has a type.
I have a type. My type is always very athletic women. When it comes down to hair color and everything else, I could care less.
But most women are all over the map. “My last boyfriend was French, and I thought I hated the French!” “My last boyfriend was an Asian guy, I’d never dated an Asian guy before then…”
And Asian guys totally have blond fever. I have tons of male Asian friends that won’t date Asian women. But I have a ton of male white friends who LOVE Asian women!
We all have a certain type, but women are much more open to new things. If you come at them with energy and confidence, you can change her. She may not like guys that are 5’7” – her “type” might be guys that are 6’2”. But if you come at her with a larger-than-life attitude and you turn her on – if you’re quick and you listen to her – all of a sudden she’ll become attracted to you.
And then her friends are saying, “Oh my god, you never dated a short guy before,” and she responds, “He’s short?”
They don’t see the things that we see. Men, we are SO critical it is ridiculous. If a woman has cellulite, we notice it. We really do. We’re fucked up like that!
Have you ever dated a woman who had one boob bigger than the other? I have. And I saw it all the time – hello big guy, hello little guy! We always notice stuff like that. And the younger we are, the more we notice things and the more critical we are.
And the fact is that women are not like that. We have to realize that women are much more evolved than we are! We’re way too superficial. This is why women freak the fuck out all of the time. God forbid they have a little stubble on their legs. God forbid their hair doesn’t look right.
But the competition they feel when they see airbrushed women in magazines and don’t feel as stick-thin… Think about all of the things that women go through, and be more accepting.
Not only are they under a microscope from the competition with other women in magazines and their friends, but they also know how fucked up we are as a species. They know how critical we are of them.
So just realize that you can rescue them from all of that by being strong, powerful, accepting, and by making them feel beautiful. Doing this will be the first thing that ever gets them to be attracted to you.
Now I’m not talking about walking over there with some cheesy line like, “You’re beautiful!” Definitely not. I’m talking about the way you talk to them, the way you listen to them.
You know what’s it like – she comes home, she had a shitty day, you wanted to have sex, but you know it’s not going to happen now. She had a shitty day, and now you have to go into listening mode all night and do things that you didn’t want to do.
If you do that, you become that much more attractive to her, so that the very next day, the sex is going to be so much better. Because you gave her what she needed that night, you’ll become that man that she always wanted.
Do that in every situation. Be open to her suggestions. I’m not talking about being a wuss or a wimp, but if you say, “Hey, let’s go see a movie tonight, I’ve really been wanting to see this one,” and she says, “Oh man, I’m not in the mood for that tonight,” then you can respond, “Alright, babe, what are you in the mood for?”
If you do her thing tonight, sure enough, she’ll go see your movie the next day. Hell, she’ll even watch the football game with you the next day!
It’s about feeling her needs from the get-go. You are every woman’s perfect man if you listen to her needs.
It’s not about how we look; it’s about how we act. Now of course you can’t go out like scratching your nuts and rocking the sweatpants on a date – you have to at least fit the mold in that manner.
But you have to understand that all of you have the capacity to do all this – it’s all about listening. Listen and make her feel wonderful!
Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail” openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.
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