1.7 million men & women come to me every month to find the secrets to success. And after 20 years of coaching, I’ve discovered the golden keys to success in dating, business, health and wellness, and life.
I’ve helped millions of men and women around the globe achieve success in their dating, social and personal lives. I’m also a father to the world’s cutest little girl, and I am an unapologetic man. Some say I’m nuts, others say I’ve changed their life forever. One thing’s for certain: I’ll always give you the truth, whether you can handle it or not. I never sugar coat anything.
Nice is so overrated. I’d prefer brutally honest breakthrough to a “nice” rut any damn day of the week. If you’re the same way, then you've come to the right place.
Ha ha, your video made me laugh and it is true it is nice when a guy asks rather than wondering around aimlessly and as a woman your feet start to ache from the heels, your patience starts to wane. But what's even hotter is if he had found one prior to the date, just in case and booked it. So when you get there you know you are also definitely going to get a table!
I know this isn't blog related but I want to thank you for answering my question on dude panel. thanks a bunch luv u but you know you were right on with that answer. Back to writing my book luv u bunches...take care
Hi David, I'm listening to the Men's Mastery series and you mention a visual that you have when you approach a woman where you imagine that their fantasizing about you. You also say that if I ask you about this you'll send me 5 others examples of it. Well I'm asking! :)
Thank You!
I was (and still am technically) married many, many years to a man who would never ask where anything was. He said it made him look like he didn't know anything. Asking where a good restaurant is doesn't mean you don't know anything, just that you don't know where a good restaurant is. Nobody holds this against you. I tried telling him this in so many sweet ways (gradually less so), but he had no clue.
So I would end up doing the choosing, he would feel like I was emasculating him, when all I was trying to do was find a place to eat. I'm fortunate that most men I've dated are more decisive. I wouldn't like it if a man didn't let me have some input, but depending on the guy, I might crush his ego if I start out with all the suggestions.
Guys, don't blame a woman for making you feel like a pussy when you act like one.
Sorry, if I sounded bitter. I just have painful memories.
To add, from a woman's perspective, while I don't feel this is a turn on, a man's being decisive wastes less time and prevents a woman from thinking, "Hmm, I could be home washing laundry right now."
Being indecisive makes a woman start wondering if there are better things she could be doing, like laundry, floors or another man.
it's because he's hot. If I did the same thing she'd go to the restaurant with me and then live and get offended if I try to even touch her and accuse me of trying to buy sex.
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