Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
Happy Sunday Everyone.
Today you are going to enjoy an audio that i recorded for you about sexual tension and a video that takes the audio a step further.
I figure its a Sunday and visual and audio is far more fun than reading today!!
Have a great Day.
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
About David
1.7 million men & women come to me every month to find the secrets to success. And after 20 years of coaching, I’ve discovered the golden keys to success in dating, business, health and wellness, and life.
I’ve helped millions of men and women around the globe achieve success in their dating, social and personal lives. I’m also a father to the world’s cutest little girl, and I am an unapologetic man. Some say I’m nuts, others say I’ve changed their life forever. One thing’s for certain: I’ll always give you the truth, whether you can handle it or not. I never sugar coat anything.
Nice is so overrated. I’d prefer brutally honest breakthrough to a “nice” rut any damn day of the week. If you’re the same way, then you've come to the right place.
I like the way you put among the tags of your video the names PUA, Neil Strauss and Lance Mason :-) So funny!
My weekend was great, went on a date (she invited me over the house for dinner with her friends) with an older woman (she is like 35, Im gonna be 25 very soon).
She is more secure, the conversation is different. Need to figure out how to play the game with older women though.
P.S. Somehow I dont hear that much from the video. The bar is crowded and even you scream a lot its hard to hear. Maybe subtitles?? :-)
Have a great day and keep up!
Older women... her house w her friends... you need to hang around until the friends start leaving. Very naturally you say bye to people, but you stay, like you belong. When all her friends leave, and the 2 of you are alone... she will "attack you".
we went together to the house of her friend. Had a great time eating, talking, singing etc...And then at 3am went home. And I don't feel like being needy to inviting myself over her house. We just kissed on cheeks (like Spaniards normally do) and went home to sleep.
We bond a lot, attend yoga together (we met at yoga actually).
I let it flow, its new for me. She is well put together, working.
Or should I make a move and ask her to teach me some tricks, be her young bunny...lol
Great video Dave. Women are sooooo attracted to that type of playful teasing in all situations. At the bar, at the cafe, on the street, where ever. And NEVER PLAY IT SAFE. You have nothing to lose in the first place. If you screw it up, who cares, she doesn't know you, you don't know her, NEXT cute girl is up. It's a learning process : ) and you guys will watch mine the whole way, check tomorrow. Speak to you guys soon
that an intersting thing about the touching, i and true i see with guys all the time. i'm very affectionate for a guy, for i tend to touch when i'm talking or intersted in a women... and sometime i still get in that mind set, that i shouldnt touch her... and thank Lexi for the input...David is that lexi Bright, our old blog friend and co writer of the blog "Sophisticated Relationships" looks like her...and by way her intellect...sure sounds like her....
My weekend....hmmm...I've had a fever off and on for about three days now for no reason. My friend Marty from across the country tells me its all the pent up sexy hotness. Its gotta get out somehow...lol. So I've been really tired and just trying to keep up this weekend. Went to work and had a really great day!
Okay, maybe I just haven't gotten over junior high yet, but I balk at the phrase "playful teasing" everytime someone on this blog says it.
Playful, yes -- I am all for playful. Hell, one of the items on my list of things I want in a guy is that he be the type of fella that would wrestle with me or climb trees with me. So playful, heck yeah. But the "teasing" element makes me nervous.
I just think this idea might be a bit too subjective for some guys. Plus, just the definitions of the word "tease" are quite varied. I took the liberty of looking it up on www.webster.com in an effort to better illustrate my point. Here's what Webster said:
"Main Entry: 1 tease
Pronunciation: 'tez
Function: transitive verb
"1 a: to disentangle and lay parallel by combing or carding b: teasel
"2: to tear in pieces; especially : to shred (a tissue or specimen) for microscopic examination
"3 a: to disturb or annoy by persistent irritating or provoking especially in a petty or mischievous way b: to annoy with petty persistent requests : pester; also : to obtain by repeated coaxing c: to persuade to acquiesce especially by persistent small efforts : coax d: to manipulate or influence as if by teasing e: to make fun of : kid
"4: to comb (hair) by taking hold of a strand and pushing the short hairs toward the scalp with the comb
"5: to tantalize especially by arousing desire or curiosity often without intending to satisfy it"
Now, obviously definitions 1, 2 and 4 aren't what David is talking about. So lets look a bit further into definitions 3 a-e and definition 5.
"3 a: to disturb or annoy by persistent irritating or provoking especially in a petty or mischievous way" -- Now hopfully this isn't what your idea of teasing is. Especially if you hope to gain the favor of a lady.
"3 b: to annoy with petty persistent requests : pester; also : to obtain by repeated coaxing" -- Again, this definition sounds like the opposite of what would work with a woman...very needy and annoying. Kind of like a persistant child.
"3 c: to persuade to acquiesce especially by persistent small efforts : coax" -- Coax you say? Well I like the sound of that. It makes me think of Definition 5.
"3 d: to manipulate or influence as if by teasing" -- holy vague definition, Batman. I don't quite follow this one, "as if," huh?
"3 e: to make fun of : kid" -- Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. This definitly triggers those junior high flashbacks. I don't want to be made fun of or picked on. If a guy makes fun of me it will be repellant, not attractive.
Now, as for definition five "5: to tantalize especially by arousing desire or curiosity often without intending to satisfy it" I really like the sounds of that. And it sounds rather David to me.
So, I'm sure David goes into great detail as to what constitutes "playful teasing" in his boot camps and products. But let me just warn you guys teasing can have a lot of definitions and if you go into a bar and start picking on a girl it will not go well.
For example. I have a friend who has a Georgia Bulldogs bumper sticker on her truck. She recently ran into a guy who (I think) was trying to playfully tease her. He did not do a good job.
He started ribbing her about how much the Bulldogs sucked and basically attacked her team -- a team that she cares deeply about or she wouldn't have branded her truck with their logo.
It wasn't playful enough and it was definitly too much like definition 3 a. It was like telling her her kids were ugly or that she was fat. It was offensive. And he suffered for the offence.
Suffice it to say she avoids talking to that man whenever possible.
So David, which definition of teasing best fits what you intend when you say, "playful teasing?"
Yeah I see what you mean, but often times when I'm teased is when I come up with my best stuff, and he's gotta have big shoulders because my family was a big bunch of teasers. If you got your feelers hurt, you needed to buck up and put on your big girl panties. For example, the new surgeon made some remark that was teasing similar to what your saying, but I hope he wasn't wearing his underoos today because I came back with a reference to his retreating hairline calling him a smoothie.....a nice double entendre beings that he's laying out all his best moves for every nurse who doesn't shave their face. It was actually kinda fun cause pretty much all he does is talk about himself.
With all due respect Bertie, I don't date men who are mean. You may call it teasing, but picking on someone is being mean to them. It's a passive-agressive and nasty way to behave. And it's not attractive.
I'm glad you had fun picking on that guy. In fact, it sounds like he needed to get put in his place. But it also doesn't sound like you like him much -- or that you are attracted to him.
I don't think advising people to pick on one another is a good way to proceed romantically because it will automatically turn off a large portion of the female population. (And vice-versa I imagine.)
To the teasing tangent- Recently, I had the unfortunate experience of being sought after by a man I work with. He's a nice guy, and when I first met him, he was so funny and so sweet. But the subsequent times we hung out (we were working the same event and he chose to sit with me), he spent the whole time "teasing" me. I say teasing because I think to him, he was ribbing me. But he completely and totally came off as trying to one-up me and be better than everything I said.
About a month later, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and went to dinner with him. Big. Mistake. The meal started to revolve around what he could pick on me for. When I started getting fed up and retaliating (though with a bit more fire than he), he took it as a challenge. But I was on a roll and ripped him several new ones, with no shame at how mean I was probably getting. STILL, he took it as a challenge!!
It took three months and no return texts or calls for him to figure out that no, I don't have time to drop what I'm doing and get drinks with you, you should probably shove off.
On the flip side, *playful* teasing can be an excellent gap-closing method, something like what DW did and make it a friendly (that being the key word) bet. Don't bet because you want to win, bet because you want to see her smile, make her laugh. I do agree with CJ, but only if the picking on is done crudely, rudely or without tact. if you tease, rib or bet with intent to win, you've already lost.
There's a difference between being teasing and being mean. I wasn't particularly mean. Perhaps a bit, and if said surgeon could shut up about himself for five minutes and actually be genuine, he would probably be an ok guy. Yes, sometimes you're going to cross the line and be taken wrong, but that's also where the communication part comes in. We actually had a half way decent conversation on the evils of caffeine vs the taste of decaf coffee today. I don't know, I suppose I over look a lot of stuff like that because of how I was raised. As my kids say all the time, I just don't get all butt hurt over it. I've never dated anyone more than once who tried to one up me. That keeping up with the Jones' just doesn't impress me. Usually its trying to prove they're smart enough to keep up with me.
A challenge is one thing. For example, David puts out a playful dare here and there and I think that is definitly effective. But the teases he describes are usually enticements.
If he makes fun of anything it often seems to be the situations. For example, in one of his blogs about approach anxiety he suggested going up to the girl and gently teasing her about having "approach anxiety."
While this move will put a girl on the defensive it isn't really an offensive thing to say. (I don't know if would work onme though. I'd probably just tell the guy, "If approach anxiety is me being anxious at the idea you would come over here, yeah you're right. I was hoping you wouldn't." Or I might say, "No, I just don't want to talk to you.") And the comment pokes a bit of fun at the whole "meeting at a bar" situation.
At any rate I don't respond well to being picked on -- and it doesn't matter why that is. It is always a dealbreaker. I DO NOT date ment who pick on me or rib me or one-up me, or any of those things. I date guys who are nice to me. And I doubt I an the only woman out there with this criteia.
Bertie, maybe your surgeoon keeps talking about himself because he's insecure?
I'm certain he is. I'm also certain that he has no idea how to talk to women who are offended by being considered arm/eye candy. With the opener that David suggested, I'd never respond with a I didn't want to talk to you, unless the next words out of his mouth were "You'd be lucky to go home with me." Even if I was just there to have a drink with a friend. I'd probably say, here's my phone put your number in and I'll call you for coffee and some more approach anxiety...soon.I just wouldn't dismiss a guy with enough cajones to come up and try to open two women. Which is what a guy would be doing if you're there with a friend, but I'm a bit older and I live in the outback and I would be thrilled if a guy actually had something more interesting than Hey baby to say.
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