I’ve got a car buying obsession. As inflation goes up and the cost of living goes up, every year I get out of a car lease on swap-a-lease.

Side note: swap-a-lease is one of the greatest things in the entire world; you put it up and somebody else grabs it and you get out of your lease.

I just got a 335i Gran Turismo.

I truly believe in life, you can have what you want when you want it, so you don’t need to stay with cars forever. You can swap out of things. I was paying $525 a month for it, which happened to be a great deal. My nickname is the grinder because I’m really good at grinding deals from cars.

I don’t put money down, I don’t pull money out of my pocket at all and I tell them straightforward, right from the get-go. That’s my negotiation: I will not put money down and I will get the best possible deal.

The past couple years, I’ve flirted with getting a red car.

Now, I’m not a red car guy.

I’ve been silver.

I’ve been black.

And I’ve been predominantly gray with a white car thrown in.

But there’s something about a red car that makes a statement to the rest of the world.

A lot of guys think that, if they get a red car, women aren’t going to like it.

Well, that’s hogwash.

It’s the man who drives the car, not the color of the car.

A red car is a statement car that basically says you just don’t give a rats ass about what other people think.

You don’t care.

You don’t care if it stands out.

You don’t care what it says because you’re making a statement about yourself and that’s really how a red car always speaks to me.

Anybody can do black. Anybody can do white.

But not anybody can just cruise in a red car. There are certain cars that look great in red, and there are certain cars that don’t.

Now, you might know that red cars are the hardest car for the dealers to sell and have the worst resale value.

So you lease a red car. You do not buy a red car.

Red cars on the used car market sit longer and they’re usually cheaper than a car that’s even older with more miles.

That’s what red cars are all about.

Black cars, white cars sell in a day.

So right now, I’m looking at new cars and I’m actually getting a Volvo.

Oh, people are probably thinking, that’s a conservative car.

Well, I’ve been a BMW guy for so long. I’ve had every BMW series. I’ve had the 3, I’ve had the 4, I’ve had the 5 and I’ve had the 7. The only thing I’ve skipped is the 6. I’ve driven the M235i because I borrowed my friend’s.

I’ve had every type of BMW and I’m at the point right now where I’m breaking up with BMW.


Because in life, I want to do something different.

I want to make another statement.

I looked at a Jeep Grand Cherokee and that wasn’t enough of a statement for me.

I love the Volvo and I’m going to tell you why:

  1. For one, I think the Volvo has amazing lines.
  2. Two, there’s not as many of them on the road.
  3. And three, even though they might be conservative cars, when you black out the windows and you put gray rims on them, they stand out and they’re the most comfortable cars you will ever drive in your life. And at this point in my life, comfort is so important.

So I’m Volvo’ing out and I’m loving it. As for the model I’ll get, I’m not quite sure yet. It’s either the XC6, X60, XC60 or the S90.

The seats are like having sex.

A car speaks about who you are and where you are at life. It should tell people what you’re about.

I’ve owned every type of car imaginable and I love to drive and I like to get on the road and I enjoy being in my car. I don’t put many miles on it, but my car’s really been my statement and I never care what other people think.

I never cared what they thought about my color or the style of my car at all, because my car represents me and what I’m about, and I’m not about hiding who I am.

So, what does your car say about you?