Can I Be Superman?
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
I want to be “Superman.” No, I’m not talking about wanting to become a superhero who can leap tall buildings in a single bound. I’m just deciding what nickname I might choose if I decide to become a member of the pickup community.
All of you who are familiar with what I teach know I am joking. In all seriousness, though, one of the things I dislike most about the pickup community is the fact that a lot of the guys who sell products teaching these methods are nothing more than marketers. They’re like The Wizard Of Oz – weak men who hide behind a curtain of empty words that don’t mean anything because they’ve never lived the life they teach.
They’ve never coached the life they teach. So if you are going to buy someone’s products, you need to go to someone who has actually coached real people and who has actually dealt with the issues that his methods claim to solve.
Not only that, the nickname component of the pickup methods has always bothered me. It’s just really so juvenile. A grown man wants to be called “Superman?!” It’s literally like Clark Kent who is Superman.
So you have John Smith calling himself “Phantom Dater 2175.” I guess it’s not good enough for him just to be John Smith. John Smith needs to be somebody important, so he must create a superhero out of John Smith by using a nickname.
You have got to stand behind your name. You have got to stand behind who you are as a person.
A lot of these guys in the seduction (pickup) community don’t stand behind their real names. They don’t stand behind them because they don’t want women to know what they do, because what they are basically doing is teaching men to do things of which they are not proud.
They are teaching men to be seducers. They are teaching men to be players. They are teaching men to be assholes. I feel that any guy who uses a nickname might as well just call himself Ironman, Batman or any other superhero character he wanted to be as a child.
I mean, when I was a little boy I wanted to be Joe Namath. I wanted to become him because I wanted to become that powerful man. Now, as an adult, I just want to be the most powerful version of ME.
I don’t ever want to be called a nickname, except maybe “Honey,” “Baby” . . . and “Oh My God!” during sex. Any other name is not worth the time or the effort.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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