There’s this great old Bobby Darren song called Beyond The Sea. It was part of the Finding Nemo’s soundtrack, but the song’s been around for almost 60 years.
It’s one of my favorite songs and it’s a great song for a few reasons, because it allows me to really understand what women say to me on a daily basis.
I don’t want to go out there again.
That’s a phrase used by women when they describe the thought of having to date again.
They call it “out there.”
They of course is you, so let me start using that in this post.
You don’t want to go out there again.
It’s terrible out there. We might as well just start calling it beyond the sea.
Because it will make it more amusing if you think about it.
What is “beyond the sea?”
Nobody really knows. Nobody really knows what’s beyond the sea, nobody really knows what’s at the bottom of the ocean unless they’ve been there with cameras, but they haven’t covered every inch, so nobody truly really knows exactly what “beyond the sea” really means.
But yet when it comes down to women dating and going out there, well, they’re just not happy about it. So a lot of women will hold onto relationships for as long as they possibly can because they don’t want to go out there again, so they stay with what doesn’t work because if they go back out there it might get worse.
That’s a pretty shitty mindset if you ask me.
To me, going out there means that you have opportunity to actually find something you’ve never found before, not something that’s worse.
It’s not settling for something that’s mediocre. And yet, so many people settle in their love lives for mediocrity on a daily basis. Mediocrity is something that a lot of people settle for because they feel like they don’t deserve anything better at all. Mediocrity is something that is, well, safe. Mediocrity is something that they accept.
Mediocrity is something that they, well, have no choice but to take.
Out there, what exactly is out there mean? What does out there mean? It sounds so daunting to me when somebody says they don’t want to go back out there again. But really in reality, out there is the only way to be because you’re not going to find somebody unless you go back out there. You have to go back out there in order to find that great person.
You have no choice. Nobody’s going to hand you love on a silver platter.
No one’s going to hand you anything except more heartache unless you go back out there again.
Think about that next time you complain about going back out there. Realize that out there beyond the sea is the only way that you’re going to find the man that you’re meant to be with.
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