Be Like Clinton By David Wygant

Why are women so attracted to men of power? Have you ever watched Bill Clinton walk around a room and talk to people? Have you ever gone to a networking event and the mayor of your town was radiating with energy, so much so that every woman was attracted to him and people were lining up to speak with him?

What men fail to realize is that women are attracted to non-verbal clues that radiate when you walk into a room. Let’s talk deeper about talking like Clinton and what it means in the dating world.

A man will go to a friend’s house with a steak. That man will then show his friend the steak, and visually they will drool together. Conversely, if a woman shows her friend that same steak, they will talk about the journey of the steak, how to prepare the steak, what the steak is feeling right now . . . Once again, women are all about the energy that the steak is projecting. Men are visual . . . they just want to eat the steak.

So how does this tie into wanting to be like Bill Clinton? The first thing you need to do to understand this theory, is to watch Bill Clinton work an event. Google him. Go to and watch how he works a room.

Attraction works based upon what you’re doing in the moment. In order to create irresistible attraction, you need to give your best 30-45 seconds to everyone you meet. When Bill Clinton walks into a room, he embraces everyone in his path. He listens to everybody and what they have to say. Then he pauses for a second, and responds based on what they said. When the conversation is over, other people will have been watching this interaction and conversation that occurred, and they will be aching for the opportunity to talk to him.

Men are hunters . . . they look at women like a piece of meat and go in for the kill. Women are observers. Women watch everything that’s going on, and get attracted to men to whom other people are attracted. The art of attraction in a woman starts in her mind based on what she’s seeing around her. When a woman sees a man utilizing the power of Clinton, she is not only watching this man walk around the room and seeing his power, but she is also seeing other people’s reactions during their interaction with him.

What most men do when they’re working a room, is becoming fixated with the target. In order to create intense attraction wherever you are, you need to be able to embrace the power of Clinton. With everybody that crosses your path, you need to give them the best 30-45 second conversation that they’ve had that day. You need to make people feel special no matter what. Bill Clinton has an irresistible attractiveness based upon this principle.

If you desire to create this kind of irresistible attraction to you, you need to study the great speakers of this world to see how they turn on everybody in their path. What most men fail to realize is that attraction is being built second by second with each encounter you have, which will ultimately lead to the conversation with the person you really want to attract.

Since the days of high school, women have been attracted to men that everybody else wants. In order for you to be attractive like that man, you need to learn how to become that man. The first step is to learn how to work the room, and to speak and listen to everybody that’s around you. The people that truly listen are the ones that truly connect. Most men don’t listen and when they walk away from a woman, another woman has watched this encounter and saw the look of non-connection on the other woman’s face. This is one of the reasons why when you later approach that woman, she has already lost her attraction to you. The best lesson is to learn how to give your best 30 seconds. Do this for a week, and then build up to 45 seconds.

The power of connecting with all these people in a room is that all of the sudden and like magic, the person you’re attracted to will want to approach you . . . instead of you having to approach them.

There are great places to do this and bond with people all over:

1) Get to know the person that serves you coffee at Starbucks
2) Get to know the person who scans your food at the grocery store
3) Get to know the person who makes your sandwich at the sandwich shop
4) Get to know the clerk at the bookstore
5) Get to know the person who works the front desk at your gym

By giving these people the best 30 seconds every time you seen them, other people will be attracted to you immediately, because they did not get the reaction you did from the people in these places, and they’ll want to know what’s so special about you – they’ll be curious about you.

You’re using the power of Clinton to create your own hype. You need to create excitement whenever you’re around. And by listening to people, you actually have follow-up things to talk about the next time you see them.

For instance, you’re in line in the grocery store next to a woman to whom you are attracted. You have no idea what to say to this woman, but you’ve previously talked to the person scanning the groceries at least fifteen times and you know that she is a big “Lost” fan. It happens to be Thursday morning. You look at grocery clerk and say: “Did you see it last night?” And they say “Yes!!” (all excited). You then proceed to get into a heated discussion about “Lost” that’s animated and passionate. Now, during this discussion, the woman next to you in the line is watching you bond with the grocery clerk, and she starts to feel more comfortable with you as each second passes. She does not have this connection with the grocery clerk, and human nature will make her wonder what it is about you that’s so amazing. At this point, she will either jump into the conversation not wanting to feel left out, or you can turn to her and say “Are you a fan of the show also, or did we just ruin the episode for you?”

Once you’ve mastered the power of Clinton, i.e., listening to people, gathering information and giving them the best 30-45 seconds, you will be able to bring others into these conversations and women will be lining up to speak to you! Wouldn’t you like to live that style of living every day?

Lets look deeper into what happens when i coached Adil from London and how he was able to use this to his advantage.