Are You An SHK Person?
Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail” openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.
You know what SHK stands for? It’s a Should-Have-Known person. We do this to ourselves every day of our lives.
We do it when we eat something bad for breakfast. “Ugh, I shouldn’t have had those greasy eggs this morning, man. They made my stomach feel horrible. I really shouldn’t have had that doughnut. If I didn’t have that doughnut a couple hours ago, I wouldn’t feel this way right now.”
“I shouldn’t have bet on the Jets again. I knew they were going to lose. I’m just throwing my money away.”
You know, we do this every single day in all aspects of our lives. “I never should have made that business investment. I should have made that phone call earlier. I really should have left on time for that meeting. “
It’s in everything. In life, every single one of us has a “should have done that” moment.
“Shouldn’t have dated that person. That’s the wrong type of person for me. Why do I keep dating that type of person?”
“I never should have slept with that person. I can’t believe I did. Why did I call that person back? I know better than that.”
Here’s the deal: If you know better, then why do you continue to do it? The reason why you continue to do it is because you don’t trust yourself. You’ve never really taken the time to get to know yourself and accept yourself.
We all make mistakes, every single day. Every day we make mistakes left and right. That fact is never going to change. But if you want to start minimizing your mistakes, if you want to stop your crazy bad decision-making, what you’ve got to do is start understanding the mistakes that you’re making. And then you’ve got to start recognizing when those same situations start to come up again.
There are too many good things that you can have in your life, too many good moments that you could be experiencing but you’re missing out on them. Every single time you touch a scalding hot pan, you tell yourself that you’re never going to do it again, right? But what happens?
It’s time to wake up. You know better.
Nervous around beautiful women? Download my 10 best “no-fail” openers that WILL have her handing you her phone number tonight.
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